Daily check-in Wednesday 9 Feb

Sandra, I have Rhythmic Step in its virgin state... I did preview it once or twice though.

Ah well, we laugh a lot... my kids have my sense of humour so that helps:)

Good morning everyone!

Tonight is advanced step at the gym. Yesterday in powerflex I must have really pushed myself because I am sooooooooooo sore today, wow:eek: but I better get used to that feeling lingering once I get my HC}( }(

Carla, good luck on your exams! I used to get soooo nervous the night before an exam so I know that feeling all too well...let us know how you did!

Sandra, you are sooooo funny!! so now you have major beef cravings?? LOL I'm afraid you and I wouldn't be able to have a meal together at least while you are preggo because the thought of, smell of, sight of beef makes me lose my appetite in a heartbeat:p x( !!! I guess that's why I haven't eaten it in years!! Do you generally like shrimp/seafood while not preggo or could you do without it?? You are doing sooo well with your workouts, keep up the great work! How is your energy level these days??

Jestosa, lol yes my dear the gym still smells the same, ughhhx( x(! Feeling better these days?? ok, waiting on that email:p !!!

Mariangeles, wow great workout as always.........you have to be in such AMAZING shape:7 :) !!! When are you going to post a picture????

Wendymin, no you're not the only one that thinks L&G is harder than LL!!! You are not weird, lol!!! While I think LL is one super tough workout I think that L&G is harder because it hits so many different areas in the legs. When I do L&G I use the same weights as Cathe; the first time I tried LL I used slightly less weight because I was really tired. I CANNOT wait to try Gym Style Legs though and see how that compares to those two!! The wait for my email confirmation is just about killing me:+ }(

Have a great day!!
Hey, I'm posting before noon! I'm fighting something off (again!), but doing my light little workout actually made me feel better! I did Timesaver #3 (minus arm work-as I did PUB yesterday), which I don't think I've done before. I LOVED the choreography, which says comes from Step Blast, which I don't have. The only one I have of the Body Blast series is Timesaver. That will change next month.

I never hear anyone talk about Supersets or Push Pull. What is the deal? Not up to par?

Sandra--totally agree with you on RS. I've only done it once and I thought the choreography was difficult but not fun. Does that make sense?

Have a great one everyone!
Talk about expensive, I did that this year too. I played around and kept contemplating should I buy one or not last year and then my hubby preordered Hardcore for me and set me off. Now I have the Body Blast series HSTA, parts of the CTX series and one of the intensity series and am set to order the rest of the intensity series the last week of this month. My credit card is SMOKIN'! :eek: After I read Jes' post about the weighted gloves it got me thinking. I have some ankle weigts that are adjustable up and down. Maybe I could take one of the one pound pieces out of each of them and stick them in my regular gloves. Do you think that would work? Anyway, today I was supposed to rest so I did something really light, cause I didn't feel like just not doing anything so I did BSS1 Cardio Sculpt Blaster which is the easiest Cardio I feel the Firm has ever made. Boy am I looking forward to Step Blast at the end of this week! LOL! Anyway, my eating has been good and I'm having a good day. I hope everyone else is too! I can't wait to get my Hardcore's!
I first did LL with no weights...I now use light dumb bells but not even on every exercise. I used light dumb bells or nothing for L & G last night too. I can't imagine what the full L & G work out is like...OH MY GOODNESS!!! I think I'll wait on that one! LoL

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Foodie Sue,

Just did Supersets just a bit ago. Man, am I toasted for real! WHHEEWWW.


Now I have no energy left to clean anyones house, didn't you wish we could be like BeWitch and twinkle our noses? I am still trying to finish up my cleaning from yesterday. Gonna tackle my bedroom and bathroom, and then I am done!

Have a great day everyone!

I did stepfit this morning. I am getting HC on Friday and am wondering if I am up for the challenge! I think I might have to modify, modify modify!!
Ok for cardio with my toe a screamin' I did the warm up and 1st 5 intervals on IMAX 1, now my toe really really hurts and I still haven't heard from the doctor about an appt. sigh.:(

yep - I got the January 2004 rotation and did Body Max and then MIC! My legs are sore today!! Whew! I went to bed at 9:30pm both nights and slept like the dead!!! I just got my dvd with Power Hour and MIS and Body Max on it, so I am not really following a rotation until I do them all and then will combine a intensity rotation and, jogging and -------- well who knows---------I have so many ideas!!!

I am excited to do PH tonight! I will definatley go light light on the legs, maybe no weights at all! I would like to start jogging outside but its 11 degrees right now and snow has blanketed the streets again, so that is out of the questions! I was planning on running my first half marathon in May, but now looks like I will be postponing until the summer one! The weather is just not cooperating!:*
Hi all,

I did Hardcore back delts and biceps. What a great workout! All my hard work is paying off, I stayed with Cathe for almost all of the weights.

Christie: good idea! try it! i think it would work pretty well....:)

sandy: LOl! i wish i could go do a step class at the gym w/ you!

annette: x( ouch! when is your toe gonna get better girl? should you be working out if it is so painful? no fun!!:-(

sandra: you sound like me! all i want is meat lately. you can keep the tomato sauce though:* i'll come up and help you clean but you gotta fix me a steak! :p so you're sick of the yodeling eunich huh?

where is Aila? come out of hiding girl! you can't mourn the Eagles forever!!!! :p are you sitting in a trance watching HC?:D

i have yet to do KPC cause the phone won't stop ringing!!!!x(

i had a "mud disaster" today also. great fun!

Hi ladies,

I have been working out a little later these mornings. I did Kick Max today. I really liked this workout alot. I put some comments in the Video/Comments section. I am going to do the ball portion in Stretch Max tonight.

I hope whoever got their new workouts are enjoying them!!

Jes-Thanks for asking about me!!

I just finished High Step Challenge.

LOOOOOOOOOVED IT!!!!!!!! Fabulous workout!

Hope you're all having fun with the Hardcore series. I've received 3 so far (cause I ordered them in "piece meal" -- doh!).

I received High Step Challenge, Core Max and Stretch Max today. Friday I will have Low Max and Muscle Max, and I'm assuming the rest will come next week.

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