Daily check-in Thursday 10 Feb

Good Morning.

Tonight is supposed to be All Step but I think I'm gonna trade that up for a different step work out and then go back to All Step just for the upper body weight work. I'm not in the mood to be completely confused tonight! lol :p

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi everyone,
I got a late start today because I began my day washing the mounds and mounds and mounds of clothing that have just been staring at everytime I go to workout in the basement. Needless to say I am still washing but I've gotten at least 4 loads out of the way. Now about 7 more to go....Anyway, once I get a good break I'm going to Cardio and Weight Training with Emily. I'm still waiting on my Hardcore. Nothing has come yet and no emails either. Not even a tracking number. Well that's it for now, except the scale hasn't moved and I've eaten cleanly for so long now (2 whole days) LOL! I just can't wait until it starts moving down again. Alright everybody enjoy the remainder of your day!
It's a continuing process.....
Hello Everyone! Sounds like everyone has great workouts planned for the day. I am feeling the need to take a rest day, so I will probably do a yoga video today and call it good. :)

I love reading all these reviews on the Hardcore Series! I really want to buy the whole thing now! :p So jealous!

Great workouts everyone!
Hello everyone,

This morning for me was Legs & Glutes....and did it feel good.

Man I can't wait to get HC Kick Max.
SNM says all orders should be received this month.

Hi everyone!!

I was hoping that nobody would mind me joining in on the daily posts..

Today is my cardio day only

Hi/lo Heaven Christi Taylor: 85 minutes with/ 10 minutes of Muscle Endurance abs.

Yesterday I did:
Circuit max and Muscle endurance..dripping sweat like you would not believe...LOLOL

Denise:) ;-) :D :7
Okay, I just rcvd the Intensity series!:) I had it sent here to my job! Am I allowed to get all excited over this even though you all are on the edge of your seats about HC!? :+ (I'm a Cathe newbie still so I think I should be allowed!:p)

So here it goes:

YEAYYYY!!!! I just the Intensity Series! WA HOO!:7 :7 :7

LOL! Have a great day, ladies!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi all, lunchtime workout for me, overslept this morning. I did PUB warm up, triceps then did CTX triceps , then for cardio I did the 37 min. cardio conditioning premix off of KPC. I was down a half a pound this morning so I was happy, problem being my cycle still hasn't started I have 1 provera left and I always lose weight while taking it. Sigh, I really need to try some progesterone cream and see if that helps too. They say I have to give it 2 weeks after I finish the provera to see if my cycle will start.:( :) To be honest I really don't think it will, I have no feelings like anything is happening, but I could be wrong;-) .

Have a great day!!:D

Hey girl!!


Wow!! Now you are 26 weeks along..that is great!!
I love your tummy pics, very cute!! Are you going to make a tummy cast??

Yeah, I am a cardio freak...That workout is actually 90 minutes long, but my feet started to blister up and hurt, so and I had to stop short and finish up with abs instead :-( ;( ..I really need to buy new shoes.

My hubby was in the basement doing Cathe's MIC.... It was kicking his behind..LOL

:) ;-) :p :9 :7

A tummy cast? Never heard of that! That sounds neat. Where/how do you get that done?? Reminds me of when everyone used to bronze the baby shoes...my mom did that and still has them from either me or my sister!

You DH did MIC, huh? First time? I'm impressed with that too! Did he make it all the way through? I don't have MIC but I hear it's a killer work out! I will get it one day...:)

So yes, 26 weeks...I can't believe it myself! It's awesome!!! Last night DH and I did some rearranging and organizing to ge the baby's room ready for a paint job. His sister is coming over on saturday to help him paint and move a piece of furniture that he couldn't do himself last night (I'm not allowed to help, ofcourse ;( ) Once the painting is done I have to go pick up the wallpaper border that matches the crib bedding I picked out and we can put that up. I'd like to have the room basically ready a couple months ahead of time. Then we won't be in a frenzy in the last weeks before my due date...I am reserving those last weeks for washing the baby's clothes and organizing his drawers and all of this things so that I can find stuff when he comes home! WOW! It all seems so overwhelming but I wouldn't trade it for anything! It's amazing to be preparing for a new life!

Sorry for yammering on! lol

Take Care!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


hey again! i did my workout! yea for me!!! i did SJP step only, the challenge from SB and BC UB premix. i used 1 set of risers, which i have never done, and i watched my heart rate monitor to se if there was a major increase. i was in the target zone in the warmup! :eek:

wendy: chicken of allstep huh?! get brave, you'll learn it in no time! i have faith in you! congrats on IS! those workouts are so fun! have you tried BB series yet?

christie: have fun with the laundry! i do it everyday!

Ciao tutti!

