Daily check in - February 18, 2005


Wow, I've never been the first to post. Well, I'm off to Vegas!!! Wish me luck! No workout this morning, I had way too much to do to get ready. Hope you all have a great weekend and great workouts!!!

Good morning Katie....hope things go well in Vegas!!! You can tell us all about it when you get back.

Dutchie...I do hope you get the food source figured out. It really can take some time...

Marie...S&H is alot different than Gym Style legs. I use Gym Style Legs more as an endurance workout and then S&H, PLB and PS as strength workouts. For my lower body I have been doing 2 strength and 1 endurance every week. I like the results so far..:)

Marketa...my workout time varies depending on when I go in to work. My cardio is mostly running now as I am training for a run. I can get in about 2 hours for a workout when I have the time..:)

Today I am doing some upper body weights, core work and a 5 mile run....enjoy the day ladies....:)...Carole
I am taking a rest day today, but I did do Stretch Max with the band and Core Max with the medicine ball. Since I don't have a medicine ball, I substituted a dumbbell, but for me some of the moves were hard to do with the dumbbell. The workout uses both the medicine and stability ball and I also found it kind of hard to keep my balance on the ball.

Happy Friday everyone :p :) :7
Morning Everyone,

Well yesterday I had every intention of posting, but the day got away from me really fast. Stayed home with oldest DD. She didn't feel well. Of course that gave me a chance to preview the HC that I hadn't previewed yet!

Yesterday I did Bodymax. I had done Imax 3 the day before and all I can say is WOW! It is a fantasic w/o. I did take a little break between 5 & 6 though. }(

While previewing the DVD's my oldest said that Cathe's body was "SICK". Which is actually good. :7 I haven't had any problems with any of my DVD's. Guess it pays to have a TV Engineer as a DH.

I will be doing Kickmax or MIC tonight, haven't decided.

Jes & Sandra, Along with those movies how about My Fair Lady. Actually I have all those movies on DVD. They are the best.

Have a great day!

Laurie Mac
Good Morning.

Have fun in Vegas Katie! I am sooo jealous!}( :p }(

Last night I did the step only premix from SJP for the 1st time and the shoulder work from CTX Allstep. Then I did Stretchmax #1. Great stretch!

The step only premix from sjp is not very challenging...I wasn't feeling it for a high energy work out last night though so it ended up being a good choice. (I am STILL avoiding learning Allstep!:p)

Tonight is Leaner Legs and some cardio...

Tomorrow DH and I have to go pick up a carpet cleaner from a friend of ours. We painted the nursery last saturday and on monday we came home from work to find out that our dog had diarehhea in the room!!!! Now we have three nice dog poop stains on that carpet so we are hoping the carpet cleaner will get them up. I used regular cleaners and got up what I could but I couldn't even come close to getting it all out that way! ;( Of all of the places for Clyde to get "sick"!!!! I swear, it's just our luck!!! Grrr! x(

On a brighter note...we are finally going out for our Valentines Day dinner tomorrow night!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi, Dorothy, Carole and Katie. Good morning everybody.Finally I have bought new sound speakers better than I had before. The sound of the hardcore workouts has improved. I hope SNM will make a music louder version in the future. I will do Low Max today. I will try core max too. Yesterday I did IMAX 3 for the first time. I love it .It is one of my new favorites step workouts.Tomorrow I will do the high step challenge. Have a great weekend everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi all,

I'm going to PA for Motorama with my kids tomorrow. It's not Vegas, but maybe a close second....

In keeping with my new leg program I am doing 2 strength and one endurance interval workout for my legs, so today was my modified gauntlet/hst leg circuit.

Ciao tutti!

KPC this morning...I'm getting better and better at those pikes.

Katie: Have fun in Vegas and remember what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!

I hope everyone has a great day...

HI everyone,

Carole, thank you for your reply. You're inspiration for me. :)

Katie,enjoy in Vegas!

Mariángeles,I'm glad to hear about the better sound of HC DVDs. And enjoy the Low MAx-this will be the first time you'll make it or the second time?

Laurie Mac,if you will decide to make Kickmax this night you'll enjoy it. I love this killer workout.

Wendy, sorry for hear about the Clyde's "little" problem. I wish you have a great dinner tomorrow :)

Tracy,tell us more about your leg program-it sounds interesting.

Well, everyone make her routine so good as always. I did GS Chest and Kickmax(what workout-firstly kickPunch combos looks so easy but than the Blast segment is killer.The leg conditiong drill I don't feel enough,so I'm sure I'm not doing it with good form.)

I wish everything have a great day.

