
Hi ladies,

I will get us started today. My stomach still hasn't fully settled so I don't dare to do any cardio or core.

Today I just did Xtrain Burnset Bi's & Tri's and definitely got a good burn going! My arms were floating...

Have a lovely day!
Hi Henriette, I pray your stomach settles down soon.

Today I did KCM Total Body Kickbox both workouts. Not as intense as Cathe or even some of Kelly's other workouts but still good for keeping you moving.

Have a great day!
Hi Henriette, sorry you are having stomach problems. You still got a good workout though! Take it easy until you are ok, you have been doing so many doubles or triples recently that you deserve a little rest!!! Today I did Drill max, I modified just a bit. For example I still cant do pushups, so in this case I just stay in a plank position working the legs and the core. Despite my injuries,bones and muscular pains and despite having had to modify my training in the last few months I am strong, otherwise I could not have finished this one!

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