Daily Check-in FRIDAY June 5


Good morning!

STS back and bis today, disc 24.... last workout in meso 2!!

I'm soooooo glad it is Friday!! My DD's bridal shower is tomorrow, so I'll be tied up for most of the day.
*Good Morning Glories*

:):D TGIF :D:)

I slept in this morning, so I guess it's my rest day :confused::confused: AOS Newport was on my rotation for this morning and I'm not sure I had the energy for it...hopefully tomorrow I can't get it done.

Jane~ Enjoy the shower tomorrow. We have a family wedding to go to that should be lots of fun.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning !

It's a big day around here...Today is our youngest's (DD)HS graduation !!

It's Stepblast for me this morning, so I better get busy !

Good Morning!

Sounds like a weekend for celebrations :)

Jane have a great time at your dd's bridal shower after 21 yrs I still remember mine and how I cried w/ emotion :eek:

Tammy I slept in too sometimes as much as the mind wants to the body lets us know when it needs to rest .

Becky wow congrats to your dd. Take some tissues and enjoy the milestone!

School is starting to finish up for my younger two ...actually ds who will be a senior this Aug. is done so he doesn't need to go back but my rising Middle Schooler has her 5th grade party celebration today. I'll be needing tissues at her graduation from elementary next week.

My booty is so sore from yesterday's workout I can barely walk without feeling the DOMs settle in ouch! So I'll be doing CCV7 my favorite to work it out and then some stretching.

Have a great Friday Ladies!!!

Hi Ladies,

Jane - I hope all goes well for the shower. Best wishes for a fun event!

Today is B & G, not a fav, but I will do some premix from it. The whole workout seems like overkill, imo...and you know how I am about my opinions!:rolleyes:
Wow, it IS a weekend for celebrations! I have a graduation party tomorrow as well.:)

Jane is the shower at your house? Are you making/bring food or is it catered?

Tammy, I've found that I can't fight that sleeping in feeling.:) It seems as if you've had a lot of weddings lately. :D

Becky, for sure this is a huge day for DD!! Mine graduates on the 19th. Bring lots of tissues.

Vilma, is your schedule going to change, now that the kids are done? I hope its for the better!

Conni, yea B&G is tough and I have to be in the mood for it.

I was supposed to do the LIS/HIS dble cardio premix today but the !@#$ DVD player wouldn't cooperate. It worked a little later on so I was able to do STS abs - no equipment. I did a random cardo wo from exercise TV - not a real thriller.

It's raining here now, but I've heard the the weekend will be better. :cool:
:)Well, after my cardio party yesterday I did about 60 min. of weights for chest, shoulders and back with one leg machine thrown in for good measure. As of this morning I am down 4 pounds from last week so I am really doing well with losing. I have 4 pounds to go to make my month goal of 10 pounds lost. I am down 6 so far. If you didn't see what I did yesterday look at yesterday's check in and see. I was beat.

Have a great rainy day!!:)
STS meso 2 is now officially in the can. I really liked this meso cycle.

Phyllis - it is being held at my MIL's church's fellowship hall. My SIL, two of my husband's cousin's wives, my DIL and a good friend of mine are hosting the shower. They are making the food along with my MIL and her niece. I am bringing something also, cream cheese and pecan stuff dates... YUM....

The cake is going to be really nice. My SIL got some candid shots from me of DD and fiance and they are going to have one of those picture cakes.

My church was booked on this date and this was the only date that everyone was available.... so my MIL secured her church.
Jane...enjoy tomorrow! Hope we can see some pix.

Annette..you are doing AWESOME!! Congrats on the weight loss.

Phyllis...yes..we have had a lot of weddings this month, with a lot of graduations coming up...OUCH$$ !

Conni...I agree about B&G...not one of my favorites!

Vilma...you are so right about the body demanding rest, but I really wanted to work out this morning :( Tomorrow is another day ;)

Becky..congrats to your DD :D

Have a good night everyone. I hope to wake up early, work out and get a pedicure in before the wedding. DS#1 is on his way home, DS#2 will also attend, but DS#3 is away for the weekend :( Lots of relatives are in from all over, as well as some relatives from Italy, so it is going to be a very busy weekend.


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