Hi all!
I would not worry about not matching the crew, the important thing is you're working hard, whatever hard is for you. Whatever makes you sweat and gets you stronger.
It seems to be a Monday problem with my stomach. After giving bball training I had dinner and then we walked to the store to get bread for school tomorrow. In the grocery store my stomach went crazy and I kept my fingers crossed I could hold it until we made it home.
Then I started doubting whether a w/o was a good idea. Once I felt it was safe to get off the toilet I decided to try and stop if needed. I hate this problem on Mondays.
Anyways I did Chisel Balance and managed the whole thing, had a shake and shower and now I feel reasonably okay. Definitely time to see a doctor as soon as the move is over and I can fit in an appoitment, right now I am balancing too many things and it comes and goes, so it's not like there will be an immediate cure unfortunately.
Anyways, as always it felt great to w/o so I am happy I managed it.
See you all tomorrow.
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