
Hi gals,

Thanks for all the introductions and if you didn't check in yesterday you can still post an introduction.

Today was the standing abs off of Taebo's Insane Abs.

Have a great day![emoji2]
Hi Annette and all who will follow!

Today is a beautiful sunny day... Feels like summer. Perfect weather for a public holiday.

I did another two cathe live w/o's today and loved... Really loved both! I first did Step on it, step choreograph, but all familiar stuff and it was so much fun. My legs did get rather tired as I had 2 risers on each side for the whole w/o.

After that I did Rock it Sock it live and believe it or not, it was in my opinion even better than the DVD. Lots of boxing combo's with less build up than previous live w/o and then heavy bag sessions in between which really worked my shoulders and the last 15min or so no gloves, mainly kicks and finally cardio. The cardio was similar to on the dvd.

I will definitely return to both these w/o's. That's how much I loved them!

For the past couple of hours I have just been reading in the garden. So nice to be able to sit in the sun and relax midweek.

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Hi there, quite a long and tiring day today for me. This afternoon I did X10, step, low impact and h/l sections. I was tired and used light or no weights, but did somethin anyway. I had to skip almost all of the push-ups and burpees because I am trying to rest my wrists to see if they stop hurting. Next week I think I will use very light weights, so I will do step, kickbox, maybe some metabolic or circuit training. I can work the legs though! For the upper body my idea is to do Ice upper body circuit, we will see. Didn't I tell you that I am Italian and live near Milan? I think I did in one of my previous posts. But I come from the South of Italy, where I actually lived only few years and where we have such a beautiful sea and weather!
I enjoyed getting to know us just a little better as well. :)
I, too, had a very taxing day of trying to get things sold at my FIL's estate. Was going to skip a workout, but wanted to do something for me, so I did four sets of step-ups/Leg presses before a 21 minute Barlates Lower Body focus outer thigh routine. Will get in some stretching later tonight.

I had to skip almost all of the push-ups and burpees because I am trying to rest my wrists to see if they stop hurting.
Smart girl. ;) Have you tried any of those compression wrist things?
Not sure if that is cosidered costly or not.
Hi Everyone,

Whoa - henriette - you are seriously working out these days. I am jealous.

Today I did Rippedism shoulders/cardio + a mike chang superset shoulder workout. sweatfest indeed.

Great intro's ladies. We sure are a diverse bunch.

This might be a bit late but here goes:

I live in Toronto - in the west end (but in the city and on the subway line). In fact, I live right on one of the main arteries running through the city which I love.

I am 49 years old - turning 50 end of june. My DH turns 50 at the end of May. He is an accountant (among other things - very smart guy)
I have two daughters aged 14 and 17. Their names are Cecilia and Sofia - hence my name on here - CeciFifi. Ceci heads off to university in September. She will leave home and live in residence 5 minutes down the road from her grandmother.
I was born in scotland but raised in toronto. i spent 10 years in ottawa. my DH is from Hungary and was raised in ottawa. my daughter will be attending the same university we attended which is amazing to me.
My kids studied french immersion since age 5 - Canada as you know is a bilingual country. My french is also pretty good.
I work for the city and am a liaison to a full-time drug treatment program. I also have a private practice as a psychotherapist.
I have three university degrees (political science, bachelor in social work and master's in social work (got this at age 45!)
I have a number of post-grad certificates related to counselling and am working on another in addictions
I grew up pretty poor in toronto. my parents were immigrants and we had/have no family here so it was tough for them and us. if it wasn't for the generous grant system, i might never have made it to university.
i developed a love for working out probably cos I was a chubby teen and felt powerless about it. I consider myself a healthy, fit mom and love getting up in the morning to work out. Without it - I am sad. It means a lot to check in with you all each morning. You really inspire me and I love to read your posts each day - even if I don't have time to respond properly. I love that we all live in different parts of the world. I hope I don't sound like I've got it all going on. I try to keep a clean house but fail most days. I yell at my kids at times which i don't like but hey, they won't clean up after themselves! My youngest is often in the office at school for being as mouthy as me but her marks are good so I let it go Most days when I drop her off at the subway on the way to work I say "have a good day and challenge authority in a respectful way!" so it might be my fault. okay. it is my fault.

I loved learning a bit about you all..
Elsie - my fellow Canadian. i wish you all the luck with your move across the country. How exciting.

See you all tomorrow.

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