Daily Check In: Thursday, May 19, 2005

Hi Cathy and all you other ladies logging in later,

Cathy, haven't done the Gauntlet in a while but it's a great w/o isn't it?

Did L&G today, followed by GS chest/triceps/shoulders. I have been doing the timesaver version lately and because there are fewer sets I went as heavy as possible. Today I did the w/o as is using the same heavy weights as for the shorter version. It was tough, but I could do it.

I added KPC abs to finish off my w/o.

Have a great (w/o) day ladies,

Good Morning All!

Today for me will be BootCamp (Thanks Shelley for re-introducing me to this workout).

Cathe: The Gauntlet is a fab workout!

Dutchie: You got a full workout in today - awesome!

Have a great day ladies!

Morning everyone!

I feel all off kilter this week because I'm not working out at my normal times because I'm on vacation.

Yesterday I did ME and Hikemax. Today will be Imax 3 and a segment of Coremax. Plus a lot of running around.

Hope everyone enjoys their day!
Good Day Cathy, Tammy, and Dutchie and the rest of the gang
Today is Imax3 5 intervals and Core Max.
Yesterday my son and I planted 96 annuals and 6 perenials (sp?) They look beautiful. We are still not done, but will do more when the tulips die off.

AKA "Likes2bfit"
Good Morning Fit Women,

Yesterday was Low Max and I didn't do Clean Max because it was too too nice outside so I did Sit Max out on the deck.

Today will be Chest & Back followed by Core Max #2 and then will try Clean Max again.

Have a great workout everyone!

BTW, Judy I am jealous! I have no plants yet and I still have to buy some for the gardens, but I got strawberries already and gonna throw them into my protein shakes. YUM!

Hello, All You Fit Women!

Today was CTX Step&Intervals, CM #3, S&H Shoulders. Later I will go for a run. I missed my run yesterday. I didn't have time.

Enjoy this beautiful day!
I'm starting to feel better today. Contemplating KPC/L&G but I'm not sure if that will knock me down again. Hmmm...

Good morning everybody or for me almost lunch since I am up since 2:00 am :eek: !!!

I did KPC this morning for the first time and wow what a fantastic workout :D ! I love doing the windmills }( !

Today is my Friday and I am excited, maybe I get to sleep a little longer in the morning :) and get some good workout done.

Cathy - I don't have the Terminator DVD. Is it worth getting it?

Dutchie - Wow, that is quite a workout you did.

Tammy - Bootcamp sounds great, I haven't done that one in forever!

Judy - I really need to plant some flowers too in my backyard, but I am afraid, that my dogs will eat them :9 .

Carla - I am thinking of doing a CTX week next week.

Debbie - I am sure glad that you are feeling better, just take it easy.

I hope that everybody has a great workout or rest day!

Kristine :)
Good morning everyone!

Today was PUB, haven't done that one for awhile. Those pikes are a real pain after all that arm work, I am shaking like a leaf!

Have a great day, I hope it is special.
Morning Everyone,

Well we lost our game last night 9-6. :( Put up a good fight though. At least we got it in before the rain came. For me two hits and a double play!

Tonight will be ME and looks like a run on the treadmill. Still raining around here!x(

Have a great day!

Laurie Mac
Morning! I am off to Austin this am to attend my little bros wedding so no workout todayx( didn't get one yesterday either b/c i was too busy. and the rest of the week is shot b/c of other bros graduation and my bridal shower! It isn't looking good ladies!! But i hope the rest of you have great workouts for the rest of the week! :D

Morning everyone,

Have not gotten my workouts in alomost all week. The boys' last day of school is today. My DH is in Arizona and has been since the wee hours Monday. I can't seem to find the time. I am at the schools more than I am not. My youngest wont stay in his own bed at night so I am not getting any sleep either. I have to go back to the school in a couple hours to walk with my sons 2nd grade class to get ice cream.

Have to brag a little! My oldest son who is in 4th grade received 5 awards at his award ceremony Wednesday. One was the gold Presidential award! I am so proud of him!!