Marketa Preisler

Hi Marketa It will be the second time.The day after I received the hardcore dvd I did kickmax and Low Max for the first time.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Good morning!

This morning I did LowMax. It was my second time through, and this time I used the 8" risers. It was a hoot!!!!! I have to say I liked it more the second time through, and got a *terrific* workout! I was paying such close attention to the choreography the first time through that I didn't focus on the music too much. Turns out - I love it!!! It rocks all the way through. Each interval seemed to just get better and better. I will be doing this workout a lot!

Jes and Laurie Mac - ah, no, haven't seen My Fair Lady, either. I guess I would suck at old movie trivia, huh? At least I'll know what to rent after Baby is born and I'm up in the middle of the night, nursing and rocking :) Laurie Mac, you are doing some exhausting workouts! I bow to you!

Katie - Have a great time in Vegas!! I am looking forward to hearing about which Cirque show you saw! I love, love, love the Cirque! I hear their newest one, just opened a couple of weeks ago, is off-the-charts amazing. And staying at the Mirage! Lucky girl!!

Carole - that's quite a leg workout routine you have! Wow! Very impressive! We are all waiting for a pic of these bionic legs!

Mariangeles - sooo glad you got yourself some new speakers! I find the music level is fine, but yes I wish as well that we had a music-louder option. I use that quite a bit with the BB series. It's nice to have, once you know a workout well enough that you don't quite need so much cuing from Cathe.

Wendymin - I love the SJP step-only premix for days when I want a good warm up prior to a weight workout. It's short, sweet, not-too-stressful, and fun, fun, fun! I love the music in that workout! I think I like the first stretch workout the best. Have you done the stability ball stretch? I like it, too, but near the end she has you lay belly-down over the ball. How do you think you're going to modify that? Have fun with LL tonight!

Have a great day, everyone!
Hey Sandra..

I actually did the ball stretch last night right after I finished the 1st stretch...I quit on the ball stretch though shortly after she first laid on top of the ball...my version of modifying that move (which could be totally off, btw!) was to just do a cat stretch on my hands and knees....I have to try the band stretch tonight maybe...I don't have the band she uses but I have a band from my pilates work outs that I'm sure should work just fine....

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Thank you Sandra. I am amazed to see there are person who have not seen My Fair Lady. I have that film and breakfast at Tiffany's in dvd and I love them.The clothes of Cecil Beaton that Audrey uses in My Fair Lady are a dream.I love Audrey Hepburn. She was so lovely and elegant.An angel down to earth.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie:) :)
Good day ladies!!

I'm suppose to do cardio today; but, I think I will be leaving work early...so the gym will be nice and slow....might go there and do weights insteaed. Starting a heavy week 8 reps 4 sets of 12 exercises!

Enjoy your workouts!!

Katie...enjoy Vegas!!:D
Hello ladies!!

Today was:
MIC: 60 minutes, I so love this workout!!
Gym style legs: 67 minutes...still shaking!!

I really liked the gym style leg workout! My shoulders are really sore for yesterday, so no upper body today!!!

I plan on doing abs later today, as I am meeting a friend for lunch at 1:00.

Have a great day!!

:) ;-) :p :9 :7 :+
Good afternoon, ladies:

Today was KPC for me... I was going to do it last night but ended up taking the kids out for Chinese (which was hilarious; the things they will do with those giant snow crab legs... I thought we were going to get thrown out :) ). KPC is a really tough cardio workout for me, I will tell you I actually got an endorphin rush TWICE! Which was very cool and I think helps me understand why folks like to run. ;-)

I still can't do the dreaded planks, but I think this is because I'm on carpet and I don't think my ball is inflated enough. Ah, well. I definitely need to practice.

Carol, thanks for the info on the GS Legs. I know I keep bugging you about it. I think I am going to get the GS series and the S&H series for now.

Hope you all have a great workout!

Edited because I type too fast and don't pay enough attention to my spelling!! :7
Sorry I am so late today, busy morning at work!

Anyways, you all sound like you have been hard at it today! I did Donna Read's Hi/lo to the Max with intervals and core strengthening. A good workout. I wish Cathe would do another good hi/lo, not kickboxing and not like MIC. I wish she would do something with the complexity of RS but just as intense as her other stuff. Just a thought..

Have a good weekend all!
Katie, have fun in Vegas, been there 3 times loved every minute.

I did PUB Biceps and upped my weight usually I do match Cathe but today I used 12s, 15s and 20s and made it through 7 out of 8 reps on conventional bicep curls with the 20's so that was good for me!!!:D

I then did CTX Kickbox and my arms were fried by the end!!:eek: ;(

Hope you all have a great day!!:D :7 :)

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