Daily Check in Monday December 7, 2015


Good Monday Morning Everyone,

I basically took a rest day today. I did Cassey Ho Pilates - Flat Abs Fast - just 25 minutes. I was too sore for anything else. Suzanne Bowen gets me everytime.

Conni - busy day whoa! Good luck.
Sandy - I only do the AB premix of 1-10 once only. That's all I can handle. I think AB is one of Cathe's toughest for me.

Enjoy your workouts friends and have a great day.
Hi Siobhan,
Did my Abs for Pilates and stretchmax 1 today to get me stretched and relaxed for my crazy day. On top of work and the theater I have to figure out how to pick up my hearing aid today, I need to hear!! Only had one for over a week now, and its not fun!
Hi gals,

Today was 22 minutes on the elliptical then 30 minutes of weight work all at the gym.

Two of my sons finish up finals this week with one graduating on Saturday in Florida and the other completing his 1st semester in college.

Oldest son is now a permanent employee at his job no longer working through the temporary agency.

Have a great day!
Hi Annette, good news for all of your sons. I can only guess someone brought them up well!
Today I did Cross Train Xpress Kickbox with biceps and abs work. I have to say Cross Train has got some really good abs sections!!!Have a good week start everybody.

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