daily check-in Friday 11 Feb


A very good morning everyone,

Just did 45 minutes of biceps. Too bad I can't go too heavy due to a "tennis elbow" that's been bothering me since October. But I guess I can't complain if I can use 4kg (=8.8pounds) db and a 10kg (=22pound) bb. Did anyone notice that the older you get, the more injury prone? I mean I have a bad knee, shin splints that are almost gone now, and my elbow that keeps flaring up. I'm falling apart and I'm not even 45yo yet:+

Will do a 6.3K run over Sunday's race course again. See if my son learned anything from Wednesday's run:) We will do a longer warm up this time. Today it's not raining, let's hope it will stay that way:) Nice weather always makes for better running. For me anyway:)

Carole, what kind of leg workouts do you use for strength: S&H maybe? Cause I don't find those to be tough at all. Especially not by itself. I always need to add another legs w/o to pre-exhaust my legs.

Saw that CKsales shipped all HC preorders. Hopefully this time next week I'll be too busy previewing:)

Have a great day,
Dutchie :)

Dutchie, I don't know how you do so much time on each body part. I must be a wimp!

I'm doing gym style chest and triceps and the first core routine today. I'll probably be on my knees by the time I get to the last sets of push ups. Oh well.

>>Did anyone notice that the older you get, the more injury prone? <<

Hey Dutchie, I wake up with a new ache everyday!

Anyway, today for me is PowerMax, with some ab hits abs tacked on.

Enjoy all your workouts ladies!

Good Morning Everyone!

I am happy...I have today off! YEAY! :+

The only thing that stinks about it is that my HC's are scheduled for delivery today...TO MY JOB!x( ;( x( Talk about BAD timing! lol So now I have to wait until MONDAY to get my hands on them!!!

So today is Leaner Legs and 30 mins of my choice of cardio...I will probably choose something that I haven't done before...maybe I'll check out what kind of premixes are offered on SB or SJP and do one of those today.

The C&W Step premix went well last night...first time I've done it. I had to replay a couple of parts, but the choreography wasn't too hard for me to pick up on at all!(Much easier than ALL STEP IMO!:p)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Good morning everyone,

Today was the SB/SJP premix number 5, really fun! 85 minutes that just fly by, also added on SJP abs and planks to round things out. This premix rocks!

I just received my notification from SNM regarding my January preorder, and am also waiting for my CK Sales preorder which should hit my door (literally ), about the same time, the beginning of next week.

Planning Hi/Lo tomorrow, maybe a Franny tape, then Pilates on Sunday. Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi everyone,

YIPPEE It's Friday!!!!

Last night I did IMAX 3(aka KILLER OF ALL IMAXES!!!). The moves all feel so new and fun. It was a great workout but with being pregnant I had to keep pausing and modifying. I definitely won't be able to do that one much longer:( Well, at least there's premixes that exclude the blasts. I did adjust my DVD player so I could get the music a bit louder but it still didn't go as high as I would have liked.

Well, I did Muscle Max this morning (all but the abs-I didn't have time). What a great total body workout! I like the use of the resistance band-it's such a nice change of pace. I got a great tricep workout and I'm already starting to feel my glutes from the lunges and the leg presses with the band. Oh, and the plie squats-YIKES- I'll be feeling those tomorrow along with every other major muscle in my body}(

Have a great day,
Good morning everyone!!

Well today is IMAX3 for me.....please wish me luck, hopefully I will survive it, lol:7 }( !! Last night was MuscleMax and I loved it!! It's an amazing total body workout and I am definitely feeling it today so I really hope my legs are up for the imax3 challenge:eek:

Dutchie, are you bionic woman or something?? 45 minutes of biceps????!!:eek: WOW!! That is incredibly impressive!!!

Tracy and Tammy, enjoy your workouts today!

Wendymin...Yes! You must try one of the SB/SJP premixes!!! They are sooo much fun and one of the premixes I go to most often second only to the L&G/KPC premixes...let us know what you think if you do it!!!

Conni, great workout!

Wendybdh, Good for you, what an accomplishment:) :7 !! Well today is my turn so wish me luck...I am not preggo so I have no reason NOT to do those wicked blasts:+ !!

Happy Friday:D
Hey everybody,

I tried to do High Step Challenge but my DVD is messed up so I only did 1/2 then some of IMAX 3 (which is crazy hard). Tonight I am gonna do MIC and a core since I want a tough workout. Just a reminder make sure you watch your dvd's all the way through before getting rid of your invoice in case they are messed up at all. HAVE A GREAT DAY AND WEEKEND.

I am gonna do GYM style back, shoulders and bis + 6 mile run and stretch tomorrow and sunday is Gym style chest and tris + lowmax and core.

Morning Everyone,

I am so glad it is Friday. I will be doing Imax2 tonight and PLB stability ball.

Dutchie, I am 41 and I know what you mean about the aches. For me it is my feet. When I was younger, I played sports. Volleyball, basketball, and softball. The only thing I remember from those was the floor burns and getting hit with a ball. x(

Have a great day!
Laurie Mac
Good morning all,

Everyone sounds like they are having great workouts today. Today will be Muscle Max Upper Body Premix. I was going to do Gym Style Chest/tri, but decided to start the split on Monday.

Wendy-I don't know how you managed Imax 3 being preggo. That's one tough workout. Harder than the other Imax's IMO.

Conni- Great workout. I love Franny!

Wendymin-I love the premixes in that series. I use them all the time.

Everyone else enjoy your workouts!!

