I did BM2 Upper Body premix today, even did the ab section twice. I still can't do the rocket shoots with my back, but I got a nice workout. Have a great day~!
This morning I did chest (I need to start trying to go heavier) and 30 minutes on the elliptical at the gym and then I will be doing stadiums and sprints at the track with DH this afternoon. Maybe some posing practice sometime today in the midst of doing house stuff. I am so not looking forward to teaching starting back up in 3 weeks...no clue how I'm going to handle my schedule then. Guess I just have to have faith that God will find a way for me!
Just in case anybody is wondering where I am here's the scoop: I had an allergic reaction to something at work Sunday night and broke out in hives. I went to the doctor yesterday, couldn't figure out what it was but I was covered in hives and had joint pain. I was told to try Benadryl (sp?) and if that didn't work to fill the prescription for the steriod pack she had given me. I took the Benadryl and while it helped the hives the joint pain got worse and sleeping was nearly impossible let alone moving about.
So this morning I called the doctor back, she told me to fill the steriod pack, and if I am not better in 3 days to call them back. So needless to say with all my joints hurting (feet, legs, elbow, hands, wrists, neck and shoulders) doing a weight workout was out of the question, sigh. I am one hurting puppy right now.;( I hope I can resume my workouts soon but I really don't want to take a chance at dropping a dumbbell on myself if my hand strength isn't there.
(((Annette))) I hope you feel much better post haste!
I am having one of those days where I won't know what the w/o is until I drag myself to the basement and have a looksie at the collection.
Perhaps I will do a circuit w/o but then I could see myself doing a step premix followed by a B&G premix. Hmmmmmmm the possibilities.
I wish you all a great day and I will send healing vibes Annette's way.