Daily Check in Wednesday December 2, 2015


Good morning everyone,

Today I woke up around 4am and felt too awake to sleep!

My workout today was Power Hour - I haven't done this one in ages. It was really good. Next I did some TTapp and some Cassey Ho.

It's hump day.
oooohhhh i used to do Power Hour a lot. i might have to pull it out this month cause I need more weight work than Cathe's december's rotation is scheduled for.

today, was ROKO. I feel so tough after doing this one.

Whooop Whooop It's hump day!!!!!
Hi gals,

Well, due to my son not getting up the first time I called him, we did not make it to the gym this morning. But I had already done 31 min. of the Fat Blasting Taebo workout holding my 2 pound weights instead of using a band. So I at least got a workout in despite not going to the gym.

Have a great day, another dreary wet one here today.
Hi ladies, yesterday no time to train, it was my dad's last day in hospital. Today I did ches back and shoulder and a little bit of abs fron cxtrain express. Nice mix of exercises
Hi ladies,

Today was Cathe Live Low Impact Step and Strength as a sub for X10 circuit workout.

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