Daily Check-in, Thursday, June 20, 2024

aqua girl

Good morning ladies! Enjoy a good day!!!

Today's workouts:

Hydrow Circuit Training- 20 min Rowing & Upper Body Resistance Band AMRAP
Interval Timer app- 10 min. Shoulders circuit
Interval Timer app- 10 min, Chest circuit

That's it! Have great workouts!
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did a mix of 30 minutes of Caroline G - Epic for abs/core and added on 18 minutes of Caroline G. for shoulders. Pretty easy workout today.

We are picking up our new dog on July 3rd! We miss the energy of our doggo. The woman we got our Maisy from has quite a few new dogs available. Another double doodle but she'll likely be much smaller - like 30 pounds vs Maisy who was supposed to be 30 pounds but was 65 pounds.

Nice mash-up this morning, Linda. You're keeping things moving.

Nice to see us all checking in yesterday (and getting our hair did!)

have a great day everyone.
Nice workout this AM Siobhan-another great Caroline G -this time abs/core & shoulders.
I will have to check her out!

A new member of the family coming on 7/3? That's great! I am sure it will help, having
a new little one (well, maybe not so little :) ) in your home. It was about a year between
Coco & Jack. But I know what you mean, I know I felt like part of me was missing.
Hi ladies,

Got sidetracked at the gym arriving at 11:30 at the gym and just now getting home (3:05ish). Judy was there so we spent the last hour or so talking and catching up.

I did do an 85 minute circuit workout using the sled for cardio. So I did workout just sat around and talked too.

Nice workouts ladies and a new doggy to boot for Siobhan! Nice, maybe you can post pictures.

Very hot today!
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Hello girls:)

Linda- Good job on allof your workouts today with:

Hydrow Circuit Training- 20 min Rowing & Upper Body Resistance Band AMRAP
Interval Timer app- 10 min. Shoulders circuit
Interval Timer app- 10 min, Chest circuit

All your workouts sound very challenging and time efficient, excellent job! WTG!! Enjoy the rest of your day;)

Siobhan- Good job on today's workouts with:

YT- Caroline Girvan- Epic for abs/core and added on 18 minutes
Plus added on some Caroline G. for shoulders for a total of 30 Min
WTG & high fives.

Also congrats on your happy news of getting a new dog, and ofthe same breed and woman you got your beloved Maisy from. I'm so happy for you.
I know when Ares got so weak and went down hill so fast due to cancer and nothing we could do but cherish our time with him and make him as comfortable as possible.
Finally we had to make the painful decison to take to vet and put him to sleep. We said our good byes and hugs, told him he would be free of pain and could breathe and be joined by our other pet over the rainbow bridge.
We made the decision to start to look for another German Shepherd and we found our Luna, shockingly two days after. We did not expect that, anticipated the search to take a few months. It happened much more quickly.
I think it was our Ares helping us out his parting act of love. I know some people thought that was silly gettin g another dog, but they being well meaning did not understand. So, I say congratulations on your new dog arriving July 3, homw coming.
I'm so happy for you, that is awesome news!:)

Have a good day;)

Annette- Great job on today's workout with:

Your 85 minute gym circuit working using the sled for cardio, awesome job as usual WTG & high fives:) Plus you got to visit with your friend. Enjoy your day:)

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sanesone's Walk Slim - 3 Fast Miles= 45 Min while wearing 12 pound weighted vest
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength -20-minute NO REPEAT HIIT Full Body Strength Training with Dumbbells= 24 Min

Billy Blank's Ultimate TaeBo - Tubo Charged Ampted Fat Blaster = 31 Min

Have good day girls;)

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Nice long day at the gym today Annette, with your 85 min. Circuit.

Equally as nice workout Nora with a 3 mile Leslie walk and Kaleigh’s strength training.
and a Taebo Fat Blaster too! You both had good workouts!

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