Daily check-in TGIF Mar. 2


Good EARLY morning fitness folks...

I woke up at 12 after going to bed at 9 and laid there until 2:15 and finally got up. I am wide awake. I doubt that will be the case as the day progresses. I am mainlining coffee as I type!

Thank goodness today's workout is a light one. Low Impact Step.... that is if I'm awake enough to do it.

I believe I've decided on the March rotation. I'll start it next week Wed when I finish Feb. I believe Cathe will hit us hard in April and on into the spring months getting us ready for summer, so I feel a recovery rotation is just what I need. She has worked us pretty hard the last few months. I'll really looking forward to the reprieve. I feel my body will respond a lot better to a more advance rotation in April if I give it a much needed rest now.

Have a good one!
Becky... I've tried to email you four times this morning and they keep coming back undeliverable. Are you having problems with your email? They are coming back to my yahoo address... I've tried sending it with my charter address and so far that one hasn't come back.
G'morning all.

Jane, that sounds like a good plan with the March rotation. I'm still undecided but I have a couple days to ponder it.

HSC this morning. i don't enjoy the taps around the step. I always feel like I'm loosing my balance.Other than that, I like the routine. It does move quickly. Tomorrow I plan on MM.



Good morning all ~

Where to begin....my mom was rushed to the ER yesterday morning. She is in multiple system failure from a perforated ulcer. They did emergency surgery which the surgeon did not expect her to live through, but she pulled through that. The next 48 hours are touch and go. Prayers please! I will keep you posted.

Becky: Here is the link for the 6' bands, and yes, they are the same bands as the green ones that came with the GS series.


Oh my god, Tammy! I am sooooo sorry that this happened to your mom! Were there any warning signs that this would happen??? It's great news that she pulled through a surgery the docs didn't seem hopeful about. I will pray that the next 48 hours are good ones for her! Hang in there.

Hi Girls.

Jane, Sorry you are up so early. Do you have to work today?? Keep that coffee IV going!}(

Phyllis, Enjoy HSC. I actually like the straddle taps but I can only do them on the platform. I quickly lose it when I even add ONE set of risers!:p

I have a short Cathe Cardio + Core Syn on tap for today but I will be VERY tight on time after work today. I am leaving around 4:30pm to drop Joey off at my mom's and head down to a/c with my friend. I have lots to accomplish before I leave. CardioX is sounding like a much more doable option that will combine cardio and core into one nice neat little pkg! I'll decide for sure later!

Prayers are with you and your family, Tammy, I hope everything comes out alright. Hang in there and stay strong!

I am going to try to do a Fitnessfreak rotation, I think, using the generic layout. Today was a fun day though, I did Marcus Irwins Step Fusion parts 1 and 2 ( 60 minutes ) and then coremax 2. I really love Marcus!!! What a personality and a great choreographer!
I feel like I have done a really nice steady state workout!
Good Morning !

My day started with my dd missing the bus so I had to take her to school.
When I got home I couldn't think of a workout to do, so I ended up walking 3 miles on the TM.
I really have doms from the week of one body part a day, so I am giving my muscles a rest.
I'm surprised that I even have doms in my abs from Amy Bento's abs & stretch DVD! I recommend it highly!

Thank you Tammy for the link for the bands. I hope today is a better day for you and your mom.

Connie, I dont' know a thing about Marcus Irwin. What type of step does he do?
You seem to have all kinds of different step workouts and step is my favorite all time way to workout, so I am always interested in new stuff. Who is your favorite besides Cathe?

Jane, I finally got an email from you from a different address and emailed you back. Hope it's working now! I hope you can get a nap in today!!

TGIF everyone!
Oh Tammy I'm so sorry. Your mother is definitely in my prayers!!! Keep us posted. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

Becky - I got your email on my charter address. Not sure what was going on this morning.

On break and feeling VERY spacey (more than usual:p ) right now.. UGH
Hi Becky,

Marcus Irwin is extremely complex choreographically, not too high impact ( if you go for that kind of thing add jacks and jumps, like I do..). You can find his stuff and clips and Fitness Organica. He films in Australia, and the production quality is definitely different, but his material is well laid out and worth every penny, imo.

I have been getting into Kelley Coffey, Amy Bento, Tracey Staehle and Mindy Mylrea if I am looking for Cathe type intensity.

If I want something dancier and still intense, I go for Christi Taylor.

I also like anything by Franny Bennedetto and the new stuff by Gay Gasper and Donna Read, and the circuit workouts by Sharon Twombley.

I really believe Variety keeps boredom away, so I really like changing up on my cardio. My weightwork seems to gravitate to Cathe most of the time though!

If you have any specific workouts that you want opinions on, feel free to ask! ( I am full of opinions..:+ )
Tammy, prayers going up for your mother and for your family during this crisis.

I did the 37 min. premix off of KPC today for my workout!:7
I just got a new work out in the mail today. It's a combo of yoga and martial arts. I just previewed it and it looks really great so I am going to that instead of Cardio X today!

I won't be back now until monday so have a great weekend!

Continued prayers and hugs being sent Tammy and her mom's way!!!!!
Daily Check-in

Good evening! After updating my journal and check-ins yesterday morning, I blasted off this new month with High Step Challenge. I lingered on the forums a little longer than planned, so I did a homemade timesaver workout. I did not want to wait until after work. I learned my lesson last month. It is better to do a shorter version of the workout than nothing at all. My upper body was still sore from Muscle Max, so I skipped the second set of a few upper body exercises and saved the ab and core work for last night. This is a fantastic workout. I love it way more than High Step Training. It is more fun than Boot Camp too, and Boot Camp is a blast. The fun music is energizing. I love the fast pace too. This is my favorite high step workout. It makes me feel so good! I wore my Reebok cross training shoes again and definitely want to find another pair. These shoes feel great on my feet.

I bounced on my rebounder last night and did the ab and core work from High Step Training. My eating was clean again.

I enjoyed Stretch Max after my quiet time this morning and bounced on my rebounder tonight after a nice session with my counselor. I am looking forward to a victorious March now that I am back on track with morning workouts.

Tammy, I read your message on the way out the door this morning. I was running late and did not have time to respond, but I have been praying for you and your mother all day. Love and hugs to you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).

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