Daily check-in Thursday 10 Feb


A very good morning to you all. It's 12h39 overhere :)

Did 40min on the elliptical this morning, keeping my HR150 and/or up. Then did 40min of chest work. I acutally also had L&G planned, but I'm not sure I should. I'll think about that one some more.

Have a great day!

I am going to attempt some jogging today. A bit of achiness in the knees if I do it, but I am going to do it anyways. Little bit of ache never hurt anyone.
Have a great workout, everyone~
question for runners:

I noticed yesterday on my run that in the last 3K I ran X seconds faster for every 1K, so I was going like this:

1K = 6:49
2K = 6:50
3K = 6:56
4K = 6:30 (I was finally warmed up and found my rhythm)
5K = 6:28
6K = 6:12

Now is this a good thing or a bad thing? I've noticed I always go faster in the last couple of K's of every run without consciously thinking about it. Even in a 10-miler. I do speed up for the last 1K of every run on purpose. Make the tired legs put in some extra effort.

Sorry, no running for me today. Imax 2 and KPC/Abs was on my morning agenda. Got through every interval except the very last part of the infamous number 9. Maybe all the swearing I do takes too much oxygen or something...=)

Have a good day all!
Good morning Dutchie and Charlotte.

Looks like some runners here this morning!! Go easy Charlotte..

Dutchie, I think its great you can speed up in the end. I think it shows after your legs warm up you are able to push. That is awesome!

I absolutley loved Gym Style back, shoulders and biceps!! I also did the core work in Coremax with the stability ball...WOW!!!

Today I am doing the Lower Body premix from Muscle Max and a 5 mile run.

Enjoy the workouts ladies...:)...Carole
Why, thanks Carole. I have this expensive Polar with this feature that records laps. You can tell it how long your lap is. Naturally mine are 1K.

I just didn't know whether I should even out my pace over the whole distance, or whether I should be faster in the beginning slowing down towards the end with a final push before finishing. I'm running almost for a year now, but it's still new to me :)

Hey everbody,

Dutchie; I think that's totally fine. I used to run races (for fun) and I actually would do intervals during and my time was always much better then running a steady pace.

I am going to do High Step Challenge today. I am so excited it got really good reviews so far...i think I will follow it with a stretchmax.

Hopefully with Hardcore i will be in killer shape for my Jamaica trip in May and 30th b-day in July. 4-pack here I come:)
I have found especially in long distances it is always better to start out a bit slower, more conservative and pick it up in the end (if you can!!) For shorter races I have a tougher time which is why I like distance...:)...Carole
4-pack... I wish. It's not fair, both my sons have a six pack and I'm the only one doing core work. I only have sort of a two-pack. So unfair...
Dutchie :)
Morning all! I intended to do LL this morning, but since my legs were still a little sore from BC I decided to do the Timesaver leg workout. Still a pretty good burn, espcially the SJP barbell squats. Yikes! I did my CTX back and shoulders last night followed by AllStep abs. I have to say that it seems like those good old traditional crunch workouts work my abs the most. I was burning hard last night.

Sandra - I am definitely taking your suggestion and doing the SJP Step/Hi Lo Circuit premix followed by the SB challenge tomorrow. I can't wait! Thanks for the suggestion!

Dutchie - 40 minutes of chest! Wow! Good for you! I'm lucky if I can do half of that, especially if push ups are involved.:7

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hello, Fit Ladies!
Today was Imax 2 for me. I was going to do Chest and Back from CTX, but unfortunatly I ran out of time. I have a dentist appt. this morning. I am praying I don't need a route canal. My back tooth is killing me. So not looking forward to this. Then this evening I have to take my midterm in Torts II. What a day! I will definately be glad when it is over. Hope ya'll have a more exciting day than me!
Morning Everyone,

I was so busy last night, DD's had gymnastics, that I didn't get my w/o in. So I will be doing PH tonight and adding on some jumprope.

Today is the day I receive HC. So excited :)

Have a great day!
Laurie Mac
Today is a full body weight workout, then 1 hour stairmaster followed by 1.25 hours of step class. Thursdays are always my biggest exercise day (and my favorite day too), and I am just about to leave for the gym.

Happy exercising!
Good morning, ladies:

PUB for me this morning, up only at my max weight. I can barely type! ;-) I also did some heavy calf raises on the Smith machine.

Tomorrow I am going to do a torturous lower-body workout. I am thinking about doing L&G Xtreme, I haven't done it yet. Anyone have feedback on that? Is it more step work or more floor work or just thousands more sets for everything? :)

good morning Duthchie! is Mr. Weird still calling or did he finally get the hint? great run!!

Carole: do you think that gym style is comprable to P90X? i don't have P90X but i notice alot of people do it around here. what's the diference?

CarlaK: good luck at the dentist and agiain on the tests!

i am doing Imax2 today and hopefully some of L/G

have a great day everyone!

Hi Jes, yes he's still calling. I told him straightforward I wasn't interested. He said he already gathered that cause I never returned his phonecalls. But he'd like to go out with me just the same cause I was fun to be with.... Is it me, or is he really weird? Or does he think I'll change my mind if I go out with him more often...

Good morning!

Barring anything unexpected, I should receive HC today! I am very, very excited about this!

I did SJP this morning. The step portion was great, but I had to modify the hi/lo quite a lot due to my overly sensitive bladder these days. The next time I choose to do SJP, I may have to use the suggestion that I gave Jes, and add some SB step, in place of the hi/lo. I'm very happy that HC doesn't have any hi/lo workouts! SJP is such a fun workout. It was one of the few that I could have enjoyed, when what I'd really rather be doing is a HardCore!

Katie - so glad you appreciate my suggestion! The SB/SJP premixes are really, really great workouts. I think that dvd is one of Cathe's crown jewels. Enjoy!

Dutchie - yes, he's weird alright! Sounds like a Cling-On.

I don't have as much time for a long email today. My parents arrived yesterday, so I am in hostess-with-the-mostest mode. Have a great day, everyone! Enjoy your workouts!

Hi good morning everybody. Today is still stepping just for fun and some Cathe cardio too. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie :)
Marie, L&G Xtreme you do twice the standing floor exercises and only once the floor exercises. You'll feel it.

Hello ladies,

I have been working out a little bit later these days. Once I am a little more familiar with the new workouts, I will switch back to early mornings. I am still sore from Kick Max yesterday. I think the leg drills did me in pretty good. I will be doing Lo Max later today. I hope my legs can handle it. I heard there's a lot of leg work in that workout.

Have a great day all!!


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