Daily check in Monday 14 February

First, all you sickies, take it easy!!! You should not be working out if you are sick, you are only delaying the healing process your bodies need to get over whatever you have!

I, also, just love SB/SJP! Try the Number 5 premix using both workouts, it is sooooo fun!

Mariangeles, good for you! I am still waiting but you have made me hopeful they should arrive soon!

Almost forgot - today was SS Lower Body Blast, 30 min hi/lo and ab hits.

Have a great day!
Congrats Mariangles! i'm so happy you finally got your workouts! good for you! have fun and be sure to let us know how you like them!

Donna and Duthchie: feel better soon! sick sucks!~

Sandra: glad to know you are having a good time. i'm jeslous! i wish i had a good reason to stuff my face! (not your reason though:p )

Sandy: you are kickin ass and takin names girlfriend! high cyber 5!

Great workouts everyone! i'm thrilled all of you are enjoying your new toys. i will order mine soon. are all the preorders done shipping?

wendymin: sorry you didn't get your whole order. that's a bummer.

today for me is Imax2 and bc cardio only. i skipped yesterday cause i was painting.

Dutchie I hope you feel better soon.

HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY everybody!!:)

Since we are taking the week off from school I am concentrating on cardio this week with some weights thrown in for good measure. So today I did PUB chest only, then did the 1st premix off of KICK MAX the longer low impact one. I really like the combos on this one especially the 4th one. I previewed some of the blasts but it will have to wait til my toe is seen by a doctor, too much on the toes stuff for comfort.:( :+

But I had a nice workout, my cycle did finally come and is now gone so I can resume normal life again.LOL!!}(

Hope you all have a great day!!:7
Happy Valentine's day!

I fell of the wagon but I'm back now. I will be spinning and taking a yoga class this evening. I have a question for you ladies. When I fell I busted my nose and had to have 20 stiches it has heeled fairly well and wanted to know if any of you knows of a remedy or a cream to decreas the appearance of the scar. I'm able to cover it with make up but I would like to use something at night for it. The Dr. recommended the Neosporin strips, but my skin is oily and they do not stick very well, I'm also using Mederma cream and with the sunscreen and makeup I don't think that I will get any benefit from it. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Happy Valentines Day! Hope everyones is going better than mine. Sometimes Holidays are over-rated! ;(

Oh well - going to do MIS tonight and rent myself a good movie! Sorry to those that are sick today, its no fun having a cold! I wonder when my Kick max will come - hopefully soon!

Missed everyone this weekend. I was out of town, but managed to get in a great 4.5 mile run and some ab work! :)
Happy Valentine's Day, ladies, I hope you all get something extra nice! ;-)

I haven't been checking in regularly and I am going to try to do that again. It helps me stay on my rotation.

Today I did Boot Camp for the first time... I did all but the last cycle, though I did skip some reps, particularly when Cathe and crew were essentially flying through the air, lol. My weights were also probably not heavy enough but I am too impatient to watch things through all the way beforehand, so I stabbed at a guess and will adjust next time.

I have always been more of a strength-type exerciser, meaning I generally prefer to lift weights... so I have to say I am really pleasantly surprised by how nice that long-term out-of-breath feeling feels, lol. I feel like I got a really awesome cardiac workout (because I did!).

Hey everybody,

Plan on doing Gym Style Legs and then a CTX Cardio and maybe a core workout!!!!

Really need to destress this lovely valentines day, hit a bad pot hole yesterday and now my car is making some wierd noises. Dosen't it seem like you can never get ahead sometimes....aaaagggggggghhhh!! I am definitley stressed, let's see so far in the last few months I have had to get all new tires, had a rent increase (and it's too damn expensive around my area to buy a house right now, 300,000 for a not so nice townhouse).....friends getting married in Jamaica in May (which will be a blast but still lots of money) and now funny noises in the car...What's next:(

I am grateful however for my lovely family, boyfriend, bogey the beagle and health and my Cathe workouts which I think are the only thing that keep me from exploding!!!

HAve a great day everybody.
Thank you very much everybody. Thank you Marketa, Jes,Conni,Sandra, Sandy,Carole, Lisa everybody. It is the day of my dreams.The waiting has been so long. I hope that everybody who still waiting will receive the dvd soon. First of all I have to say a little criticism to SNM.I don't like the volume of the music. It is too low.I have tried the dvd in my computer with loudspeakers and the sound still being not great. I have tried the dvd in the computer of my father with dolbi surround and I don't like the volume. Talking about the workouts I have seen Imax 3, Low Max and Kick max of course. What can I say? That I always say. I love the Cathe's workouts.The Cathe's intensity in kickmax is marvellous. With Cathe you can't go wrong.The coreo in IMAX 3 is more difficult than IMAX 2 but I love it.I am sure I won't be able to finish a few intervals ( after the 9 interval in IMAX 2 I always think I am going to die)but it is a challenge. I have recognized a few steps of the basic step and body fusion dvd i
n Low Max.Cathe does a low version of the speed skeaters of bootcamp. Cathe has shown that she can do a workout without the jamps and the high impact. I love the combo with the jabs and the rich poll ? of Cardio kicks, the touch of the step and the side kick. I am so haaaapy.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :) :) :) :)
Hello Ladies!!

I am sorry for all of you that are not feeling well, There is something going around that is for sure!!


In anticipation of them coming today, I only worked out for 50 minutes this morning. So I could do a NEW workout tonight..LOL
This morning:
CTX: 10-10-10 and an abs segment from one of the other workouts..don't remember which one..LOL

So tonight it will be either:
Low max
Kick max

I will be back on later for a full review


:) ;-) :9 :p :7 :+
Congratulations Denise. I have received them today too.Enjoy.

Mariángels a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Mari, so glad you liked them! i ordered HSC, LM, IM3 and MM today and then i went and bought a high step, so i am ready to roll baby!! can't wait. they said it would ship with in 24 hrs, so i guess they have gotten all the preorders out.

denise: good lord! you did 50 mins this morning and you are gonna do 3 workouts naow? you done lost yo' mind girl! have fun!

i still have my workout to do so i better get to it. dh is working late and we are supposedly going out later. this is my absolute favorite holiday and i better get some good presents!

HAPPY Valentine's Day ladies!


p.s. red! glad to see ya back!:D
Ciao tutti!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today for me was rhythmic step. I also added on some ab work from FIRM 5 day abs. I miss my ab hits VHS (damn VCR), but once I get back down into my workout space I will have access to all my DVD's again.

A GET WELL SOON to all who are sick, a ^5 to all that are just receiving their HardCore's, and double ^5's to all who accomplished some awesome workouts today!!!

Til tomorrow,

Hey guys,

Well, here it is my evening check in liked I promised this morning..LOL

I did:

IMAX 3: 69 minutes
Muscle Max: Upper body premix: 42 minutes
Core max: Tough abs premix: 18 minutes

(And yes, I am crazy)

I realy liked IMAX 3, the music is much softer than Cathe's voice. But the music was great!

Muscle Max was Great!!

Core max was GREAT too!! I liked the corkscrew a lot


:) ;-) :p :9 :7 :+

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