Daily Check in Monday April 18, 2016


Good Monday Morning Everyone,

Today I did ICE Metabolic Total Body. I added on the chest meltdown.

Good luck with moving, selling, buying etc ladies.

I have two daughters aged 14 and 17. They are great girls but also very expensive :(

Have a great day everyone.
Hi Ceci,

I'll bet that girls are expensive, but I only have boys so really nothing to compare it to other than myself. I think as I age I am becoming more high maintenance than I used to be but still not as bad as some women.

Today I did 30 min. of Taebo's Insane Abs, then went to the gym for 12 min. on the elliptical on a fat burning level and then 37 min. of weight work. Not a lot of people at the gym but it might be due to the fact that it is a wonderful 75 degrees outside. I laid in the sun for 3 hours yesterday and it felt good though my back got more sun than I needed on a first day out. But hey, I like a good tan.

Have a great day!!
Hi ladies, today I did Hiit upper body circuit. I always struggle with w/s adding cardio to lifting. My heart rate goes really up in the sky so for now I seldom match the crew's weight. But I still do my best so it is ok....
Hi all!

I would not worry about not matching the crew, the important thing is you're working hard, whatever hard is for you. Whatever makes you sweat and gets you stronger.

It seems to be a Monday problem with my stomach. After giving bball training I had dinner and then we walked to the store to get bread for school tomorrow. In the grocery store my stomach went crazy and I kept my fingers crossed I could hold it until we made it home.

Then I started doubting whether a w/o was a good idea. Once I felt it was safe to get off the toilet I decided to try and stop if needed. I hate this problem on Mondays.

Anyways I did Chisel Balance and managed the whole thing, had a shake and shower and now I feel reasonably okay. Definitely time to see a doctor as soon as the move is over and I can fit in an appoitment, right now I am balancing too many things and it comes and goes, so it's not like there will be an immediate cure unfortunately.

Anyways, as always it felt great to w/o so I am happy I managed it.

See you all tomorrow.

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Wow, everyone doing tough workouts today! Good job!

Sandy, I am like that as well .....if my heart rate is up very high, I do tend to reduce weight (or use resistance tubing). I do not have RWH though.

Today, I did LIS Athletic Training & added a couple of sets of landmine suitcase deadlifts at the end for extra Leg Burn! I always forget what a complete workout Athletic Training is.

Yes, definitely see your doctor Henriette. It may just be as simple as a course of antibiotics and strong probiotics. Take care.

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