Daily check-in Wednesday 9 Feb


Goooooood Morning all,

Just did 55minutes of back (catcing up from yesterday) and 48min of triceps. I will go out on a 6K run later today.

Have a great day,

BTW does anyone know how Josie is? (fell terribly when running..)
Ciao Tutti -

Today is my rest day, and based on my HardCore previews - I'm gonna need it! These workouts kick it up to a whole new level.

Enjoy all your workouts, and I look forward to reading about who is tackling the new workouts and their thoughts about them.

Have a great day,

Hi ladies. I got up extra early to do Kick Max and liked it a whole lot. I think I will love it the next time I do it. I didn't have time to preview it last night, so I just jumped right in this morning! I am planning on some Core Max tonight!

Good morning, ladies. I did 45 minutes on the bike this morning followed by some core work.

I am very eager to hear comments about Gym-style Legs and how it compares to (same as or different from, how is it better??) the existing lower body workouts - has anyone done this or previewed it yet?

Good morning ladies,
I am anxiously anticipating the arrival of my DVDs and am drooling over all the reviews. Meanwhile, this morning was the Double Push Pull Premix, I really love this one!
Have a great day and good luck on all the "first" attempts at the new hardcores!
Good Morning!
Today was BC. I take my mid-term exam tonight and one tomorrow. I can't wait to get them over with. I get so anxious when I have to take a test. I don't know why. Anyway, have a great day. Enjoy your workouts!
Morning Everyone,

I will be doing PH tonight. I added a little walk on my treadmill last night while I previewed Step Blast. I trip on RS so this might just be the same for me. Sometimes my brain and feet don't talk to each other. I can't wait to see how those peg leg pivots will turn out. x(

Have a great day!
Laurie Mac
I'm doing a fit tv combo today:
Gilad body sculpt and Cathe's Super Sets

Having chinese food later with just my son for dinner. Taking them out for ice cream before church, AND I WON'T BE HAVING ANY...I will sit and watch them eat it...yes, I will!!

Have a great workout everyone!
Hi ladies...

Dutchie...I have been thinking about Josie too. I might send her an email.

I did write a little review of Gym Style legs in the Video/DVD forum. WOW...killer workout...

Today is Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps and a 5 mile run...enjoy the workouts....:)...Carole
Hi all,

Today is my rest day and I'll plan to make some yoga. But I feel me so tired (and lazy too) after the exam I made this morning,so I don't make nothing this afternoon-except cleaning my house.

Carole, I have read your comments about the Gym Style Leg workout. Thank you for post it.I just don't know which oneof these DVDs will be the first I'll make. Do you make some rotation? I wish you enjoythe GS BSB today.

Everyone made great workout as always :)

Have a nice day,

Marketa Preisler

Hey everybody!!! I finally found people that work out as much as me:) I got my DVD's yesterday, they are at my Mom's though so I am going there to run on the treadmill tonight and previe. I am gonna to Bev's speed ladder run (about 6.5 miles) and I think a core or strecth from Harcore.

Tomorrow is gonna be the high step challenge.

I am thinking of a 4 week hardcore rotation...any opinions or anybody wanna join me (starting Saturday)

(i work out alot on the weekends)
Sat: Gym Style Back, Shoulder and Bi's + 5-6 mile run and stretch
Sun: Gym style chest and tris and Kickmax or lowmax and core
Monday: Gym STyle Legs + CTX CArdio and stretch
Tuesday: 6 mile run and core
Wed: Upper bod from Muscle Max + IMAX 3
Thrus: Lower bod from Muscle Max + CTX CArdio and core
Friday: 6 mile run and core

I am gonna take either Tues ro Friay off I think.

C-ya later
Morning all! IMAX 2 for me this morning. I love this workout! I think that my next DVD might just have to be IMAX 3. How is everyone liking it so far?
DD is getting her molars so she is not sleeping very well, which means I'm not sleeping very well. Hopefully she won't be too uncomfortable for too long. I feel so bad.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good Morning -

I am getting my DVD's today - so I am thinking I will do Lox Max or Kickbox tonight - I can't wait. I did S&H Bi's and Tri's last night.. I didnt get to do any cardio this morning - because I am getting my fat/bmi tested..

