Daily check-in Monday 5/23


Whoo whee am I first today? That's probably because Aiden (my 1 yr old) decided to get up at 5:30. Yee haw ;) Well, today is just resting for me gals. Had a killer workout at the gym yesterday (hadn't been in ages) with 20 min HIIT on the treadmill, 30 min elliptical, 15 min rower, and about an hour of heavy lifting for tris, bis, and chest. Duuuudddee I feel GREAT! Resting makes muscles happy. Also, I have to take my baby to the doc b/c I think he got the bronchitis I had last week :( Have an awesome start to your week and some great workouts, ladies!!

Good Morning Fit Ladies!

Today I will be doing KM: W/U and Kick/Punch Combos, S&H Biceps and some ab work.

Debbie: Great workout at the gym!

Hi to all that follow.

Good Morning Debbie and Tammy.

Debbie-hope your little one feels better fast.

Tammy-Great work out.

So far this morning I have done changemax, feedmax and dishwashingmax. The next thing on my list is laundrymax and then finally napmax!!! :)

I had a pretty great night last night. Joey ate at midnight and then slept all the way until 6am this morning with out waking up to eat!!! Then after he ate this morning he went right back out so needless to say this new mom is THRILLED! :+

Have a great monday ladies!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

8 month pic just added! EEK! lol http://www.PictureTrail.com/wendymin
Good Morning Fit Women,

Yesterday I did Core Max #3 and jogged for 30 mins.

Today will be KPC and Super Sets (lower body only).

Happy Monday, Ladies!:)

Debbie-My nephew's name is Aiden! I love that name. Hope he feels better.

Tammy-Great workout! I love that we can mix & match.

Wendy-Isn't it great when they sleep all night? I am so happy for you! Babies are such a blessing!

Charlotte-You seem to really like KPC. I am going to have to get that one next!:)

Today-BC Cardio, LM Blasts, GS Tris, MM Abs&c/d. My legs are super sore! I'm lovin' it!!}( :D

Have a great day!
Good morning everyone,

Great to have you checking in Wendy, but I am glad I no longer had "Changemax". I "traded" that one away about 8 years ago! We have advanced onto "Elementarymax"...

Anyways, today was Imax 3, and ab hits. I have come to the conclusion Cathe is truly demonic..:+

Have a great day!

I am on a 3 week rotation which includes KPC, etc. for another week after this one and then my workout buddy will have to decide what we are doing for the next three weeks.;-)

Hi good morning, Debbie I hope will be better soon, Tammy your workout looks great, Wendy I like your new pics, Charlotte the premix of SS and PP are a treasure.Carla I love to feel my body sore after my workout. It is an addiction. Today is TAEBO, the four combinations of KM and the KM blast challenge. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Good morning everybody!

I did MIS on Saturday and took a rest day on Sunday! }( Wow, it sure is a really tough workout and I felt really good afterwards, so much stronger, hehe!!! ;-)

Today I did a 30min hill climb on the treadmill, short, but better when nothing right ;-)!

I hope that everybody has a wonderful workout or rest day
Kristine :)
Debbie, Tammy, Wendy, Charlotte, Carla

Everyone has nice days planed. Ok, Wendy your day is not quite planned, it is more 'response orientated', but very lovely with little Joey!

I am in back-to-reality-mode. We were at a family wedding out of state and now I am getting back to the daily routine.

Today's workout will be 30" easy run and UB/Abs choice followed by clean max and driving max for kiddos!
AKA "Likes2bfit"
Hi all,

Did an 18K long run yesterday. The longest distance I have ever run in my life!!! whoohoo....

Unfortunately, didn't have much time to stretch yesterday cause I had to go to a birthday party and I was running late (no pun inteded) and I'm now paying for it. I have major stiffness in all my joints. So be warned: never skip your stretch ;-)

Today is leg day, however because of the stiffness I didn't do an AM w/o. I will do it after dinner though: Muscle Max. A total body w/o is a little easier on the legs.

I have good news too, I have been offered a job through a temp agency. It's originally a full time job, but based an my resume they were willing to make it a 32 hour job (I don't want to work more then that). They haven't even spoken to me yet and they are already willing to make changes to accomodate me... I was so baffled when the temp agency told me. I have my interview on Wednesday, so everyone wish me luck.

Dutchie :)
Morning Everyone,

Didn't get a chance to check in all weekend. :( But they delivered the 3 ton of stone on Friday and by Saturday my oldest DD and I had hauled the whole pile. }( Waking up on Sunday morning I was a little shaky in the legs, I used those legs really well. No lower back discomfort. Some DOMS in the upper back from shoveling the stone into the wheelbarrow. But after moving around I started feeling better. DH was the one laying down all the weed barrier. His knees didn't feel to good on Sunday. Sunday was cleaning out weeds from the area on the other side of the house, and hauling large rocks for the border of the area. If I didn't w/o to Cathe I think I wouldn't be able to move this morning. }(

Today I had planned on starting the Aug 04 rotation. That is Legs & Glutes plus a run. See how the legs feel. I may add on a Stretchmax.

Dutchie, Good luck on the job!

Have a great day!

Laurie Mac
Good morning fitness lovers! Time to kick off a new week! Yippie!

Debbie- I love the name Aiden! Awesome workout yesterday, you definately deserve a rest day today. ;)

Today is PUB and 20 minutes of steady cardio. I think I'll do Kathy Smith's Timesave Cardio Fat Burner...I might change my mind later though. :7

Connie :D
Good Morning,

I have the monday blahs today :( Today will be 30 minutes of abs this am and then a jog on the treadmill. Later will be Tris/biceeps S&H from fittv.

Wendy-nice to see you again checking in.

Dutchie- Good luck on the job!

Everyone else have a nice day and a great workout!

Hi Laurie! Doesn't it feel great to get all that garden stuff done with? I finished up my garden start up last week, and I felt very accomplished- and I just love looking at my garden. ;)

I'm doing the Aug 04 rotation, too!! I'm on Week 2. }( I'm really enjoying it! This is my first Cathe rotation, so I'm taking it a bit "easy". It's an awesome rotation!

Connie :D
Boy, here I thought I was doing good getting my workout done before lunch and 15 people have already posted,sigh. :eek: I was missing in action this weekend my parents were up for my oldest son's piano recital on Friday night, so we had a nice visit. Didn't workout any but a nice visit none the less.

So today I did PS Biceps and abs then did Kickbox Underground for my cardio. It is a very cool, rainy day today.:( It was a good workout and I finished it all by 10 o'clock.:) :D

Hope you all have a great day!!:D :7
Good morning,

This morning I did MegaStepBlast, and Timesaver Chest/Triceps. MSB is a great workout for those wanting to move on from Basic Step because the choreography is so straightforward.

Debbie - I hope Aiden doesn't suffer too much with the bronchitis. That's awful!

Wendy - How are you recovering from the pregnancy? Feeling okay?

Dutchie - good luck on the job! I hope you get it!

Connie - I love PUB! Enjoy!

I hope Jes survived her weekend, and pops in today to wave hello.

This weekend was a rest weekend.

Today was Lowmax all step premix and BS/BF stability ball abs.
Enjoy your day everyone.

Good morning all you strong women! Great workouts!

This morning I did ME. Saturday was Push Pull (2 sets). Sunday was "rest", although I would hardly call what I did rest - more like Garden Max. Shame on me, I forgot to put sunscreen on my back and now it's all burned. Argh! When will I ever learn? I do this every year. Someone slap me upside the head and strap a bottle of SPF 55 to my waist so I can't possibly forget. ;)

Have a great Monday!

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