@DAILY CHECK IN Thursday MAY 12th@


Hi gals, first again.

Today was KCM Total Body Kickbox both workouts combined. Sweat fest again.

Now I have to get ready to go to an afternoon sub job.

Have a great day!
Hi everyone,

I forgot to check in yesterday. I did Cathe Live Total Body + Band. Today was a rest day.

I hope you enjoy your sub job annette.

Hi to everyone! I hope you get in a workout today.
Hi all!

This morning I moved my cathe live w/o into my sisters garden so I could have more space to move about. I only had her phone to use as there was no Wi-Fi signal in the garden and I don't want extra charges on my mobile being abroad and all.

I did Solid Hi Lo cardio plus hit. I loved it! The music really helped when I wasn't sure how much more I could handle. Average HR of 150! That's quite a bit higher than normal. The tiny screen and uneven surface (bumpy grass) added extra challenges and made my feet and calves a lot more tired than usual.

Tonight I arrived back at my parents for the last few nights so I think my mom will be joining my next few w/o's. She was already asking about what I have done the last couple days and checking out Cathe dvds on amazon. Well there is no one like Cathe. A few years ago I left one of my Jari love dvds here, but I don't think my mom has actually tried it without me since then. I tried getting my mom on to cathe live or demand, but she wants to own the dvds so she will have them forever.

See you all tomorrow.

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Excellent workouts everyone. Have a solid rest Ceci! :)

Today I did KCM TLC Boxing workout (what an energy booster!) +
three sets of 9 KettleBell Hockey DL's, 3 Angled Side Hip Abductions, 9 KBell Swings.
Now, COFFEE !!
Cross train step and intervals + chest work from the same workout. Almost my first time with Cross Train express. Love it.

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