daily check-in Friday 11 Feb

Happy Friday ladies..

Just finished working out for the day

Bootcamp& ME: Bonus combo: 50-60 minutes
Bootcamp Cardio only: 15 minutes
ME abs only: 10 minutes
Bootcamp abs only: 10 minutes
1 extra set bicep curls, 1 extra set of Tricep dips and kick backs with 8lb weights (I usually do 5 lbs weights)

90-100 minutes total workout time..

I feel great! Gonna have a protein shake in a few!!

My Hardcore will be here on MOOOONDAY!! wahooooooooo!!!

:+ :9 :7
Good Afternoon. Work out is DONE for today!:)

I did SB premix #1-about 40 minutes of step only then I did LL with out the ab work.

Sandy- Had fun w/the SB premix but was a little confused...hit replay quite a few times and still couldn't quite grasp it all. lol Even if I picked up the moves as they were taught, once she strung them all together I lost it!? Somehow, though, I still managed to get a work out in there between the bouts of total confusion!:p:+:7

Katie-I know, it's gonna bug me to have to wait for HC till
monday x( ;( but I am doing a rotation right now and the less temptation I have to stray from it, the better off I am. Besides, I only ordered Stretchmax and Lowmax for now...but actually, I have been sooo looking forward to Stretchmax! I don't have a GOOD stretching routine.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!



Certainly, ups will leave the pkg for you! They will not leave it only if the shipper says not to and I have had a couple of Cathe orders delivered to my home and left on my stoop to await my return from work!:) :) :)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!



It is called ADHD!!!!!LOL..NO Seriously I really do have adhd, working out is the only thing that makes me feel like everyone else for the day...If I don't workout at least 60 minutes I feel like I wanna crawl out of my own skin!! I am very hyper all the time, people are always telling me that they wish they had my energy...LOL

I am always moving to an internal Techno beat, which I LOVE TECHNO btw...LOL!!


:) :D :7
Katie, I love them both!! Musclemax and ME are different workouts, MM focuses on strength and ME focuses on endurance........I will have a special place in my heart for both, lol:)

Denise, wow, what a workout!!! I will have to try that soon}( !

Reba, have fun at your friend's shower!

Maria, great workout!!

Sandra, glad to hear you are feeling better:D
Yes, Dutchie the older we get the more we injury ourselves, I think we all try to act the way we did when we were young only to find our bodies don't want to corporate. x(

I did PUB & CTX Biceps, then did Power Circuit Abs and the UPS man delivered my KICK MAX before I did cardio so I jumped in and did the Low Impact Timesaver premix on it. BOY!! those leg conditioning drills are going to have me hobbling tomorrow!!!:+ ;( They are a killer!! It does the warm up, combos 3 & 4 then the leg conditioning drills and stretch. Nice workout and I kept up pretty well.:)

Have a great day!!

Oh my cycle finally started!! after I posted yesterday!!:+
Hi again. Finally I have done IMAX 2 and the kicking and punching premix of KPC (minute 41). I can't wait to receive the dvds. Have a great weekend everybody.I want to feel the sore everybody is talking about after try kickmax. Patience.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
hey again! i did my workout like a good girl. i did all of ME, abs from C/W, and two premixes from L&G. thank god that's over!


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