Daily Check In, Tuesday October 21


Hi ladies,

Today was Supersets - this workout really surprises when you use the same weights as Cathe. I think I am due for a stretch day tomorrow!!

Annette - I remember the fun puppy days, fortunately ours stayed around me all the time, I really never minded it, and he still does to an extent. This way I could always keep an eye on him, lol!

Siobhan - KPC is a yawner for me as well, Rockout Knockout hasn't hit that point yet, the structure is similar, though.
Hi Conni,

Should have seen the puppy while I was doing floorwork today, oh my!

Today I did weights for shoulders, biceps and triceps but I went a little lighter since my one shoulder still hurts. B

Then I did Jeanette Jenkins Sexy Arms Legs and Abs floorwork.

Have a great day!
Hi ladies I got the new Lauren Brooks kettle bell workout. I did workout 1 which is a strength workout using a 15 and 25 lbs kb. Good workout.

Have a great night.


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