Daily check in Wed May 31


I thought today was June 1 and was suprised that Cathe hadn't posted her rotation. Just a little morning confusion!

I did RS on an 8" step. I wouldn't do that all the time, but I just felt like giving myself a little challenge. It made it a little harder and I was somewhat nervous about the height at times. The pivot repeater in the first segment required a little more concentration to bring my foot over the step. But, as usual with RS, I'm drenched and feeling good.

Enjoy your day.


Good Morning Fit Women!

Wow Phyllis! RS on 8"?? Good for you!!! I'm a shortie and would never even ATTEMPT that! LOL I use a 6" step most of the time these days.

I have my long steady state run scheduled for today.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Today I am doing P90x Shoulders/Arms and AbRipperX.

Phyllis: Great workout....RS is so much fun. Good for you for challenging yourself on the 8" step. It is so good to mix it up now and again.

Wendy: Good luck on the run!

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Love RS Phyllis

Havve a great run Wendy

Sounds like a good one Tammy!

I have power hour on tap today. Love weight lifting!! Hope I find the time. Have bday party tonight for Chase. He is 4 today!!! Probably be working out about 10pm again!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

Good Morning Fitties!!

Phyllis , RS sounded so good that I followed your lead and did RS too!
I didn't attempt it on an 8" step though. It's been a while since I've done that and today I just stuck with 6".
That one just is fun , fun, fun but leave me sweating too. Even with a/c on and a fan directed right on me!}(

I have a busy day ahead but will try to do abs and stretching this evening.

Hope everyone has a great workout & a healthy day!

Morning ladies. Well, I am very sad this morning. I did ME after having only worked out about 3 times in the past two weeks and been sick, and I barely got through it. I had to modify in a couple spots and even skip the last set of leg presses altogether.:-( I was going to do a 30 minute run too, but I still don't feel quite well enough yet and don't want to push it. I'm so disappointed at how quickly the level of my endurance lowered. I don't want to push myself too hard, but then again I think to myself that it's only been 2 weeks, not 2 months.

Sorry to rant. I'm just frustated!x(

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hi fit ladies:

Phyllis - 8" WOW.
Becky - isn't it great when you get ideas from the posting of what to do. I never mastered RS :( I have never LOVED pure step though I like it mixed with other things.

Wendy: Have a good run!

Tammy: Sounds like a great work out. Do you love that series?

Meghan: You look WONDERFUL In your pics! How did you lose 50lbs? My DD has gained quite a bit at college and is doing WW. I love to hear what works for others.

Today is going to be a cardio - not sure what - most likely LM.
I'm loving GS. I've done KM and Imax2 this week so I think LM is great! I'm not sure if I should do it 1 or 2 times a week. I've never been good at moderation so I'm thinking 2 times may be good. I've asked folks what worked on the open forum hope folks respond. My triceps are hurting today!
Daily Check-in

Good morning! I did the cardio and stretch from Timesaver 4 again last night. I did Timesaver 2 again this morning. I love Step Blast now. Learning the choreography was hard but worth it! What a fun and intense workout!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning,

Take it easy in the heat everyone, nobody needs to get sick!!!

Today was MM. I really think this is my fav weight workout of Cathes' right now!

Have a great day.
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning fit ladies!

I am thinking about MM and then a 5 mile run...:)

Have a great day...http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/hi5.gif[/img]
RE: Daily Check-in

Sounds like great WO everyone!! Yeah, take it easy in th eheat! Summer is finally here!!
Robin, thanks for the compliment! I even made my DH come over and read it!! You made my day!!!
Any way, I gained that weight with my second pregnancy. Was on bedrest for 2.5 months and packed it on. I started slow with Denisse Austin, but when DS was a year old I got real serious. WW worked for me to , but I stopped going becasaue of convenience, but it is a good program. I just started counting calories. I ate about 1200-1500 cal a day and it just came right off. But then I hit a plateau of course, but Cathe is helping me really define and shape. I hope to break the plateau soon!! I still have that baby belly!!
I wish the best of luck to your DD. Keep it up adn be persistent!!!!
Any more questions, by all means just ask!!!

Have a GREAT day everyone!!! Sweat buckets!!!!!!
Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

RE: Daily Check-in

Great job, Megadoo! WW rocks!

