Daily Check in Thursday September 17, 2015


Good morning ladies,

Just getting us started. Not sure what I am doing yet - I think it's weights in some capacity - upper body. Stay tuned... duhn duhn duhhhhhhhhhhhn
Hi ladies,

So I managed the following:
- Xtrain chest/shoulders/bi’s
- 5 rounds of youttube mike chang push ups + abs

Sweaty mess. Love Xtrain!
Hi Siobhan,

Love your "theme", lololol..

Today was Cize "Chandelier", the hardest of the new cize workouts and was soooo much fun..

Looks like I am going to be branching out in my choreographer field. Hudson Players wants to meet with me to do 1776 this winter. I am really excited and thrilled to be asked. It won't overlap with My Fair Lady at the High School much, so I think I can do it. DH was very supportive, I have to say, although I know he will have some issues with this down the road.
The only problem is that DS wants to audition for that show, and I will need to make sure he can still do that if I am involved. If it is a problem, then I won't do it. I think they already have wind of this but I am going to discuss it when we meet.

Off to do some work and lurk at Cathe Live!!!
Hi gals,

Today was 40 minutes of the Advanced Taebo #11.

Hope it works out, Conni.

Have a great day!
Ok since I see the doctor tomorrow and I want to be at a lower weight. I also did Leslie Sansone's Just Walk 3 mile walk plus abs.

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