Daily Check In Monday August 21


G'morning fit women!

This morning I plan to head to the gym for a 30 min elliptical work out and then tonight is my class which will be 30 mins of running-no more walking. }(

Have a great day!
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

RS and PUB Abs for me today.

Wendy: Have fun at the gym!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Good morning all!

Wendy, have you met lots of people at the gym? Do you like it enought to stick with it?

All cardio for me today. C& W step premix, Allstep cardio, SB challenge w/blasts.

DH and I are heading into PHila today to the Mutter Museum and possibly the Franklin Institute. I'll be tired at the end of this day!


Hi folks. I haven't exercised much this year, but I'm missing it terribly, so I'm planning to try to start to fit it into my schedule again. I haven't even tried the Gym Style workouts yet, but I noticed they have pre-mixes, and I'm going to try doing about 30 mins. per day of strength training.

Yesterday I did about 40 mins. on the treadmill and Core Max (#2). I love Coremax #2! It's so much easier on my neck than other core workouts. I just love the move where you transfer the ball from your arms to your legs while lying on the floor because it works SO WELL.

I'm going to try to get home early enough tonight to try one of the GS workouts.

Hi Wendy, Tammy, Phyllis and all that follow -

Just wanted to check in and say hi! I'm starting week 2 of P90x - woo hoo so posting my check in over there right now, but I wanted to see how you are doing.

Sounds like you are doing great. Tammy have your sons gone to school yet? I HATE that feeling of them taking off :( My DD goes back next weds. It was a great summer though.

Wendy you look great. Joey has grown since I've looked at the pics. What a cutie :)

Have a great day/week all :)
Welcome to the check-in Nancy! Keep posting here...it's very motivating! :)

Hey Phyllis: I love the gym! I never used to but I think the fact that exercise has become a way of life instead of a something that comes and goes w/my mood has made all of the difference for me! Plus the fact that I spent 3-4 years working out ONLY at home so I was VERY ready for the change! I haven't met anyone at the gym! LOL I'm a very shy person though so it can be hard for me to talk to people I don't know. I also don't go there to socialize though so it's no biggie. I go, do my thing and leave. If I started talking to someone that would be great but I'm not LOOKING for it. Lots of times I'm on a cardio machine using my mp3 player so socializing isn't really an option anyway. LOL! I DO talk to one or two girls in my running classes though so I'm not a total social misfit! ;) :p
Hey ladies,

Sounds like everyone is having some great workouts today! I am attempting to start the Nov.05'Fat burning focus rotation. I am not known for finishing these things but I am giving it a try.

So today I will be doing KPC, and that mug can be long!!

have a good day!

This morning I tackled Legs and Glutes followed by a 25 min TM run (first 20 minutes were an iTread, then just did 5 minutes extra followed by 5 more walking)

Good morning everyone and welcome Nancy,

Saturday was Leaner Legs,
Sunday was Cardio Collectibles, abs and stretchmax 1.
Today was Amy's Hi/lo Cardio Pump, and ab hits.

Have a great day!!
Hi Girls!

Yesterday was Slim & lean, today was a step marathon! I did all of Stepworks, then added 2 combos from RSS and 2 combos from Still Steppin' and one from Step Heaven . (I am learning the choreography from those sloooowly:p )

Great workouts everyone!!

Hey Nancy - welcome to the checkin. We have a mishmosh of everything going on here, do you can get some great ideas. Checking in truly motivates me, even if it's just to say it's time for a rest.

Does that coremax move bother your back? I can't do all the reps for that move because of that.

Have a good day.


Good Morning everyone. Phyllis, have you been to the Mutter museum before? My DH and I have been wanting to go, but my DD thinks it sounds "gross," so we haven't made it there yet. Let me know if it's worth a trip to Philly.
Today is probably GS BSB, but I'm getting a little tired of that workout. I may check out some of the premixes on SS or PP. Any suggestions for upper body workouts that can be divided into 2 days?
If I have time, I hope to add on something cardio for 15-30 min. I have a meeting in town at 6, so I may not be able to fit it all in. Why does "life" keep getting in the way?
ACK! Had to cancel gym work out today in favor of nothing until my class tonight. I'm having a "female issue" that is quite uncharacteristic for me and it's making me feel quite tired and light headed at times. :-( I was actually in the car on the way to the gym when I got scared of how I felt and turned around. I don't feel too bad now but wisdom dictates I rest until class tonight. Don't worry...I WILL blow class off if need be as well. I'm dedicated but not dumb!;)
Hi all, I did something different today for my cardio, I took a walk with my youngest son. We did my normal route and it was 47 min. walk at a moderate pace. He did really well, my dh wants me to prepare him for out upcoming Colorado trip so he can keep up on the trails and such. I don't think he will have a problem unless the thinner air gets to him.

I came home and did PS abs and biceps to finish off my workout. Let's see how sore I am tomorrow since I haven't walked in over a year for my cardio,sigh, I maybe the hurting puppy:+ :( .

Have a great day!!:7
Good morning friends!

Wow, sounds like everyone is super motivated today.

I am going to do GS BSB and body max step only. I really need a rest day, but I have having a hard time doing that lately, especially since my eating has been CRAP!

Wendy, I will be curious to see how you and Tammy do with the 4 days of cardio. I would probably eat a lot less if I didn't think I was burning a million calories.

Nancy, it was nice to see your post this morning. I come here to read all the great workouts and it INSTANTLY motivates me.

Have a great day ladies and hello to all that follow.


It's funny you talk about eating less because of less cardio...just earlier this afternoon I downed waaay too much Ben and Jerry's half baked low fat yogurt!}( :eek: :7

Thank goodness for tonight's running class!;)
I managed a good cardio WO. I did cardio from SJP, skipped abs and stretch, and went right into KPC (skipping WUP and abs). I did get some leg work in too.

Hope you are all right for class Wendy

Nice to see you here Nancy!

Great WO's all of you!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/152/.png[/img] [/url]

I walked this morning - 45 minutes around the neighborhood. I walked yesterday, too, for an hour after sitting on my can for 2 days.

Then I helped get a ball field ready for play tonight, and I'll do some more walking down at the field. Did a Pilates class this morning, too. Slowly getting back into gear, and I ain't gonna push it! I did extremely well with my chins, however, yesterday, and tomorrow is a push-up day.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]

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