Did Step Sational this morning, and will teach 2 Pilates on the Ball classes. May do chin-ups and push-ups today, too.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Good morning everyone. Today was PLB. I've been increasing my weights and am starting to feel a difference in my workouts. I've never liked working out withweights because I never got good and sweaty. Well, that was NOT the case today. I KNOW I did good. It feels so good to sweat.

Maeghan - WOW - you've done fantastic. You're right - with Cathe's help and sticking to it, you'll get past that plateau.
Hey, Robyn, did I scare you with my pm to you about kitchen redos. Honestly if you aren't doing it all yourself like we are, it shouldn't take that long. Sorry if I did.

I did 20 min. of the Taebo Cardio Bootcamp and then the 8 (really 11) min. taebo for some extra just couldn't handle the foot work on the cardio bootcamp with my heel hurting and all.

I see the foot doctor on the 13th of June.

Hope you all have a great day!!:7
Hello everyone,
I am so impressed with all of the motivation on this check-in. You guys have really got excited about working out now when I was kind of dreading it. I did GS legs yesteday after a 3 mile run and It about killed me. That lying leg work is really HARD!!! I have major DOMS today. I am planning on doing a 4mile run and GS BSB. Hopefully I will get though it. Have a great day and it is absolutley beautiful here today-85 degrees expected.

Hey Guys!
Just wanted to do a quick check in. I did LoMax this morning. Loved it. I didn't like that tape at first because it's soooo hard on the legs.... but now I really love it! Congrats Phyllis on that 8 in step! Its unbelievable how these tapes encourage you to push higher and higher. I just love that!!! Great Job!!!

To all of you.... have a wonderful day!!! Have great workouts and I'll talk to you tomorrow!!!


OooooooH MY!!!!!!!!!
Just Love when Cathe says that!!!!
Late and quick check-in. Did Powerstrike 1 today and really liked it, sweat up a storm and worked hard. I finished with CM#3. I love that routine, med ball abs have a huge fun factor for me.

I'm off to work for p.m. appointments. Worked on a lady this a.m. who ran her first 1/2 marathon Sunday, she really got my wheels turning and it was a very interesting, though provoking session. I love working with motivated people, makes my work a lot more interesting:)

Take Care
Do you wear a heart rate monitor, Phyllis? I notice a big difference when I do step on six inches in my heart rate, and I am short at only 5'2".

Wendy, do you wear one?

Meg and Tammy, good luck with your weight workouts. I am always afraid to just do weights and no cardio; I am afraid to turn into a blimp.

Katie, I hope you feel better.

Heather, good job on the TimeSavers and weight loss.

Last night I spend around 30 minutes on the treadmill running two miles and walking the rest, and then I took the kickboxing class in the gym. It burned a ton of calories, but when I came home, I noticed my right leg hurting. The illiotibial band is tightening up on it.

I guess I should skip the run before the step class tonight, although my leg feels much better today.

Carole, I really want to be able to run longer distances as I used to run 50 miles a week.
Good afternoon,

I was in desperate need of an early night last yesterday, so I delayed my workout until this morning. I got a much needed sleep, and got up first thing today and did IMAX2, and CW core. Tonight I will do my scheduled GS Legs.

Yesterday someone asked me about the Timesaver workout I did on Monday evening (no time to go back and review today). I didn't do a GS Timesaver, but one of the cardios from the Body Blast Timesaver dvd. I haven't tried the GS Timesavers yet, so can't help out with that.

Maeghan - tell Chase Happy Birthday!! 4's such a fun age.

Katie - don't worry. It comes back really quickly, too. You may still be feeling the effects of your illness. I bet you're back at your regular level within a few workouts.

Laurie - CM#3 is my favourite, too. And using the med ball is the most effective approach for me.

I'm picking up a jogging stroller this afternoon. DH and I are going to train for a 5km run in the fall. I'm going to let him push the stroller (after all, I carried them for 9 months, continuously!!). We'll probably start running 2 times a week, starting this weekend.

Hello to the rest of the group! Have a great day!
Hello everybody....

I've been MIA since last Thursday. DH had surgery last Friday, ventral hernia repair. He is doing fine but VERY sore and moving really slow!! He'll be out of work for two weeks.

Just a lot going on around here, no w/o since Thursday!!

I kicked my come back off today with Rhythmic Step. I love that w/o now that I've conquered it.

I'll try to squeeze in a short ab routine before I go to bed. Off to the store now.

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