IMax for me today. I was feeling sluggish for the first five intervals, but found my energy for intervals 6 - 10. I am having to work out in the family room, as the basement is still under construction and I am limited to VHS workouts because there is no DVD in the family room.

The rug in the family room is plusher than the rug over concrete I am used to, and although it is easier on the knees, it is slowing me down some.

I can't wait to try my new HC dvd's. Your reviews sound awesome.

Til tomorrow,


Yeah, I'm being a chicken with All Step. I don't know why, I just am. lol I will do it again though and I WILL learn it!

I have done an L & G premix from BB. Loved it-harder than LL which I also love!

I am doing a CTX rotation right now so I am trying REALLY REALLY hard not to go off of it too much for the new vids! My discipline for sticking with a rotation is pretty bad and I'm trying to improve it. I'm getting better...slowly but surely!;)

I am stocking up on Cathe faster than I can do them but I have a feeling that's pretty common around here!:) I am confident that I will LOVE all of the work outs...including the 2 HC's that are coming my way now...even if I have to wait until after the baby is born to do some of them! :+ :+ :+

The way I look at it...the longer it takes me to try all of my new work outs, the longer it'll feel like Christmas to me!! ;) lol

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi ladies,

Today I did Kick Max. Either I'm getting sick or that workout was much more difficult that Low Max. Again, it's deceptive at the start. Those leg drills just killed me. Leg weights....no way... I'm also doing the core routine with the ball. I haven't tried that yet.

Well here I am at 7pm again...

My work remains very busy, but my workouts are keeping me sane and giving me enough energy to make it through. Today I did timesaver #5, which is all legs. It is a nice little workout--not a killer, but pretty decent. The floor work is pretty good.

Tomorrow is a rest day and Saturday will be Bootcamp for the first time. That way I will have done all the workouts I have before the 11 HC's come! Yes, my notice came yesterday (I didn't see it until today) that my Valentine's present will be the new DVDs! Sweet!

Wendy, blabber on all you want about your impending arrival, its a feeling that can't ever be replicated. Not even subsequent arrivals hold the same mystery and intrigue, because of course by then you're a veteran! You have no idea what the heck you're in for, and that's part of the joy---figuring it out.

Happy Friday tomorrow everyone!:) :)
Good evening everyone!

Today I did:

Step only from SJP
Imax2 blasts 1-5
PUB chest & back
Core Max #1
Stretch #1

I enjoyed every second!

Wendy -- I'm amazed at the workouts you're able to do while you're pregnant. Good for you!
Hi Everyone,

I've been too tired to check in much lately. I'm also waking up nauseous so I think I will have to move my workouts to the evening which takes away from my forum time.}(

Anyway, I got my Hardcores today. Tonight I did, well kind of, IMAX 3. Holy crap. This workout and being tired do not go hand in hand. I'm just so glad there is a premix that excludes the blasts so I can still do it while pregnant.

Gonna preview Muscle Max tonight since that's on the agenda for tomorrow. Then, it's off to bed.

Have a great night ladies,

Here are a few links for belly casting, I wish I had done this with my last son.. I hope that you enjoy reading about them, I think they are neat!!



Sounds like you are nesting away, with getting the Baby's room ready..how exciting for you and your hubby!!
Are you planning on getting an Epidural or trying all natural? Either way is great!! If you are thinking of going all natural, I know of a few books that could be very helpful getting you and your hubby through labor... Let me know

Yes, my hubby did MIC this morning, and no he did not make it through all the way... He looked like he was gonna die...LOL!!
He likes to workout with me..He likes Bootcamp and KPC a lot.. MIC is the BEST workout EVER!!! I love it Soooooo much!! buying all 44 dvd's was the smartest thing I have ever done!! LOL

I just got an e-mail that my hardcore are shipping soon, I ordered on January 21st.. Yeah!!!!!!!!

Take care of yourself

:) :-( :eek: ;-) :9 :7 :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+

Oh, I sooo have no idea what I am in for! lol I can't wait to find out though! I look forward to every exhausting moment!


I guess I just have the energy right now so I am taking advantage of it while I can! Plus I modify, modify, modify! I have the distinct feeling that I will have a lot more difficulty finding the energy to exercise AFTER the little guy's arrival! lol


Thanks so much for the links. I will check them out. Seems pretty neat. I have decided (so far) to just do what I feel is right at that very moment as far as epidural vs all natural. I do not feel the need to be "super woman" yet I will not take the drugs if I don't feel my discomfort/pain warrants it....Unless ofcourse I end up sooo paranoid of big time pain before it even starts that I ask for the drugs just in case! LOL Hey, I actually have a question I'd like to ask you in regards to labor/contractions, etc...I will email it to you.

Take Care!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!



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