Daily Check In Monday August 21

Hey ladies,

Just finished KPC,but only the the conditioning premix that was around 37min. I didn't have much time today with taking kids to orientation to school then entertaining a girl friend all day. So I squeezed this in before preparing supper.

It's good to see you Jane! I need to bring out PS legs, and I love the floorwork!

Hey Robin. I have been to Mutter before, but it was probably a good 15 years ago. Anyway, it's a fabulous place. we combined it with a trip to the F ranklin Institute, so it was a full day! There are parts of it that can be a little disturbing. Let's see, there is an entire exhibit dedicated to conjoined twins. It had lots of pictures and articles - nothing gross. The disturbing part was the fetuses in the jars. PM me for more info. There were lots of examples of skeletal and skin disorders. I find it fascinating! Let me know if I can give you any more info.

About the upper body work - I can't think of a particular Wo to be divided, but how about doing a mishmosh. For example, do PUB chest, S/H chest and CTX chest. Taking different sections from strength WO that you enjoy and stringing them together. Or, do 2 body parts in one day. If you do one section from a strength WO, like PUB, you could add on another section from a total body WO. For example, PUB chest and MM chest. I know I'm way to wordy! Good Luck.


Thanks, Phyllis. That move doesn't seem to bother my lower back as much as some other moves, such as deadlifts. I can't do deadlifts at all.
I felt good by the time this evening came so I was able to attend my class. We ran for a solid 30 mins. My garmin said I ran 2.56 miles. I'm not sure if it's a bit on the low side though as it was reading some whacky-slow pace times at different points. I was in a park w/tree cover though so I'm not surprised if it's not totally accurate. Ah well..no biggie. I feel great now that I got my cardio in for the day even if it's not as much as I had planned. :)

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