Daily Check-in - Tues, Mar. 14


Good morning fitness folks....

I had a great w/o yesterday with RS and GS back.

Today I have GS chest planned (very cautiously with my shoulder) and kickboxing will be my cardio. Haven't decided which one. Woke up at 1 a.m. after going to sleep at 9, so it is going to be a long day!! Yawn!!!

Sandra - DD's boyfriend liked the meal. He's a nice young man. DH and I like him.
Morning Jane and all who follow!

I was supposed to do MIC last night, but because I had to change my rotation up some to take out the running, I ended up doing HSC. Wow, it kicked my BUTT!

Jane - have fun with GS Chest but do be careful of your shoulder. Also be cautious with your punches doing kickboxing:)

I'm kickboxing tonight also, probably one of the Powerstrikes.:)
Jane, you stayed up all night from 1am!? :eek: Be careful w/that shoulder!

Shelley, I recently purchased HSC but I'm afraid to try it out!:p Have fun kickboxing today!

Today is back to cardio, legs, u/b and abs...

Hmmmm...maybe I'll follow suit with Jane and Shelley and kickbox today!:)
Hi everyone,

Kickboxing will have to wait till Thursday for me.

Wendy, you look great!

Today I did a 4K run + MM-legs. Still have to do abs though.

Had a different instructor for spinning last night. It was different! Also decided to change gyms once this cheap trial period with my current gym ends. I'm having a try-out at another gym near me on Thursday.

Have a wonderful day and a great w/o.
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Today I'm going to do MM and AllStep cardio only.

Jane: 1 am...YUCK! I hope you have a great day...enjoy your kickboxing.

Shelley: HSC is a great workout...kick some booty tonight!

Wendy: Nice new avatar...you are looking like one hot little mama!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Thank you Dutchie and Tammy!:)

I should have had that photo taken with my head cut off though! LOL It was like 9pm and I was basically ready for bed-I looked like poop from the neck up!:7

I hate pictures though...I must say...when I put that outfit on..or ANYTHING for that matter, and look in the mirror I look 10 pounds lighter than in a photograph with the same clothes on!:-( I also had DH take some pics of me in a bathing suit....full shots unlike the ones I take of myself LOL...Anyway, I thought I looked pretty hot when I looked in the mirror ;) }( :p ...but the pics weren't very good...I couldn't bare to put them up on public display...BLECH!x(

To my credit though...I tried on a bunch of shorts last night as well as that skirt (all pre-preg clothes) and most of the stuff was LOOSE on me!:7 I was quite happy...I think I actually started to GRIN at one point!:+
Morning ladies. Today was KPC followed by C&W step only premix. I was really worn out after KPC, so that step premix was really tough. But I made it, yea! I'm off to make some coffee. I really need it today.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning, everyone!

Yesterday I did nothing. I knew I wasn't up to my planned BC premix combo, but I had really psyched myself up to do Imax 2. I even had my workout clothes out and ready to put on. Then I sat down and - oomph. I said, "there's just no way." I was just way too tired.

So my plans for this week have changed. I have three days left because Friday I'll be busy. I plan to do circuit workouts all three days. Today will be the Viper, with focus on upper body (sub arms for all leg work).
Good Morning Fit Friends!

Yesterday was biceps, bike and later a walk with dh.
Today was triceps from PH, MIC & BM, and stretching.
I woke up with a sore throat and not feeling well, so no cardio.

Brayden (our little grandson) is doing much better! We were so scared, but he has really bounced back. He is still very congested but the worse of it seems to be over. Thank God!! Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I'll have to update my picture trail so you can see how much he's grown. I'm a crazy grandma and take pictures of him nearly every day!:p :D

Have a great Tuesday everyone!!
Good morning,

Becky - Glad to hear you Grandson is doing better. Give him smooches for us!

Wendy - you go girl! You have been working hard, and it shows!

Today was CTX Upper body and abs from Allstep.

Have a good one, I must psyche myself up for Lowmax tomorrow!
Good morning ladies

Jane...good workout and take care of that shoulder!...That is nice you guys like DD's boyfriend..:)

Shelley...I haven't done HSC in awhile...hope your hip feels better soon

Wendy...kickboxing does sound fun...Very nice pic, I have to say I don't always like my pics either...especially the running ones, I always think my lower body looks so big...but WE can be our worse critics!!!

Dutchie...good leg workout. Hope you find the right gym

Good workout Tammy...

Katie...seems kickboxing is popular today and KPC is fun

Shannon...I have had those days...:)...have fun with the circuits

Becky...I am glad your grandson is better too. Hope your sore throat goes away...

