Daily Check in Monday October 1, 2012


Yeahhh! It's October!

I love the Fall. So do my kids. They love Hallowe'en. Oh, and their birthdays are in the Fall.

This morning I attempted Horizontal Conditioning Bootcamp. Goodness, this time I managed 43 minutes. The cardio is plyo moves so manageable. It's the horizontal moves that are tough to hold. I will be buying more of these workouts in the future.

I hope you all get in a workout.

Carmen - I think you would like Cathe's latest. I cannot get past 30 minutes on TTM, it's so enduring for me.

Conni - Jillian Michael's? I look forward to seeing your posted workouts everyday 'cos you do something different each time. And, your ideas inspire me to give certain workouts a re-think. But Jillian? I just cannot get my head around her.

Zhaoyang - Yes, I speak French. My kids are both in french immersion. My french is pretty rusty now. I studied German for 6 years in high school and university. Now that's a tough language and I barely remember anything. I can ask for potatoes.

Annette - I hope you squeeze in a workout today - depending on whether you are subbing or not...

Enjoy October everyone!
Hi Siobhan,

Jillian has some hits and misses, but some of her stuff is pretty good, and now and then I need someone getting really tough with me.
You know I like my variety!

Today was circuit - I decided to brave BM 2, did the Cardio and Weights premix.

Happy Monday.....
HI everybody,

Thanks CeCi, I did not take a job today so I did 32 min.of the Fat Blasting Total Body Taebo workout with weighted gloves on for my cardio today.

I worked a lot last week and then Saturdays are spent going to see my MIL who is dying so my hubby can spend time with his mother. So if I disappear for a long period know that this is going on and taking up a lot of time.

Glad to see everybody else is working out and keep at it.

Have a great day!!:)
Hi ladies - I love October too! I miss the leaves changing colors. You would never know its October here....it was hot today.

I just finished doing the lower body express premix on Total body Trisets. Man I'm gonna feel that tomorrow. Those dixie cup pick ups are tough.

Siobhan I'd love to give TTM a try someday. Is that one tougher than CF?

Connie I have one of Jillians last DVD and by week 4 she is total obnoxious. The workout is good though.

Annette. Sorry to hear about MIL. May God comfort you and your family during this time.

Have a great evening ladies.

Bless you too, Calico.

I've been using the machine for eight full weeks now and I finally worked up to trying the highest resistance setting, today. I did resistance 16/16 @ 5.2 mph for 5 minutes, then 14/16 @ 4.7 mph for 25 minutes.

Rotator cuffs and shoulder retraction:
Since my rotator cuffs are much improved, I added the strengthening of the back and stretching of the front recommended for pulling the shoulders back (rowing, reverse flys, etc). Again, for info I used exrx.net and here is a good demonstration.

Boot Camp Core Only! :) Someone watching me do this was as amazed as I was. Throughout I sounded like I was dying in agony! I grade myself 70%, and I'm very surprised; I had expected to only "walk through" it the first time. I believe I will be beautifully sore tomorrow and even longer! :)

I'm looking at Boot Camp because I'm ready to supplement the machine with some more varied movements, as in Cathe's warm-ups.


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