Daily Check in Thurs Aug 13


Not much to report - slept in. So much for IM3!

DD and I sorted her clothes in her bedroom in preparation for college. I told her that I wanted to be able to use her room as a guestroom when she is a way - now easy task! We finished with about 4 large kitchen bags of give away clothes and 2-3 of trash! I can see her floor now! OH,and I came out of it with 2 sweatshirts and a regular shirt.:D
Hi Phyllis and all who follow,

Not to worry about Imax 3, it will still be there when you are ready for it, Phyllis.

Today was supposed to be MIC, but it is really not my favorite, so I subbed Seasun's SUS and then the core section from BG.

Have a good TGIF eve!
MIC is VERY tough, and doesn't have high fun factor. Maybe because it's older?

I'm not a fan either.
I also subbed MIC. Same reasons. Super tough, not so much fun.......

I slept poorly again last night. Was on the couch because DH came home from work early with a stomach bug. I was trying to stay as far away from the germs as possible, so I slept in the living room.
I was awake/asleep all night & got up at 4.

Anyway......I ended up doing CC#3 on the TM and core from Amy Bentos APX (planks , weights, pikes, discs !!!) & CPS.

I'm washing sheets, and towels today, spraying Lysol like mad everywhere , washing hands, eating lightly and drinking lots of water and trying to stay healthy !!!

Have a good one !

Hello Ladies!

Phyllis Great idea for your DD's room. That's what we plan on doing also with my son's room next year as he will be off to College also.
At the moment I need to get into the kid's rooms and declutter once again- ugh it never ends lol

Conni I agree about MIC - not a favorite of mine anymore- when it comes up on a rotation I end up choosing and Imax or a run w/ Cardio Coach or iTread instead. Mine is on VHS no point in selling it as its old so when its time to go through the old VHS tapes again it'll end up at the library or Goodwill

Becky here's hoping your dh recovers soon and nobody in the house gets that bug. Today I'm finally home all day so it's laundry day for me aswell.

As for moi this is what's going on in my world currently:

So far I have been headache free for 2 days yay!

Back to my workouts which were sorely missed - I'll be back on my Squeeze/Cardio rotation.

Yesterday I sent off my son Anthony on his way to Ft Lauderdale to start his cruise.

My oldest DD's boyfriend is back from combat in Iraq for a few days so she (Chloe) is spending all her time w/ him. Sadly he needs to return to his company next week. He does not want to go but must; the boy has seen things that no normal 19 yr old needs to see. My hubby actually spoke to him about the combat stress since he was also over there when he was active duty and has dealt with it himself. It's not easy and before Sam came back home I pretty much told Chloe what to expect as far as his moods; since I also dealt with it w/ my husband :(. They usually come back thrilled to be home but it's a big adjustment for them to come back to the 'world' (depression, not feeling like they belong etc etc).

So I've not been online at all much. Classes start for me next week.:):confused: Getting ready and stuff.

Yesterday we drove back to the community we will call home God willing next year since Chloe had not seen it - she was thrilled w/ the club house pool area and all the natural walking trails. We also spoke to the agent and we have started looking at what upgrades we want ( hardwood, granite yada, yada, yada) we are all so anxious to just do it already but waiting on Anthony's HS graduation next spring :::sigh:::

Hope all are doing EXCEPTIONALLY well today :)

Hi gals,

I did the warm up to Cardio Kicks then did a 30 min. bootcamp type workout off of Exercise TV for my cardio. I actually have DOMs from my weight workout yesterday so I am feeling very very sore.

Have a great day.... I also got a call from work, since our census is still very low I have to take a vacation day on Sat. and not work.
Becky, bleach, bleach and more bleach! Keep those germs away!

Vilma, what grade will your younger ones be in when you move? That's so exciting! Its brand new construction? Wow!

How nice for your DD to get to see her beau. When is his tour done?

Annette, is it tough financially with the forced days off?
I do get paid for that day off I just have to use my vacation days, and I don't get the shift diff. pay since I am not actually working so it will be a little less in my paycheck. Not too bad, we will manage just fine. Thanks for asking.

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