Hi Ladies!
Today was another stressfull day dealing with the bank and notary all day trying to make sure the house would get sold today. Not a fun day dealing with it between meetings at the office. When I left the office I was pretty stressed out and annoyed with it all so I think it was good I had to give a bball training before heading home.
Due to school breaks there were only 7 kids and 3 trainers so we decided to do a lot of drills in game form, small layup competitions and shooting games and then finally 5 on 5. This meant I was training nearly the whole time too and got real sweaty. Doesn't feel like a w/o though.
Tonight I figured it wasn't to late to do another double Cathe Live class, but I definitely picked the wrong w/o to start with. I just finshed Power Step. 39 min and 388 kcal later I am drenched in sweat and my body is definitely saying NO to another w/o. I thought it was more steady state cardio but my avg HR was 147 and max 167. Looking at the stats that's not all that different from Steptastic, but after that one I was okay to add on another w/o so maybe it was all the running at bball or the fact that I have done doubles both days in the weekend. Who knows?!
Well tomorrow is a new day for more Cathe Live... Instead I will have some more time to relax before bed today.
See you all tomorrow.
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