Daily Check-In - March 22/06


Morning all!

Last night was Imax. YOWZAH - that one is just so intense. Thank goodness for those long recovery periods. I didn't have time for core.

Today is Power Hour. Only my second time doing this one, but I seem to recall massive DOMS:)

Have a happy Hump Day!
Hi Shelley and all who follow.

I'm sure you did a bang up job on IMAX, Shelley...no matter how intense! Have fun with PH!

My U/B is S-C-R-E-A-M-I-N-G at me for GS chest yesterday!!!}( My lats and chest are ON FIRE! YES!:7 My legs are not bad at all...I really thought they'd be worse today....

So I'm headed out early this morning so my work out will have to wait until this afternoon or evening...

GS floor work, GS Triceps, Ab work and a rebounder work out.

Have a great day!:+
Happy Hump Day All!

Gotta love the Imaxes Shelley. NOT.
Have fun with Power Hour.

Hey Wendy! Glad to hear you've got DOMS going on!
Have a good one!

I decided to get back to early starts today. Going to make lunches and do C&W's I think. I'm still sore from Lowmax and PUB. And that was Monday night! YIKES!

Have a great day everyone and work hard!



I just read your post from last night. So you have spent $1500.00 non-refundable dollars booking a vacation and this is not good enough!? YIKES!:eek: It's not that you should vacation rather than serve...it's THE MONEY the concerns me, ya know? It's not like you will get rich off jury duty! :p What do they pay...something ridiculous like $5.00 per day! It's a joke...I hope you don't get picked then!!!! :)
Good morning everyone,

GS Legs on the rotation today, with abs from Step Heat.

Gotta keep thinking swimsuit weather!!
Daily Check-in

Good morning! I am ready to join the party. I started a 10-week cardio and circuit training rotation Sunday morning hoping that I can blast off the rest of this fat I am still hauling around. This is my general game plan for this 10 weeks:

Sunday - Cathe circuit training (morning)/Total Body Stretching (evening)
Monday - Cathe cardio (kickboxing or non-interval step) + Ab Hits (morning)
Tuesday - Cathe circuit training (morning)/Total Body Stretching (evening)
Wednesday - Cathe interval cardio + Ab Hits (morning)
Thursday - Cathe circuit training (morning)/Total Body Stretching (evening)
Friday - rest or gentle cardio like Kari Anderson’s DanceWorks (morning)
Saturday - FIRM cardio + Jen Carman’s Strength in Movement (morning)

I kicked it off with Circuit Max Sunday morning. This was one of my first Cathe workouts and is still a favorite. It makes me sweat like nothing else. I did the first segment of Total Body Stretching Sunday night. It was very relaxing. I am amazed that I enjoyed it so much as stretching is not my favorite thing to do. I looked forward to it when I was totally out of shape, but now I have to discipline myself to do it. My current rotation is a lot more balanced and moderate than anything I have attempted in the past with some good stretching and core work added to the mix. I was working out twice a day, so once a day feels like a vacation to me. I am hoping that my body will respond favorably to more recovery time.

After rearranging my living room to make room for Circuit Max Sunday Monday, I did Cardio Kicks Monday morning while the space was still clear followed by the planks and abs from CTX Kickbox. I just bought the Ab Hits DVD. That area of my body is very weak. I am hoping to change that, and I am planning to practice my planks too! I hate planks, but I know that they are good for me and hope that they will get easier with practice (and less fat on my body). I was able to do a few of the knee-ins in plank position. Then I amazed myself when I was able to do the final section of progressive isometric work with my arms outstretched. My abs were shaking like crazy, but my balance is obviously improving. My core strength must be too. I have a long way to go, but I am making progress.

I did Leaner Legs Tuesday morning, which is my all-time favorite lower body workout. I turned it into a circuit training workout by adding 5-minute intervals of cardio gliding (speed skaters) after the warmup and after each set of calf raises (except the last set of calf raises right before the ab work). I just bought the gliding discs without any DVDs and am having so much fun with them. The cardio gliding kicked up the intensity of Leaner Legs and kept my heart rate up without giving up the muscle endurance benefits since my legs were working hard during the cardio too. I have to say that gliding is a fantastic high-intensity cardio option with no impact. It is a blast too! I did the second segment of Total Body Stretching before I went to bed. I like this one better than the first one. The stability ball stretches are fun and feel great too.

I did Interval Max for the second time this morning followed by the abs from All Step. Is it my imagination, or is this one tougher than IMAX2? It is a great workout, but it is not as fun for me as IMAX2. I rely on the music in IMAX2 to energize me. I pulled out my gliding discs again and did a skiing motion while Cathe was doing the power scissors. I am still hauling around at least 60 extra pounds, so I am making every effort to protect my joints until I get closer to my goal weight.

I look forward to getting to know everyone here and sharing the journey with you. It has been a wild ride for me so far. Encouragement and kicks in the butt are always welcome!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Happy workouts, everyone!

Yesterday I ended up doing BC - all but abs premix + cardio only premix. It was fun. I also did CoreMax 1.

Today will be full body weights on my own.

Have a blast, ladies!
RE: Daily Check-in

Good Morning Everyone!!!

Yesterday was Stepworks, and ME biceps Twice (plus bootcamp db bicep curls), and AbRipperX.

This morning was a 45 minute hillclimb walk on the treadmill plus back and triceps from PUB.

Have a great day all !!!:7
Good morning everyone,

Today is a scheduled rest day, but if I don't get back from court too late, I'm going to do a short run on the treadmill with cc#2 or 3.