I am doing a 6 mile, then getting a massage...:+ :7 :), then some upper body and abs this afternoon.

Have a great day...
Good morning,

CW yesterday was tougher than I thought it would be, but it was fun. Today is GS legs, and I confess I'm dreading the floorwork. (Hence it's 11am, and I still haven't started yet. ;)) I 've never been able to complete the floorwork in the past, but we'll see what happens today.

Great pic Wendy! (OT your kitchen looks just like mine. If I knew how to post pics, I'd show you. :))

Carole, a massage sounds great! I hope you enjoy it.

Hi Jane, Tammy, Sandra, Katie, Kali, Shelley, Annette, Becky, Teddygirl, Shannon, Dutchie, Lisa, Judy and all who follow.

Have great workouts and a great day everyone!
Good morning,

This morning I did GS Legs. I like that workout, which generally means I should be lifting heavier x( This was only my second time doing it, and I'm still getting the hang of those stiff-legged dead lifts.

Jane - be careful with your shoulder. Will you be attempting those push ups? 9pm - 1am is not very much sleep! Terrific job with RS yesterday! To have it all connect on only the 4th time through is an achievement, that's for sure.

Shelley - I'm glad only running affects your hip. HSC is a terrific workout; it has my favourite music in the HC series.

Wendy - don't be afraid of HSC; it's actually a lot of fun. So, now that you've looked at a number of gyms, do you know which one you'll join? Did you ever get through to your health care provider?

Dutchie - if you keep "trying" out gyms, you may never have to pay for a membership LOL!

Shannon - good for you for listening to your body yesterday. Your body will probably thank you with a great workout today.

Katie - good for you!!!! That sounds like one *tough* workout! I hope that some day I'll have the time to do that rotation - and that includes having time to nap during the day LOL! Hard workouts like that seem to require more regeneration, don't they? Enjoy your coffee (I'm envious).

Becky - you're really working your muscles these days. Are you going with heavy weights, or light? I'm so glad Brayden is doing better!!!

Conni - great workout!

Carole - have a luscious massage!

Lisa - have a great run! Are you going to start doing MIS 2 or 3 times a week?

Pamela - when the floorwork in GS Legs is starting to feel hard, I remind myself that at least I'm not doing PLB floorwork, and that always makes me happier.

Tammy - I always have a blast with SB, too! And when Cathe says, "No, we had a blast!", I say it along with her. Love that workout!

Have a great day!
Hey Guys,

Yep! back from a long weekend. Now, I am ready for another 5 day vacation :9 ;-)

My weekend sucked x( me and BF broke up he moved out and today is his BD hm… So, I had to rearrange and clean my house blah blah....

I haven’t worked out since Saturday :-( :-( too much sh$$ was going on. Anyway, no workout for me tonight, back on track tomorrow (I think) I have a class to attend tonight, have a great day.

Thanks to everyone re my avitar! :)

Pamela, My kitchen is my fave room in our home! It's ALL MINE and I go crazy decorating it! :) It's a small EIK but it works and it's very cute IMO. :+

Sandra, I am afraid of most Cathe work outs before doing them!:p Once I do it though that all changes and if it's tough for me to complete then it becomes my new CHALLENGE!}(
I know which gym I will join, yes...My FIRST choice is too much $ w/o any help from insurance and although I have yet to get through to them, it doesn't look promising according to some of the people that DH works with.:-( I will check just to be sure though.
My SECOND choice is the one I am going with. It's much more affordable and still has lots of good things about...it just doesn't offer QUITE as much as the first. I think I'll be happy there though. I can't wait!!!! I wish DH would just tell me to go sign up NOW!:p LOL
Hi all,

I did Billy's Total Fat Blasting workout today with weighted gloves and ankle weights.

Hope you all have a great day!!:7
Better late than never...my work out is FINALLY complete!:7

GS Floor work + CTX Step and Intervals in full (chest) + 150 crunches.

See you all tomorrow!:)
Whew! GS legs is done, and I threw in CC#2. Now that my legs are rubbery mass, I'm going to get lunch. :) (I have several reponses in my head, but I'm too tired to post now. Maybe later. :p)

Take care,
My w/o is complete.

Sandra - I modified those pushups and cut the number. I felt like I needed to do some but not to overdo. I used the chapter menus and after the w/u, I went to 8 pushups and did them from there on my knees on my Reebok step as high as it goes.

KickMax low impact timesaver, GS chest with modifications on pushups and lowering my weights, and I picked out the abs segment from PP and SS (minus one) for an 8 minute abs session.

:) :) :)

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