Daily Check in Tues May 26


I have some wicked back doms from that premix yesterday. Since it was on the heels of STS, I continued to lift heavy. Hmm, maybe I shoud ve lightened up as the reps were faster and there were more of them.

Today is LM intervals 1-4 and some abs.

Back to the grind but at least it's a short week. :)
Good morning Phyllis and all that follow....

It will be hard to let go of lifting heavy huh Phyllis, I kinda like it!!:D

STS chest, shoulders and triceps today, starting week #3 of meso 2!!
Good Morning !

Hi Phyllis and Jane .

Cardio & abs today . No clue what yet .

I miss STS! Have fun with it Jane !

Good Tuesday Morning Phyllis, Jane , Becky & all who follow.

Scheduled rest /off day for me but I feel like doing a run w/ an itread this am.

have a good one w/ LM I like that dvd. yup back to the grind here also.

Jane seems you are enjoying STS - you did all your 1Max Reps testing?

Becky Enjoy what ever you decide ;)

Well I am feeling some DOMs from the chest work and all the push ups I did - it feels good.

Hi everyone,

Today was ASC 3 and the kettlebell ab section. Nice cardio for the day, if anyone needs any ideas...!

Have a great day.
Thanks Connie, but I was working out while you were posting !

I did BM2 Timesaver Cardio (WHEW! with no a/c on, it was TOUGH!!! VERY muggy here this morning !!!) and ab sections standing core and core on the ball from Coreblast.

I think I'll make myself a fruit smoothie!

Have a good one !

Hi all,

I did 20 min. on the treadmill at the gym along with 45 min. of upper body weights including abs. I must have pushed myself because now my lower abs are cramping really bad, I am not sure what I did though. Maybe I drank too much water at one time and that is why I am cramping.

Anyway, gotta run and take youngest to piano lesson.

Have a great day!!

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