Good morning,
This morning I did Muscle Endurance, sans core, and the Basic Step stability ball abs add-on. That workout might be weight-training, but I always sweat buckets and feel like I've gotten a cardio workout when I've finished. Great workout!
Shawna - I hear you about how hard it is to do anything but a Cathe workout. I have to force myself to do my other videos (so they don't feel neglected....).
Tammy - doing CTX upper body split when you're feeling so crappy? Wow!!
Mariangeles - I'm old enough to remember when the first 3 movies were released, and loved them at the time. I spent many an afternoon pretending to be Princess Leah, while my brother and his friends were Luke, Hans Solo, and the rest of the gang. Good memories!! I haven't been as captivated by the 3 newer ones. We'll probably just rent it (eventually). I hope you enjoy it, though!
Debbie - that's just awful that you're feeling so bad, for so long!! I hope the z pack works (what is that??).
Reba - if you love Cathe's cardio, then you WON'T be disappointed with SB/SJP!!
Annette - I can't believe how your house is currently set up. That would drive me insane! But I guess you do what you have to do, don't you? Mind you, we just started the process of building our own home, and I'm pretty sure my sanity will be a thing of the past, coming moving day. How did the homeschooling evaluation go?
Shelley - you live on the Niagara Escarpment?? You lucky, lucky woman!!
Angie - my 4 year old DD is very curious about putting gas in vehicles. I am under instructions by her, that the next time I fill the tank, she wants to be let out of her car seat so she can climb out of the vehicle and watch how it goes in. I have a feeling that like your DD, she won't be as interested in the paying of the gas!
Connie - that was quite the leg workout you did y-day! And the day after PH, that's pretty impressive. PH always toasts my legs. How are you walking today?
Kristine - you love those windmills? They're my most dreaded move of the whole workout! Why were you up at 2am? Do you work an odd shift? Terminator is a great dvd. All of the workouts are longer than one hour, and really challenge your endurance levels (both muscular and cardiovascular).
Jes - I hope you enjoy all these activieies! Take care!
Have a good day, all!