Which means I cant have my usual Diet Pepsi yet either - UGH!!! :)
Good Morning.

Last night was my first experience with L & G. I did the standing premix 39 mins. OUCH!x( LoL I definately felt that one, that's for sure!!! I don't know if it's coz I did this the day after Power Circuit which has a lot of leg work in it but this L & G premix felt HARDER than LL for me. I thought everyone had said that they felt LL was harder? Am I the wierd one here? :p lol

Anyway, I followed that up with bicep and ab work from CTX.

I was nice and "fried" by the time I was done! :)

Tonight is 10*10*10 from CTX.

Great work outs everyone!
Have a great day!:)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


good morning all! yesterday got crazy after my workout and i am draggin ass today! x( while i was out shopping, i found some 2LB weighted gloves and i am going to try them for KPC today. they were on sale for $7! pretty good deal. they are Reebok.

so, let's see....

Jennifit: you are working hard! great rotation. i'm scared a' u!:p

Charlotte: excellent will power! no ice cream!!!!! good luck with that!:9

Carole: thanks for the review on gym style legs, i will go check it out!:D where has Josie been?

Sandy: yes, chistosa! i know i owe you an email!!!! i'm getting to it! how's the gym? smell the same?}(

CarlaK: good luck with your exams! i'm sure you'll do great!


Great workouts! I will be doing pilates and Power Hour for the first time tonight. I am way off my rotation, but the weather is not cooperating at all x( x( but that gives me time to try out my new dvds. I only ordered Kick max and cannot wait to get it. I have a feeling I will be ordering High Step Challenge and Lo max! :p :p
I did PLB Up premix only minus the deadlifts and floorwork, the did PUB and CTX shoulders and abs from Leaner Legs. For once in my life I am seeing some definition especially in my bicep. This rotation is working in that I am combining strength with endurance (Pyramids and CTX) in the same workout. And it is starting to show!!!:7

I may do some cardio at lunch not sure yet!!:)
Hi good morning everybody. Today is Step Heaven and PH. Yesterday I did kickbox underground and quick fix cardio with Janis Saffell. I like Guillermo's aptitude but the music is so boring and repetitive in the workout. :( :( . I like the kickbox combination but his work in the hardcore kickbox circuit was better. I excepted a workout more intense.If you have the HKC don't waste your money. The quick fix cardio is great for a beginner or an intermediate exerciser but it is slow.This dvd contains 4 10 minute workouts.One focused on upper body, one on lower, one on core, and one was a "kickboxing blast".The challenge 10 minutes segment is the best of all the workout but it is short. I don't like the countdown clok in the screen. I don't need to see the time left to finish my workout. I love the long workouts.The production of the workout is great.

Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Good morning!

I did Rhythmic Step this morning. Ooooooh, dear. The workout intensity was just fine, and I'm glad I did it, but that workout is really, really, really getting on my nerves these days. When I first bought it, 3 years ago, it was one of my few Cathe workouts, so I did it once a week, for quite some time. I guess that killed it for me, because I now find the music so utterly, annoyingly monotonous, and her breakdown of combo 3 ridiculously tedious. I did not have the patience for this workout today, and was very, very close to shutting it off part way through. But I persevered, and of course got a great cardio workout. I think, though, that it is time to put this one on the back burner for a very long time. In the near future I will use a shortened version for a decent 30 minute cardio: RS w/u, combo 1, challenge, and cool-down/stretch. That is comparable to All-Step in intensity and duration. I actually really, really like the choreography in the first combo a lot. Okay, enough complaining! Lesson learned.

Wendymin - I bought about 75% of my Cathe collection within a year. Whew, that was an expensive year, but worth every penny! I've heard a few other people say they find LG harder than LL. I think it might have to do with the amount of weight used in each workout. If I recall, you don't use any weight in LL, do you? Or light dumbells? When you get your barbell, post-baby, you might find the LL experience a bit different :) I love LG for for the fun-factor. The music is great, isn't it?

