Daily check in Tue 28 Feb

Late check in for me, I did Hardcore Kickbox Circuit today!

Am doing an all cardio or circuit week again because I gained back the 3 pounds I lost last week over the weekend,sigh.x( Not too happy so I am trying to lose it again. I am such a yo yo weight person.

Have a great day!!:7
Hi again! I have a few minutes and thought I'd chat.

Dutchie - that's awesome that you did so well with your first spinning class! You're obviously in amazing condition!

Shelley - when you do the KM blasts before the combos, do your muscles feel warmed up enough for all that impact?

Tammy - KM has a big dread factor for me, too...the blasts! I'm getting better at them, though, so it's not as bad as it used to be.

Becky - nice to see you back! I'm sorry to hear about the injury. It sounds like you're being very sensible about it, though. Hmmm, what's new? How about we found out yesterday that we will likely be moving into our new house by the end of April?

Robyn - congratulations on the new job!! I would have seen what your current job attempted to counter with, even if you had no intention of accepting it. It feels nice to be wanted! :)

Conni - I'd just do HSC again, or Bootcamp, if you have it.

Shannon - I think I'll pass on the ME upper body times two! I have to be able to lift a 16lb baby many times throughout the day - don't want to be dropping her LOL!

Katie - that is a long workout you had on the rotation! Good substitutions! I really like ME, except for all the leg presses.

Gayle - I'll say you had a great February! What do you have in store for March?

Carole - are you doing PLB leg presses with the barbell or the bands? My cold is almost gone; just a bit of phlegm left in my chest. I'm glad you're feeling better!

Teddygirl - you're working hard as usual!

Judy - I did LowMax this morning, too, and felt it the whole way through. I had some DOMS in my glutes and quads from KPC yesterday (really gave the punch/kick combos everything I had). Is today "Pancake" Tuesday?

Wendy - have a productive rest day! I'm sure whatever you come up with for March will be great!

Pamela - great job with LowMax this morning!! I'm glad your son is feeling better. HSC tomorrow! Love that one!

Have a great day everyone,
Good afternoon fitness folks....

I took an unscheduled rest day yesterday because I was having new DVD player issues... I am totally useless when it comes to electronics and hooking them up. I got some help today from the cable man and I'm back in business. I did HSTA today.

ETA - I didn't really need to take a rest day, I could have ran, could have used my VCR which is still hooked up and did a tape, but I was too irritated.....
Hi again,

Thanks Sandra. I had to take him to the doctor today because of the wheezing. He's definitely having an asthmatic episode so in addition to the albuterol treatment, his doctor prescribed an oral steroid to help relax his airways. Since he already uses topical steroids for his eczema (related to the asthma), I'm going to lay off of it and use the ellidel while he's taking the oral steroids. Also, he has an ear infection. I completely missed that one. He had a very mild fever on Saturday, but I thought it was a cold since he only has mild cold symptoms in addition to the wheezing. I'm glad I took him to the doctor today, but I'm mad at myself for not doing it on Saturday when I first realized he was sick. :(

I remember when my son was 16 pounds. Those days were beautiful. He's 57 pounds and 46 inches long now, and he just turned 3 on 12/20. I have to do Cathe's GS so that I'm able to lift him to put him in the grocery cart! :)

Gotta run -- he needs another treatment.


Today I did Gym style legs (standing only) and The Firm Lower Body Sculpt II. I am going to do a stretch later. Have a good workout everyone !


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