Daily Check In 6/21 Wednesday First Day of Summer!!!


Good Morning Ladies!

Well, I am up stupid early like a kid on Christmas Day so I figured I'd start this!:p

This morning at home I will be doing a portion of a new muscle endurance vid I just got called Slim Lean and Defined. Later on this afternoon, before dinner I plan to run the ship's track for about 2 miles.

Hope everyone has a great week!
"See" ya when I get back!

Bon Voyage!:7
Wendy, I hope you enjoy yourself!

OK, ladies you've talked me into a new HRM. Tell me what to get. I have very small wrists. Aren't there some out there for ladies only? My current one(M32) floats all around my wrist even at its tightest.

Only 2 more BBW in this rotation for me! I won't be doing them next week though as I'll be out of town on business. I'll continue with the rotation when I come back. I'm leaving Sun. for Tarrytown, NY and I'll be there till Fri eve.

Have a good day. Phyllis

Good morning Wendy and Phyllis and all that follow...

I hope you have a wonderful time Wendy!!!

Phyllis I have a Polar F4 and it is slim and has holes all the way to the watch face so you can tighten it as much as you need. I love this HRM. I bought is on recommendation from so many on this board and have not regreted it. I've had it for a year.

Today is PUB and BBW.
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

IM#2 for me today :7:7:7:7:7

Wendy: Have a great time!

Phyllis: I have the Polar F11 and it was pretty complicated to figure out in the beginning. You might want to look at the F4 if your wrists are tiny as the F11 is pretty big.

Jane: Great workout!

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Good morning Wendy,Phyllis,Jane and Tammy,

Yesterday was supposed to be Pub,and jogg but it end up being my rest day. I think I will do something different today and get off of my rotation. I seem to not want to follow it anymore. I guess after vacation I will pick one and stick to it. Right now I will just wing it. So I will do a KPC and LG premix with abs.

Wendy-I hope you have the best time ever!

Everyone have a good day!

I think the F4 may be the way to go.

Sandra, I think I'll do another run on Sat or Sun. I'll probably do the same lengh of time as last week. I'm looking forward to it! Are you running on the street or a track? I'm going through my neighborhood. I'm a mile from the Delaware River so I'll go there and back.

Oh, I forgot. I did Coremax 1 followed by the BBW.

RE: Daily Check In 6/21 Wednesday First Day of Summer!!...

Good Morning Fitties!

Wendy, have a great time! Do you have room in your suitcase for me????}(

I am completely undecided on a workout this morning. I am normally working out right now but still don't have a clue what I'm doing!
I think I'll do abripperX , but also need cardio and can't seem to commit. I was thinking IMAX 2, but it's very humid and that might kill me! HA!:p We don't have the a/c on this morning because it's breezy and doesn't feel TOO bad yet but the humidity will probably stop me in my tracks if I attempt an IMAX !

Oh well, I'll figure it out.

Sweaty workouts to all !!!:7
Daily Check-in

Confession is good for the soul. It is confession time. I am sliding down a slippery slope again. I do not know what is wrong with me. I am feeling lazy and unmotivated. My jeans are way too tight. My butt is getting bigger by the hour. And I do not seem to care enough to make a lasting difference. The fact is that this weight would have been gone long ago if I had the desire. The 4th of July will mark the 3-year anniversary of my fitness journey, and I am basically back to where I was on New Year’s Day and only halfway to my goal. Ugh! The first 60 pounds melted away. When I got down to 200 pounds, the real struggle began. Did the bottom drop out of my metabolism on my 35th birthday, or is this a mental block? For the past year or so, I have been bouncing between 200 pounds and 180 pounds and back again from a size 18 to a size 14 and back again. What is my problem?! Yes, my weight is back up to 200 pounds again, so 6 months of hard work just went down the toilet. :-( I cannot begin to imagine how I managed to gain 15 pounds in a week. :eek: I have been careful not to eat anything that causes an allergic reaction. It is time for my cycle, but that is only good for 5-7 pounds.

How did I respond to this? Well, I went to Cracker Barrel with a friend last night and ordered my usual fare. It did not taste good at all. It did not taste good when I ate there on another friend’s birthday. I just picked at my dinner and had a Blue Bell frozen mug sundae for desert because I was hungry. That was the last thing I needed. Weekends are tough for me, but eating out is my biggest challenge. The old Heather rises up and orders without thinking. The new Heather does not enjoy it and ends up just nibbling and grazing on food that does not satisfy. When will I learn that eating out does not require me to order fattening junk?

I am planning to go out to eat with another friend tonight, so I will get a do-over. I hope I make better choices. I refuse to gain another pound. What blows me away is how easy it is to pack on the pounds now that I am older. In my 20s, I had to binge to gain 5 pounds in a week. Now I just have to relax my workouts and eat too much processed food to gain more than twice that much. My portions do not have to be huge to cause serious damage.

