Daily Check-in, Thursday, April 6, 2017

aqua girl

Time to get up, girls !!! :) Everyone have a good day.....

Rainy here today, but very mild, but the weekend is going to be cold again ! eternal health, I enjoy Leslie
Sansone as well. I have most of her dvds and have been doing her indoor walks for years and years and
years. Most of my workouts consists of Cathe, (due to the workout blender which I am addicted to) but
I enjoy others as well, the Firm, Leslie, Jessica Smith, etc.. I have to have variety and lots of it, otherwise I
tend to get bored and stray.....Hope to check in later this evening with a workout !
Hi Aqua girl and all who follow,

Today I went back to On Demand and did the longer kickbox workout with the same lady as yesterday's that I didn't like. It was 50 minutes and the lady is Patricia Moreno I think. It was a bit slower than my normal kickboxing but very precise movements.

This was on Gaiam tv but was free.

Then I went looking for another one and found and did one called Combat which was 35 minutes long and as the name implies more intense.

So now I am finished.

Rainy here and to think I actually laid in the sun yesterday for 90 minutes [emoji16]

Have a great day![emoji41]

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I did Crossfire this morning. Don't know what I was thinking. It kicked my butt. Don't think I'll be picking that one up again for awhile!
Hi Annette & Missy....and any or all to follow. I did 2 short workouts tonight, a FitTower upper body workout and
A Firm Basics cardio & 4 limb workout. Have a good evening....
Good Evening All,

Quick check-in, I did Hardcore back, shoulders and biceps this am and 2 mile WATP this evening. I also do weight watchers at work and I loss 2 lbs (we wont discuss how much I gained b4 losing those 2 lbs).

Have a good evening--Carolyn
Hi all!
Late with my Thursday check-in. I did part of the Country Heat YT w/o while cooking and then later KCM 30MTF Stepboxing w/o 1. Forgot how good that one is!

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