*Daily Check-In TGIFriday, 4/10*


:cool: Good Morning Glories!!! :cool:

Today is cardio for me, although I haven't chosen my cardio of choice yet. I also have to do some ab work.

Have a great day!
What's new ??

Good morning to you too !

Disc 21- back&triceps for me.

TGIF ! And the first day of spring break for DD ! :D:D:D

Have a great day!


Hi Becky! Not much is new. I have STS but I haven't started it yet. Two of the boys are home for Easter break. I decided to resurrect our daily check-in...missed y'all.
Tammy! I missed you too!!:) I hope you enjoy STS when you start it. I am liking it so much that I rarely miss a day....except for today:eek: I decided to take an unscheduled rest day and I will do disc 23 tomorrow. How is your BP? stabilized yet? Have fun with your boys! Do they have crazy sleep schedules?

Becky, you are catching up to me on STS! If I miss a couple of more days - we'll be in synch! I will miss a day at the end of the month so that will push me back a little. When does your rest week start?

BTW Tammy - the ab work on the STS disc is truly challenging!
Phyllis ,

My STS ab disc stopped working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pop it in and it freezes almost immediately !
I am so upset.
I'm going to see if DH knows of anything to do besides wipe off the disc and clean out the player (but its the same in two players)........
any ideas ??

Good morning!!

It looks like the gang is coming back together!:D

It is good to see you again Tammy. It's been a while. I, too, just got STS. I did disc #4 yday. I had to cancel my presale last fall due to circumstances beyond my control but was able to get STS on eBay from someone who had injured herself and couldn't continue STS for not much more than the presale price would have been. She sold the entire intact set. So I felt pretty fortunate to get it.

Becky, since I bought in eBay, if my discs start freezing, I'm in trouble! :eek: I hope you get it to working.

Good morning Phyllis... don't worry about missing a day, I may miss today's cardio (LowMax), I'm proably going to have to shuffle my rotation around.

I'm doing wedding stuff with DD today. We have to get together with the wedding coordinator and address invitations this morning and then DD wants some mama time afterward.

Better get started, I have to get out of here by 9.

Like I said LowMax today if it can be done this evening, also need to pick up those Ab Circuit-yoga abs from yday.

Hello to all that follow!

Becky, is the disc scratched? If so, maybe there is a way of polishing that out? How about contacting SNM?
Hi everyone,

Wow, what a reunion! This is great!

Becky - contact SNM immediately. If you do too much messing around with the disk they may not take it back.

Tammy - Great to have you back!

Jane - How big is the wedding going to be? I just love weddings, but I will never be the mother of the bride, sadly enough, I have boys!

Today was supposed to be BM 2, but I don't have that much time to spare, so I will do Squeeze today and BM 2 tomorrow. I usually do premixes anyways, but I think I may try for the whole shebang tomorrow.

Lots to do today for Easter, I had better work out and get moving!
Conni - DD has eight bridesmaids if that is any indication! We are really trying to keep costs down in this economy and I think we have done fairly well. Still.... weddings are EXPENSIVE :eek:

July 18th is the day.
Great to all be back together ladies. Now we just need Annette to pop in. :D:D

Phyllis ~ Yes, the boys have crazy sleep schedules, as I'm sure you know ;) I have done a few workouts off of the abs DVD, yes they are challenging.

Becky ~ Definitely contact SNM and I'm sure they will send you a new ab DVD.

Jane ~ I did the exact same thing w/STS. I also had to cancel my presale for reasons beyond my control and picked up the whole dang set over on ebay for about the same price as the presale :D Congrats on the wedding. How exciting!

Conni ~ I like to do the premixes too. I also have lots to do to get ready for the holiday. It's also my DH's birthday on Sunday, so I have to get to the mall at some point for a gift. Looks like there won't be any sleeping in tomorrow :(

Have a gread day ladies!!!!
Hey, hey the gang's all here... are we gonna have a party?!?!

I haven't worked out yet but cardio is on the plan for today.

Great so see the gang altogether again.

Thanks Tammy for restarting our old check in.
What a sight for sore eyes!

Tammy!! How the heck are you?!

I've been MIA for a bit myself doing CLX and since its not STS well I just don't post much.:eek:

Glad to see the daily check in thread started once again!

Jane welcome back too!

The gang is all here sorta - its so nice! :)

Vilma !!!!!!

LTNS !! Glad you are back !:D:D

This is a happy day !!! It's great to see everyone again !

Hi again, I just finished my workout. Since my DVD player's remote is broken I can't do any workouts that have a menu to start or don't just start right in with the workout so I am limited. But I did do the Total Body Fat Blasting Taebo workout (thank goodness you just hit play and it starts) for my cardio workout today.

It is soo nice to see us all back together again.:D
I just finished BM2 Cardio Blast premix...I'm tired!!!!:rolleyes:

Yes Annette ~ It is GREAT to have the old gang back :):)
Hey Annette and Vilma... Oh my goodness, it's like old times! I really didn't know how much I missed this until I started back.

Tammy - I did the entire BM2 workout on Jan 25th, my official start day on my way back... I thought I would surely die before I finished.... after I got to the UB part, it wasn't so bad.

I know a few others were checking in with y'all... Chrissy and Ellie (?)... I hope we didn't scare them off. :eek: They are certainly welcome here.

No workout today... didn't get home until close to 6... will have to double up tomorrow.

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