Dutchie - Bad mother!! Bad Bad mother LOL!! But I'll bet your son appreciates that you don't cuckold him, hey? He's a man, after all, and doesn't need a fuss-budget mother swooning over him :-D That's very funny about posting his pic for all his friends to see.

Reba - Body Max followed by MIC? Are you, by any chance, following Cathe's January/04 or January/05 rotations? I think those are the two where she puts those two together. I never thought it was possible to do them on consecutive days, but I gave it a shot one time, and lived to tell the tale. How did you do?

Carla K - I've never done Timesaver 5. It's the only Cathe workout that I've never actually tried, surprisingly. How was it? How does it compare to Legs & Glutes? Harder? Easier? And maybe you get stressed out over exams, because they're EXAMS?? I used to get stomach aches the day before an exam. I am so relieved that I won't have to write another exam or essay for as long as I live, if I don't want to. I think I'm going to have a hard time not stressing out when my daughter starts taking tests in school. It's awful!

Charlotte and Jes - my parents descend on us today for a 6 day stay. Please come and clean my house. Preggo lady is too tired! S.O.S.!

Jes - cooooool find on the gloves! Let me know how KPC feels with the gloves on!

Christi - I agree that the music can make or break a workout. The Body Blast series is stellar in that department. Makes it hard to go back and do the earlier workouts that aren't nearly as good (like RS for example! Argh!).

Maria - all I have to do to amuse the child while I preview my workouts is either turn on the computer, or the small tv in the kitchen. It is frightening how long she will remain motionless in front of these objects. Sadly, it is a convenience that I use all too often. :-(

Jes - great workout yesterday! I am still in awe of your ability to get the RS choreography down so quickly. You know the part in the second combo when you do the triples around the step, and she says "Did I get you? I'll bet you wanted to do a knee-lift there, didn't you? Okay, do one now!" I think she "got me" about 100 times before I grew wise to her little trick!

Katie - teething! Ugh! My daughter cut 4 teeth in one night, including her first molar. It was a hellish night for all of us. Poor thing cried from midnight to 4am, non-stop.

Sandy - it would satisfy my cravings, except that the thought of shrimp turns me off really bad right now. I'm really craving beef and tomato sauces. Hamburgers are just about my favourite meal right now. Oh my. I just realized that nothing is preventing me from going to McDonald's for lunch today. Must.....resist.......Must......resist........(awful, bad stuff!). I need to rerent SuperSize Me. Oh, but the video store is right beside McDonalds.........(help!!)

Tracy - You took the words right out of my mouth yesterday. There are lots of things in my world that aren't up to par, but I never miss a workout LOL!

Foodie Sue - PUB at 4am??? I'd have dropped a dumbell on my foot for sure. Good for you for being so dedicated! (Or should that be "committed"? LOL!)

Tammy - I'm the same way about KPC! I barely used it at first, but it has gradually become one of my very favourite workouts, and now I have a hard time forcing myself not to over-use it. I'm looking forward to KickMax!! I think I'm going to like any workout that lets me use a chair :)

Lisa - feel better soon!! My own cold is still lingering, and I'm getting fed up with it. Grrr!

Well, time to go eat my second breakfast. I'm eating like a teenage boy these days!

Well we did our run. We did the race course again. We treated the first 1.3K as a warm up. After that I let my son run as as he wanted to. I saw him disappearing in the distance and I was left by my lonely self in the rain. And I just couldn't get into my normal speed/rhythm. I think I have been overdoing it on the legs lately. My speed has decreased on those short distances. I used to be able to run 6K in 39min. Still not very fast, but lately it's all in the 42min range. If I keep this up I'll be the last one to finish on Sunday :)

Son no. 2 ran way too fast. At about 4K he was having major side stitches and had to walk for a few minutes. Then he ran again but had trouble finding his rhythm. In the end he ran the 6.3K in 35:01min. He was wearing the HRM and now knows when he's running comfortably, when he can increase speed and when he goes way too fast. I think letting him run by himself was a good thing.

I'll let him run by himself again on Friday. See if he's learned anything:)

I have to say I find the race course pretty tough. In that short distance, we have to cross three big bridges! When you come off the first bridge, you practically immediately have to go up the next one. The third one is at about 4.5K.


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