Daily Check-In - May 12/06

Good morning ladies,
I am going to really try to send you some of the GORGOUSE weather we are having. It looks like Legs and Glutes is a popular workout today. I will be doing a legs and glutes kpc pre-mix today. haven't done that in awhile. My pants are not fitting the way that I want them to today darnit. Oh well, same old complaint. Have a GREAT dad lady friends and I am sending some sun your way.

Hey girls.

Okay so I did it! I got past the 2 mile run today! I ran 3-3.5 miles! WOO HOO! I used the ITrain work out which I LOVED, btw, and that got me past the 2 mile point but once it was going into c/d I actually turned it off, put on regular music and continued to run on my own cause I felt so good!:+ You don't know how friggin' happy I am w/myself! WOW, running is something I NEVER thought I could do!

Okay, I'm calm now..please excuse my child-like behavior over this but it's really exciting for me!:p

Sandra, Yes, we are having Joey's first B'day party tomorrow afternoon!:+ I can't believe it! It kinda makes me sad, you know? :-( How's the unpacking coming along? Hope you are settling in nicely. Are the girls acclamating well to the new surroundings?
I was suprised to see so many posts starting out with "today was supposed to be ----, but." That's how I've felt all week. Yesterday I gave blood, so no workout. Today I'm planning on doubling up on the one body part/day, since yesterday was missed, by doing shoulders and biceps. That leaves little or no time for cardio or abs. Maybe I'll get to fit them in tomarrow when the workout calls for triceps. I think Sunday will have to be a cardio day, or maybe I'll try to get a circut workout done, to rehit all those muscle groups I've supposed to be doing daily. I hope everyone has a great day, weekend and Mother's day. See you Monday.
Woohoo! I managed to squeeze in KPC this morning. I wanted to do the 82min premix with LG, but really didn't have time for that. I think I might do LL tomorrow, since I haven't done that one in a while. Don't know yet.

Laurie - Yay Marley!!

Wendy - EXCELLENT job on the run!! I have to get going, but thanks for asking about how we're settling in. It's going very well; Paris is desperate to find kids in the neighbourhood. I know there are tons around here, but the weather hasn't been good enough for them to be outside. The first birthday is a big deal, especially for Mom and Dad. I hope he has a great day.

Gotta go get the stinkies off!
Hi all,

I did Billy's Total Body Fat Blasting Workout today with ankle weights and weighted gloves on.

Nice workout and I am still sore from my weight workout on Wed. where I used 20 pound dumbbells for chest since I was doing PUB down only premix and figured I was stronger in the beginning. Now I am paying for it,LOL!!:eek:

Have a great day!!:D
Finally got here! Had to go get tests done this morning, so I haven't worked out yet. Planning on PUB tonight, and maybe treadmill. It has stopped raining briefly. Tigger that is great! I just started to be able to jog the length of my road without stopping! THat is amazong for me. IT is a 2 mile roundtrip, up and down hills, which are HUGE, killer hills. Really gets the butt! I love it.
I bought a pair of size 10 jeans (only 7$ BTW) and they fit great! THe scale isn't moving, but I am noticing changes which is really nice.
Hope all of you "resters" are feeling better and get back in the swing of things soon.
The rest have a great day!

Maeghan AKA megadoo
Good afternoon.... my dept meeting got cancelled today... woo hoo!! Who in their right mind schedules a dept meeting on Friday afternoon anyway!??

I worked 10 hours today though and after I got off work, DH and I tackled pressure washing our house (we have vinyl siding) and our double bay carport, it looks fantastic!! I am slowly but surely getting ready for the annual Mother's Day cookout held here. There will be about 20 to 25 people here.

I don't think UB is going to get done. I just got supper out of the way and DH and DD are both here..... sooo... I'm so tired anyway! REST DAY!
Yesterday was PP and today LM.

I hope next week to get back into posting and being a part of the check in again.

Good workouts everyone :)
<<<<<Jane, it sounds like you got a WO anyway with the pressure washing.

What time did you go in to work this morning? You must be tired!>>>>>>

Phyllis, I got up at 3 a.m. and started work so I could get all my productive time in before the meeting but since it got cancelled, I wound up working 10 hours. I am tired... I can't believe I am still walking around at 9 p.m.

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