@ DAILY CHECK IN June 17th@


Hi gals,

Today was Cathe's MMA Kickbox cardio only then went to the gym for a 50 min. circuit, including the stair machine(10 min.), chest, back and triceps, then the elliptical (12 min.) and then ended with shoulders, biceps and abs.

Have a great day!!
Hey!! :)
Only Annette? That is one kickass workout! Good job.

I am still a grouchy blob from the hell of a week it's been. After four days with no workouts and not much rest/sleep to speak of, this morning I did Crossfire LI bonus (5 minutes) and Barlates Barre Arms (15 min) + added on some internal rotaion shoulder work (4 mins). I hope to get for a walk this evening, however. :)

Have a Happy Friday all! It's a bright sunshiney one here & not too hot.
Annette you are a force of the nature!
Elsie, I'm not sleeping that well either, I am suffering from strong migraine due to neck and cervical pain. So this adds to the rest. I am glad I did a premix from Rockout Knockout and Yoga Relax workout today . I wish you all a nice weekend and for me a weekend free from pain!
Hi ladies,

Nice w/o's!

Elsie - I hope you get some peace and quiet soon.

Sandy - fingers crossed that you soon start feeling better soon.

Today was a rest day for me. I did spend some time looking a w/o on youtube. Will have to try some Jenny Ford step on a recovery day... Simple LI step and free. I also found good Mark Lauren suspension trainer w/o only I am not yet sure where to attach my suspension trainer yet. The door in the w/o room opens inwards so that's not great and the ceiling is super high.

I hope to try out more new w/o's this weekend, but tonight I will enjoy my new crocheting project.

Have a lovely weekend.
hi everyone,

today I did turbulence training workout + bicep meltdown.

henriette - enjoy your rest day. i love looking at new dvds
sandy, sorry you have a migraine
annette - i haven't done that workout for a while now
elsie - thanks for the reminder of crossfire. sorry you haven't been sleeping well either. it really throws off the next day

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