Hi ladies;

Your workouts are great. I hope I can do some of HC DVDs next week. :)

I did MIS Chest ans Shoulders; CTX Chest and Shoulders; 40 min Spinerval and AB and stretch from MIS. As I didn't workout yesterday-I workout two hours this morning.

So, have a nice day-and enjoy your HC DVDs-I'm very jealous with you :( :)

Marketa Preisler

What's up fitness freaks?! awesome workouts! today for me is ME and possibly some cardio....we'll see.

Wendymin: are you talking about the step only premix in C/W? i LOVE that one! very fun.

Dutchie: 45 mins on one part? are ya crazy girly? wow:eek: i wouldn't be able to type or anything! you must be super strong!

wendybdh: good job on the killer!

sandy: have fun!

Aila: what ya gonna do for your b-day tomorrow?

connie: good workout

jennie: your gonna be busy this weekend. have a good run.

where is Mariangles?

Yes Dutchie....my injuries started after 40....I have found that weight lifting does help keep the muscles strong. When I did my P90X rotation last year I think I did loose some strength in my legs, so I have been following this kind of routine weekly. 2 days of strength (PS standing, PLB standing or S&H), then one day of endurance (L&G, TS5 and now I'll add Gym Style Legs here) On the strength days I also add my own calf raises with weight and leg extensions on a machine with weight. So far I feel my legs getting stronger and no injuries!!

Today I am doing MuscleMax upper body, the 3rd hard routine in Coremax....and a 10 mile run. I get the day off work so I can workout long....:)...Carole
Hi good morning everybody. Today is the 1 and 3 segments of step heaven and C & W. Have a great day everybody and happy weekend.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Good morning!

I did LowMax this morning, and CoreMax #2. Great workouts! I did LowMax on the 6" step, and was very pleased to find that it didn't feel overly challenging at that level. Next time I'll use the 8" step, and am pretty sure it will feel quite intense. The choreography is interesting, but not too hard to learn. Today is the first day in almost two weeks that I haven't had sinus or chest congestion, so my workout was much easier than I anticipated.

CoreMax#2 was surprisingly easy! I liked that she put the roll-ins and pikes at the start. I really enjoyed that workout.

I did StretchMax#3 yesterday afternoon, and really liked it. I will be doing one of those every day.

I previewed KickMax last night. Holy crap, the challenge looks off the charts. Even Cathe was having a hard time keeping her composure through some of those! I will *not* even be attempting that section until long after the baby is born!! The 4 combos at the start look really good, especially since they are all low-impact. The low-impact KickMax premix might be on my agenda for tomorrow. But then, I also want to do MuscleMax (especially so, given what the rest of you have said about it so far). Oh! So many workouts, so little time!!!!

Cathe, Jai & Lorraine look so different in KickMax! Their form is really different- it's like they've been actually training for boxing. Cathe's flexibility is off the charts. And Jai is so light on her feet throughout the whole thing that I can't believe she isn't half-cat.

I will be previewing IMAX3 and MuscleMax today.

As usual, this group is doing some awesome workouts! I'm anxious to get back to previewing, while I have a bit of time this morning. I'll pop back later to chat some more, hopefully.

Have great workouts, everyone!
Morning all. Well, I took Sandra's suggestion and did the SJP Step and Hi Lo Curcuit premix followed by SB Challenge. It was great! And just the right amount of time. Since I am new to SJP I didn't put as much intensity into it as I would like because some of the steps were a little new to me, so I can't wait until next time when I know it a little better. I always try to preview, but then I just get so excited that I have to do it.
All you people talking about IMAX 3 are making me so JEALOUS!!! How is the music? Is it as good as the music in IMAX 2? That music is my favorite of all her workouts.

Dutchie - 45 minutes of biceps? Girl, I don't know how you do it!

Wendymin - That really stinks. The wait would kill me over the weekend.

Wendybdh - How on earth you can do any of the IMAX's when you're pregnant is beyond me. It's hard enough for me to do it when I'm not carrying a baby in my belly.

Sandy - Did you like Muscle Max better than ME?

Well, I hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend!!

Here I am again. Just finished the last training run before Sunday's race. Way better than on Wednesday. Now I hope I will do just a teenie-weenie-bit better on Sunday and I'll be the happiest lady of the day.

1K 6:21
2K 6:30
3K 6:40
4K 6:22
5K 6:14
6K 6:14 (this one was up the pedestrian/bicycle bridge)
and I finished in 39:40min

It really isn't difficult to do 40 or 50 minutes on one body part. You have to remember, that's all I do. I didn't use the biceps for any other exercise today. I used S&H/PUB/CTX/ME for this. And I do have a little break after each type of w/o cause I have to switch dvd's. And I really cannot lift too heavy due to the elbow. So it's really not like I'm bionic:) Try it.

Hello Ladies! TGIF!! Tonight I am driving back to my hometown to have dinner with my mom and hang out, so I doubt I will be working out this evening, unless we go for a walk around the lake after dinner :) and I won't really count that - the weather is gorgous today at 45 degrees!!! I should be out running today, but will leave that for tomorrow morning - I love this old trail in my hometown!

My friends baby shower is this weekend and should be lots of fun! I cannot wait to see her:) I had a quilt made for the baby and will get a photo album from Hallmark - hope she likes it!

:D :D

Have some killer workouts for me }(
Imax 2 and the abs from C&W was this mornings workout. I am supposed to get my Hard Core DVD's today!! I left a note on my front door for the UPS man to just leave them if I am not home. Are they allowed to do that?!

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