Gotta run!

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning ladies

I agree Shelley..Imax is YOWZAH

Wendy... a little chest DOMS?...we like that huh??...:)

Kali...early starts work better for me if possible! I think everyone likes your new red suit!! You really have done an awesome job...:)

Good workout Conni....

Beloved Heather..welcome!! You have a great week planned. Circuits are quite fun to do.

Shannon...you survived BC!!!...

Becky...ME biceps twice?....YEOW!!!!!

Pamela...I hope you can get out of jury duty! Especially since you have that trip planned!

I am doing S&H Shoulders, Tris and bis, abs and a 5 mile run.

Have a great day...:)
Morning ladies! Today was SB followed by SJP Hi/Lo add on. I'm very happy to say that I am now pretty much back to where I was before my "hiatus" from eating clean and working out during the Holidays. I got on the scale this morning and I have lost 11 pounds and 6% body fat since the beginning of the year. So, needless to say, I am in a GREAT mood today!!!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning,

Rest day for me. I was initially going to do CTX upper body today, instead of doing it tomorrow, as the rotation calls for, but I've decided I needed the extra sleep this morning, and I'm too busy the rest of the day to fit it in. Tomorrow, instead of doing CTX Upper body, L&G, and a 20 min run, I might just do BodyMax. I haven't decided yet.

Pamela - great job on completing IMAX!! I'm glad you did it on a 6" step, if you've only just recently started using that height. Bumping up to 8" is a big change. I hope you get out of jury duty, so you can go on your trip.

Shelley - Maybe the dread factor to IMAX comes from the fact that you do one move repetitively, so it seems to make the blasts drag out more? That's how I feel, anyway. Did you know that there are 60 plyo jacks in that workout?

Ack, Katie really wants to be put down for her nap, so I'd better go.

Hello to our two newest members, Heather and Createdbygod. Heather, thanks for the long introduction. I'll try to read it more carefully later. And yes, IMAX2 has a much higher fun factor than IMAX, and is also generally considered "easier." You're doing great!

Sandra -
Did you really have to tell us how many plyojacks there are in Imax? Talk about a dread factor!!!:D
Hi Everyone,

Man you guys are rocking and rolling. Nice work guys :p This morning I had a blast, I did Imax 1 and my energy was to the roof. I like workouts like that ;)

Tonight, either GS Legs or MIS Legs probably GS I love that workout, Yeah, GS it is :9 :)

Have a great evening all :D

Hi all, I did a KPC premix today with weighted gloves and ankle weights on. Wanted something different from all the taebo I have been doing so I did trusty Cathe today.

Have a great day!!:7
Hi everyone :)

Thanks for being so welcoming! I really want to get fit and look good, and I just KNOW being accountable to you all will help me with that.

Today, I did the CTX Power Circuit tape (but didn't do the back exercises), and I burned 554 calories. I hope my HR monitor is right--it usually says I burn anywhere from 450-1000 cals doing a Cathe workout.

I'm thinking about making a little photo album like I see so many of you have... if I get up the courage! lol (don't worry--no revealing photos!)
Good Afternoon Fit Chicks!

This morning I decided on CardioKicks...it was only my 2nd time doing it. I liked it better this time than the first time I tried it...good workout for the arms and legs.

Shelley: I love all of the Imaxes...the only part of IM#1 I dread is the warm-up...it is just too long.

Wendy: Gotta love those UB DOMS!

Kali: C&W is just a fun, happy workout...enjoy!

Conni: GS Legs is a toughie...those slow motion lunges...AACK!

Heather: Great rotation! I find IM#1 easier than IM#2, but not nearly as much fun as IM#2..IM#2 for me is just the perfect blend of music and moves.

Shannon: Have fun w/your weight training.

Becky: YOWZERS!!!! ME biceps twice....you're the queen today!

Pamela: I hope you get out of jury duty!

Carole: Great workout!

Katie: Congratulations on your weight loss...way to go!

Sandra: Enjoy your rest day and good luck with tomorrow's aggressive workout.

Teddygirl: Great workout today!

Annette: Awesome job with KPC!

Createdbygod: I did PowerCircuit yesterday....I really like that one!

Hello to all that follow...have a great night!
Wow what great w/o's you guys are doing.... I am back from my two day sleep-fest. I had a particularly bad time with the first two days of TTOM starting Monday (sorry if TMI..:p ).... anyway I slept and slept and slept!! I thought I was a little better yesterday but when I got off work I laid down, got up long enough to eat something and visit with DD who came by, then at 7:30 back to bed and asleep by 8. I felt human again this morning though.

I just finished what I'd planned on doing Monday, BC/ME bonus combo and what a workout!!! I wasn't sure I could finish it with my two day hiatus but all that sleep must have helped. My legs were shaking pretty bad towards the end though. I just about didn't get through those low-ends on the ME static lunges.

That is one gem of a circuit workout.

Off to grab something to eat (not going to bed yet though;-) )
I'm back...FINALLY worked out...JUST finished!:eek:

I did:

GS Triceps (to add to the u/b doms tomorrow!}( )
PLB Stability Ball Work (for a change from GS Legs floor work)
High Step Challenge core/abs work

I actually chose to ditch the cardio, of all things!!!

I'm very tired and quite frankly am amazed that I didn't ditch the work out COMPLETELY!

I feel better for having made the effort...I always do and I think that's what makes me do it even when I don't exactly feel up to it. :)

Tomorrow is spinning class so long as I can make it there on time!:p

Have a great night ladies!:7

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