Daily check in Wed May 31

Caitlin, yes I wear and HRM. But as I've mentioned before it doesn;t show much of a burn. For RS today even using the 8" step, it was only around 250.I'm kicking around the idea of buying a new one, but can't seem to actually do it. I think I'll wait until this battery dies. (M32) I'm 5'2'' also.

Jane, welcome back. I hope DH gets over his soreness quickly!n The weather is nice and there's so much to do!

Katie, I'm sure your body will slide right back into it's usual routine. Muscles are amazing!

Maeghan, I agree, your pictures look fabulous. What a great job losing 50 lbs. How long did it take you?

Just saw Cathe's June Rotation and I'm not sure if I'm up for it. I think all that leg work will bore me. Any takers?


Caitlin, Yes, I have an HRM and I used to wear it religiously. I got tired of turning on my work out and then realizing at the very last second that I didn't have the HRM on and the have to rush around for it so I stopped using it for a few months.

I am now trying to remember to use again...

I guess it just hasn't become HABIT yet...
Hi phyllis, thanks.
I weighed 202 when son was 2 months old. I weighed about 180 when he turned one, then I got real serious. 20 pounds melted off. But then I started with weights (Cathe) adn gained alot of muscle and still burned some more fat. So it would be safe to say appr. a year or so. I could have done it faster if I got serious sooner, but hey, that's OK.
Just working on breaking through this plateau. I know I am gaining alot of muscle tone, and muscle weighs more then fat, so I that is probably why the scale doesn't move much. I also could do better on my eating which i am really trying to work on.
Thanks for asking. Anything else, ask away!! Thank you everyone for all the nice comments!! Puts a big fat smile on my face!!

Nighty night!
Maeghan AKA megadoo

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