Daily Check-In Thursday 7/2


Good Morning Glories!

I'll be so glad when this week is over, I am just dragging :( AOS Providence for me with one round of ManMakers from KB Empire State thrown in.

Have a great day!
Tammy, when is your KB rotation complete? Any ideas what you will follow it up with?

Powermax for me today - it's been ages for this one.
Phyllis ~ have fun w/powermax, that one is so much fun (despite the wardrobe, ;) ) I plan on staying with the kettlebells through the summer. I'll probably try STS in the fall.
Good Morning !

I slept like a regular person and the ALARM woke me !!! That never happens , so I am enjoying it !!! :) :) :)

Powermax for me too ! I just pulled it out a couple of weeks ago and did it and remembered how much I love it , so I'm happy to do it again today .

Hi everyone,

Glad you got some zzzzz's Becky, maybe it is the cooler weather that is helping?

Today was 4DS HIS, back and chest, and then ab hits.

Friday for me here at work today, TGIT( Thursday!)
Good Late Morning All! :eek:

Tammy I do not like those type of weeks that drag - Wow sounds like you had a nice kbell workout - Good for you!

Phyllis PowerMax wow! Which rotation are you doing ?

Becky Great for you that you got a good nights sleep and that the alarm woke you up - Yippee!

Conni enjoy your end of work week ;)

I'm feeling a bit frazzled lol

Well now that the DH is back at work I can get back to my normal crazy stuff here.

During his 'weekend' we went back to Myrtle Beach to get more fireworks the ones that give off pretty blooms in the sky and also to Lowes to look over some kitchen countertops. We decided since we are planning to put the house up for sale next year we will replace the counters and sink.

I feel like I got off a frantic roller coaster ride.

I did CCv 7 this morning and now getting ready to run some errands into town before it gets too hot.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Hi gals,

I don't know if it was the home cardio I did yesterday or what but I was down in my weight this morning and I haven't seen down in a very long time. I lost initially going to the gym but I gain back 2-3 pounds of the original 6 that I lost so I am happy right now.

I did 40 min. of taebo with weighted gloves on then went to the gym and did 45 min. of chest, shoulders, back and abs. I was pretty much the only one there.

Oh and I bench pressed 80 pounds for 8 reps!! :D That is the most I have done. I started at 65 for 12 reps then did 70 for 10 reps then upped to to 80 for 8 reps. I was happy. Last time I just went up to 75 so I was trying for higher and I did it!!!:D:D

Ok, have a great day!!!:cool:

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