Daily Check-In May 25th, 2016


Morning ladies, wow, what excellent workouts you did yesterday! :) I know your glutes are talking today Sandy!! ;) Oh, I haven't done Cassey Ho in such a long time, Ceci. She is so cute!! Way to go on doubles Henriette & so happy to hear your back is on the mend. Annette, great workout ....let us know what you come up with for your class. Sounds like an adventure and I am sure you will get to know some interesting seniors.

I was up all night with my not doing so well cat, so thought I get in an early workout. Doing a 40 min Pilates session, Barlates Ballet Legs (35 min), two sets of 17 glute-ham raises and just a little rotational shoulder & scapular work.
Hoping to get in my de-stressing walk around the block tonight.

Take good care everyone. Have a productive day!

I want to share how to do glute-ham raises at home. You can also do it band assisted of course for more resistance of you are more advanced than myself. I thought this technique was brilliant! lol

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Good Morning Elsie,

Great workout this morning. whoa! and, you didn't really sleep. I hope your cat is okay.

Have a good day everyone. Enjoy your workouts.
Hi ladies,

Elsie, I hope your cat gets better.

Today I went to the gym and participated in another Silver and Fit class with a different instructor, his class was an hour. It flowed but he uses some of the weight work as cardio, so for me it was mostly a weight workout instead of a circuit. Anyway, I brought some music home to hopefully work on getting a routine together. After that I talked to the instructor a bit and then did my own 50 min. circuit workout including chest press and flies, bicep curl, and triceps, then did the stair stepper machine, then did abs and legs on the floor and ended with the elliptical.

So all in all about 110 min. of circuit work, and as of yesterday my FitnessPal says I am down 29 pounds!!! So hopefully I can hit that 30 mark before we go away on vacation.

Have a great day!!
Hi ladies.

Elsie - I have no idea how you managed all that after a bad night. I hope your cat is okay.

Annette - lots of circuits. I am not sure I could do what you do at the gym. Good job! I find it so much easier to just pop in a dvd and do what I am told

Tonight I did another Cathe live... Surprise surprise. I think I will cancel Cathe Live soon so I can get back to rotations of my dvds and somehow I ended up ordering another 3 KCM w/o yesterday. I nearly own all of her's by now, fortunately that's not as many dvds as Cathe has made and KCM are so much cheaper than Cathe and there is no KCM demand. I think I will do Cathe on demand for some months after the summer, when I have had a chance to do my other dvds for a little while first.

So back to today... I did Step Sweat and boy did I sweat. Unfortunately the combi of the choreo and the music wasn't as great as I'd expected so I didn't love it as much as the other step live I have done. I didn't hate it, but with so many great and fun w/o's out there I don't think I will return to it.

Have a good night and see you all tomorrow.

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Great workouts ladies as always.
Elsie Which pilatess workourts do you do? I would like to do some pilates again. The only dvds I own are from the firm but I don't like them so much.Henriette where do you buy KCM dvs? It's so expensive to purchase from the Usa.
Take care my friends
Great workouts ladies as always.
Elsie Which pilatess workourts do you do? I would like to do some pilates again. The only dvds I own are from the firm but I don't like them so much.Henriette where do you buy KCM dvs? It's so expensive to purchase from the Usa.
Take care my friends
Sandy, I am so sorry to hear of the hellish week you have been having with pain medication. I have been there. ((gentle hugs)) to you.
The Pilates I am doing right now is from fitnessGlo (they do not have many videos for pilates, although I like what they have), from youtube & I attend a local class when I can. Although pilates apparatus classes here are soo expensive!! So I barely go at all anymore it seems. I prefer apparatus classes to mat ones. Mat ones go too quickly for me.
I was doing ultimatepilatesworkouts.com about 6 years ago & they were excellent. I do recommend them. They do not teach any fusion. It is traditional, proper pilates with excellent instruction.
I am looking into possibly trying streaming from the pilates principle http://www.powhow.com/classes/the-pilates-principle--3 & http://upsidedownpilates.com/ perhaps in the near future. I cannot afford to at this time, although have heard good things about them both.
Thank you Elsie, I have never tried apparatus pilates, it's expensive here as well, but I used to attend traditional pilates classes a few years ago and I felt so good, it really works your small muscles so well, has so many beneficial effects on your spine and not only that. Where I live now there are no pilates classes as far as I know only yoga, maybe I should try yoga instead, if I find the time of course...
Sandy I get the KCM dvds from Amazon. I compare prices between www.amazon.de www.amazon.co.uk and www.amazon.com Lately .com (US) has been the cheapest, appox. 12-15 euros each incl. shipping. With KCM there are usually a whole bunch of premixes so many ways of doing the w/o. Sometimes I get lucky and find one for 9 euros incl. shipping. Cathe's are always around 25-30 incl. Shipping, or cheaper with coupons on her site, but then the import fees and taxes still get added upon arrival and it gets real expensive. Plus Cathe has Live and Demand and I own the last many big series, but now I think I own most KCM. I am still missing the last 2 she has made but they are still around 25 so I will wait a few months until they drop in price.

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I usually compare Amazon uk and Germany as well, but have never had a look at amazon.com assuming that would be the most expensive considered the custom fees. I will check that as well from now on. thanks for the suggestion Henriette!
You'd be surprised Sandy. Sometimes when a KCM is 22-25 pound on amazon uk it is only 12 dollars and incl. Import and postage 15 euros!

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