Daily Check-In - March 29/06

Good morning!

This morning I did Muscle Endurance. That's a great total body workout. It always suprises me, though, that Cathe takes sooo much time to demonstrate the clean & press, then gives you no time to change your barbell weights for the bicep segment.

Shelley - IMAX2! Woohoo!!

Jane - my goodness! :eek: I'll bet you felt awesome after that marathon workout!

Wendy - ooooh, it's tough when they start to need mommy like that. Kate already shows a strong preference to have me put her to bed at night (even though I don't nurse her to sleep), and is now starting to get upset when I leave the room. She's more likely to get upset about it if she's tired. I'm glad last night went much better for you than the night before. Good job!

Becky - nice combo: SH and a walk. Sounds great!

Tammy - your workout idea is great for a day when you're just not feeling motivated. I hope your energy returns soon.

Carole - enjoy your workout! What's your next race?

Shannon - have a good day. Running errands is a thankless task, but must be done :-(

Conni - what is TIFTing?

Heather - I don't watch American Idol, but do I infer from your post that you are familiar with Mandisa, prior to the show?

Teddygirl - go for lower body tonight.

Dutchie - that gym equipment sounds awesome!!!

Katie - All Step is my favourite CTX cardio.

Vilma - it's great to have you back on the forums! Yes, sometimes it's just not possible to live the life we want to, but at least you have the motivation, dedication, and resources to come back. I really enjoy the new LIS dvd. The premixes are great!

Both of my daughters broke out with the chicken pox overnight. The 6 month old only has one on her scalp (so far), but the 5 year old is covered. The 5 year old had the chicken pox vaccine when she was 1 year old, so I was really surprised to see this happen. Both kids are doing fine. Low grade fever with the 5 year old, both are in good moods, and have good appetites. So, this shan't be so bad.

Have a good day!
Sandra - unfortunately chicken pox tends to get worse before it gets better. Starts off not so bad, though. Maybe your girls will get off lightly:) I hope so. Fingers are crossed!
Hi all,

I did various leg exercises off of Legs and Glutes and floorwork off of PLB and abs off of PSSL&A and PSBB&A!!

Hope you all have a great day!!
Hi Sandra,

TIFTing is lingo for "Taking it from the top". I can't stand doing that over and over and over in a combination. Major boredom factor for me there.

Hey Heather!

I just order PUSH from Deep Discount DVD for $8.00 and free shipping. They are getting it in on April 11, and for that cost I don't mind the wait.

Then I ordered Classic Cardio from Kari's website. $14.95 and free shipping, unlike Collage who has it for $19.95 plus shipping.

I am really happy and excited. Now if I could only get some work done....hmm;-)
Just finished KPC without the abs (did those yesterday). Tammy I did some punching and kicking for you too!:)

Sandra - I did feel great after that workout. Love days like that. I'm sorry both of your little ones have the chicken pox. I hope they have mild cases.

Gotta run and feed and horses, the make myself something.....
Hi everyone!

If I don't make today a rest day (I haven't had one since last Wednesday, and I'm kind of tired), I think I'm going to do IMAX 1 and AbRipper X (or at least as much as I can complete of AbRiipper X :))

Sandra, sorry to hear about your girls! :( DD also contracted chicken pox despite being vaccinated against it. However, it was a very mild case. I hope your instincts are right, and the girls only have a mild case. :)

Wendy, so glad Joey had a good night last night. Hope tonight goes just as well! :)

Tammy, I'm struggling too! I hope you find your motivation soon, and when you do, send a little my way. :)

I need a little input. I'm trying to decide between the August 05 rotation and the September 05 rotation. I really want some results, and the August rotation seems like it will provide that type of shock to my body. However, it also looks really tough -- I think I can handle most of it, but I am a little apprehensive. What do you guys think?

BTW I bought a bathing suit today, and I actually like it.

Take care everyone,
Pamela, I say GO FOR IT! The August rotation that is! You obviously want to give it a shot...if you need to, you can modify! Try it! I know some great results have been produced from that rotation! It's my "to do" list for the future as well!}(
Daily Check-in

I am checking in again today. If I do not respond to some of these questions, I will forget about them overnight! I did the second segment of Total Body Stretching again last night. I forgot to mention that this morning. I love the rolling motions on the stability ball. This one is my favorite stretching workout so far. The music is relaxing too.

Wendy, I have a half-fold Needak rebounder and love it. My favorite Urban Rebounding workout by far is Ballet Bound. I tried many of them, and this is the only one I kept. Ballet Bound is an intense 22-minute cardio workout with a lot of plie jumps and ballet-inspired moves. It is an incredible leg workout. Speaking of which, Cathe’s plie jumps are something I like to do on my rebounder. Plyos and ski hops are fun to do on my rebounder too. I am always trying to think of creative ways to protect my joints. Other than Ballet Bound, G-Force is the only other rebounding video I still own. I love those tuck jumps and the fun ab work Tracie does on the rebounder. I usually fast forward through the weight work. I enjoy G-Force more as a pure cardio workout. I rarely use either video even though I love both of them. It is more fun for me to simply bounce, dance, jog, or do my own thing. I am more of a freestyle girl. Happy bouncing! By the way, I do not believe it would be safe to hold 3-pound dumbbells. In fact, 3-pound gloves are too heavy in my opinion. My “ironwear” kickboxing gloves weigh a pound each, and the weight is balanced and evenly distributed around each hand. The other styles I tried hurt my wrists. My gloves have been discontinued, but they are almost identical to Reebok hand irons if you can find them.

Sandra, I have never watched American Idol before. The only reason I watched it last night was to see Mandisa. I have been doing Beth Moore’s Bible studies since the fall of 2000. What Cathe is to fitness, Beth Moore is to Bible study. I made a lot of friends all over the country in the fall of 2002 through an internet Bible study and an online community. We had several “road trips” to Living Proof Live events in New Orleans, Mobile, and Houston. Travis Cottrell is the worship leader for Beth’s retreats. Mandisa sings on the praise team. That is my “connection” to her. The closest analogy I can think of is to imagine that one of Cathe’s crew members tried something like this. We would be watching for sure! I will keep your girls in my prayers!

Conni, Classic Cardio is fun. Kari and Jay are a great team. His style is more athletic, and she adds the dance flair. I am not a fan of endless taking it from the top either. I was going to suggest ordering from Kari’s website for free shipping. She has excellent customer service as well. There was a problem with my order, and I received a free copy of Body Tech as a gift! I look forward to reading your review of Push. I do not have any of her newer ones. I have Sweat Express, which is good but dated. I think I will pull it out the next time I do Power Max and get all the thongs out of the way in one week! :7

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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