Daily Check-In - April 18/06

I finished Imax 2 and it was tough this morning. I am off the the movies to see The Wild with my girls. Have a great day!

Good Afternoon.

Back from the gym. Did 30 mins on the treadmill and 25 on the elliptical. }(

Great workouts girls!
Hi all, I did CTX Back, Shoulders, biceps and abs today for my workout. And boy will I feel it tomorrow. During the bicep workout on the Upper Body Split it started to mess up and come to find out my DVD has a scratch in it. Is there anything to do to it to fix it?! I had to switch to the workout with the biceps to finish them up.

I hate this I really use that DVD alot.

Dutchie: I hope you feel better soon.

Wendy: I have a workout space in the basement. My DH installed a chin-up bar in the ceiling rafters. I'll have to post some pix. I'm hoping Santa brings me a power tower!

Carole: Glad you are getting some nice weather...enjoy!!

Becky: Yup...Gauntlet is da bomb!

Annette: There is a sticky post in the DVD thread, maybe some of the suggestons can help.

Robin: Congrats on the push-ups! Way to go!
Thanks so much for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers. Sorry it took me so long to thank you, but I took a break for a couple of days, and then we left for our vacation. We missed the memorial service, but DH's brother went on his behalf. Today was everyone's first day backe, so DH had to meet with staff, and inform all the kids. He said it was pretty rough on the teachers, but most of the kids were okay. They had subs and grief counselors to help deal with things. I feel just awful for her girls and her dh. They'll continue to be in my prayers.

On a more positive note, I didn't gain a pound during vacation, and I didn't deprive myself either :) (Can we say homemade ice cream?).

Woohoo! :D

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