I am hoping to get a workout in later! Maybe. Sorry for the long wind thread! Have a great day!!!
Good morning,

This morning I did Muscle Endurance, sans core, and the Basic Step stability ball abs add-on. That workout might be weight-training, but I always sweat buckets and feel like I've gotten a cardio workout when I've finished. Great workout!

Shawna - I hear you about how hard it is to do anything but a Cathe workout. I have to force myself to do my other videos (so they don't feel neglected....).

Tammy - doing CTX upper body split when you're feeling so crappy? Wow!!

Mariangeles - I'm old enough to remember when the first 3 movies were released, and loved them at the time. I spent many an afternoon pretending to be Princess Leah, while my brother and his friends were Luke, Hans Solo, and the rest of the gang. Good memories!! I haven't been as captivated by the 3 newer ones. We'll probably just rent it (eventually). I hope you enjoy it, though!

Debbie - that's just awful that you're feeling so bad, for so long!! I hope the z pack works (what is that??).

Reba - if you love Cathe's cardio, then you WON'T be disappointed with SB/SJP!!

Annette - I can't believe how your house is currently set up. That would drive me insane! But I guess you do what you have to do, don't you? Mind you, we just started the process of building our own home, and I'm pretty sure my sanity will be a thing of the past, coming moving day. How did the homeschooling evaluation go?

Shelley - you live on the Niagara Escarpment?? You lucky, lucky woman!!

Angie - my 4 year old DD is very curious about putting gas in vehicles. I am under instructions by her, that the next time I fill the tank, she wants to be let out of her car seat so she can climb out of the vehicle and watch how it goes in. I have a feeling that like your DD, she won't be as interested in the paying of the gas!

Connie - that was quite the leg workout you did y-day! And the day after PH, that's pretty impressive. PH always toasts my legs. How are you walking today? :)

Kristine - you love those windmills? They're my most dreaded move of the whole workout! Why were you up at 2am? Do you work an odd shift? Terminator is a great dvd. All of the workouts are longer than one hour, and really challenge your endurance levels (both muscular and cardiovascular).

Jes - I hope you enjoy all these activieies! Take care!

Have a good day, all!
Hi Sandra,

I am not working an odd shift but my husband is x( and with only one truck and had to bring him to work. I work at the same company so normally we work pretty similar shifts, but he got offered overtime, so he took it. Always can use the extra money right! :7

Kristine :)
A slow morning, my 9 month old son decided to wake up with me at 4:30 and not to mention how crampy I felt this morning, so I had a shorten workout. Warm up to Tamilee Webb Defy Gravity cardio(not her best work but given how I was feeling it served it purpose) Then May Rotation shoulder all the while playing with my son between sets and Core Max 2. hopefully I will feel up to some Cardio tonight.

Good morning, awesome ladies! Glad to see everyone is doing well. Except Debbie - I really hope you feel better very very soon.

This morning I did MM upper body, L&G floorwork, and Ab Hits. I feel like I'm cheating myself if I don't get in any cardio! But no time this morning, had to be at work early today.

Have a great Thursday!

Good Morning Ladies,

Some of you are getting some awesome workouts. I did Shoulders, and arms and the ab ripper.

I also did some laundy max and now is work max.

Have a good one.
Good morning!

Today I did the 49 minute timesaver of GS Legs and one of the CTX abs. Going to a baseball game today for a department offsite :D :D

Sandra: a Z-pack is the antibiotic Zithromax. They seem to prescribe it for everything these days. You only take it for 5 days.

Have a good one!
Good morning...Yesterday I did 30 minutes of abs on the stability ball and on the floor. I also did the upper body 3 sets each from push pull. I didnt do any cardio and that makes me sad:( But I was still a bit under the weather. So today I will do lowmax or the treadmill.

I just won shoulders,triceps and back from hardcore series on ebay. Is it a good workout? Will it spice things up a bit? I hope she does lots of tricep work! Would love to hear some feed back on this. I am becomimg a weights junkie and like Charlotte now prefer oit to cardio But I make myself do cardio so when I miss a cardio workout like I did yesterday I panic:( Bt the way I Love all these premixes on the dvd's. It's like having a ton of different workouts :)


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