My friend Cynthia lost 16 pounds in one week just walking in the pool. She is in her late 40s, so I cannot use age as an excuse. I have never had impressive results like that. My weight seems to creep off slowly and pile on instantly. It is like trying to hold a beach ball under the water. I look away for a second, and it pops up again. One of the girls in my Ya Yas check-in last year wrote that her weight never truly leaves. It just hides behind the sofa and jumps back on her butt when she is not looking. I can relate. I am so disgusted with myself right now. I am tempted to throw in the towel, but that is not an option.

There was a recent thread in Open Discussion about the important of nutrition vs. exercise. Most of the posters believe that weight control is 80 percent nutrition and 20 percent exercise. Even when I eat clean, I cannot control my weight with diet alone. I guess I could if I ate 1,000 calories a day, but I like to eat around 1,800 calories a day. In fact, I like it so much that I did not adjust my calories for the less intense workouts I have been doing lately.

I need intense exercise to see results. I need to get back on track with a Cathe rotation. This other stuff is fun but does not give me the results I desire. I can still do other workouts just for fun, but I need a solid rotation. My boss will be out of town most of July, so that will be a good time for me to make a fresh start. I feel miserable right now. Forget the way I look. I hate feeling this way. And I did not sleep well again last night.

As much as my flesh wants to roll over and cry and give up, I am far too resilient for that. I will come up with a new game plan and give it another whirl. As much as I hate seeing this in writing, being transparent keeps me out of denial. I am doing so much better spiritually and emotionally, but I am backsliding with my exercise and clean eating. When I get one area of my life under control, something else goes to hell. It is so frustrating and discouraging. x(

I think I am going to win the 12-week challenge for the greatest change in the wrong direction!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you Heather... I too struggle with diet. I seem to be in a routine now where I can do well for a week or two and everything goes south for a few days to a week. When I am making poor food choices, my exercise routine also suffers. I can relate! Just keep plugging along, don't give up. Our old lifestyles we led before we found fitness may be somewhere we may visit every once in a while, but we never want to "live" there again.
RE: Daily Check In 6/21 Wednesday First Day of Summer!!...

Hi again,

Phyllis, I liked your suggestion for RS & SB challenges and will keep that in mind for another day. But I just did SB (in Timesaver) yesterday. So I completely changed my mind, and didn't even DO cardio! I did AbRipperX and for the first time .....YogaX. It is super long though, so I only did 45 minutes of it. I don't think thats so bad for the first time, but I hate not completing a workout.:-(

Later I'd like to fit in a walk.

This afternoon I see the Osteopath about my back (hip, butt?) , so hopefully I'll get some answers!!

Happy 1st day of summer everyone!!:7
RE: Daily Check-in

Hi everybody,

I know what you mean about a rotation, Heather, I like the regimentation also. However, I adapt Cathes' rotations to accommodate other instructors, or I get sooo bored with the same old stuff. It works for me as well as keeping my intensity level higher.
Just a thought for you, hang in there, we all have experienced these challenges at one time or another, and somehow we all get through them. You will too, we are here pulling for you.

Today was RSS.
Thursday is BC, then we are off to Cedar Point! I think I will take my band with me for some toning work, and I always do abs every morning in the hotel room. I don't expect to get back into my workouts until Sunday morning, and I have cardio planned for that.
Have a great weekend everyone, please say a prayer for good weather and good health for my trip..:)

Take care!
Oh, Heather, hang in there! I so know how you feel. Just remember how far you've come. You CAN do it, you already have!! 60lbs is no small feat! Staying motivated 100% of the time is impossible. Everyone has ups and downs. Just keep reminding yourself about how much you've accomplished and how great you felt while you were doing it. Use that to help push you forward. And keep checking in, we're all here for you! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Today was a Lowmax premix (1-4). Short on time this morning so I had to get the wo done quickly. I haven't done Lowmax in a few weeks and I forgot how much I love the step combos.

Gotta run, busy day at work!

Happy 1st day of summer everyone!
Good morning everyone,

Wendy, have a GREAT time and that is great that you already have a workout planned.

Heather, I really feel for you. I know how frustrating and hopeless you can feel when it comes to diet and results. I go up and down 5lb every other week. It is a struggle for me as well to control my eating. Hang in there and you definitley have our support on this forum.:)

Today,I will try to run 5 miles and GS shoulder. The side of my knee is kind of sore today, so hopefully it will not be a problem during my run.

Have a super day everyone.

Heather, question just for curiosity sake, but how tall are you? I also struggle with diet and am a emotional stress eater also. I have to be in the right frame of mind to control my eating. Right now I am doing fairly well, or I have to get tee totally frustrated with how I look and then my mind gets in the right frame and I do it.

I am horrible at maintaining a loss though, sigh.

I did Taebo's Fat Blasting Cardio today with weighted gloves and ankle weights on. Nice sweat provoking workout in our little heat wave at the moment.

Have a great day!!:7
Morning ladies. This morning I went to the gym and did an hour of cardio followed with ab work.

Heather - Hang in there. I have been in those ruts before. I would do well for a long time, lose weight and then begin my old habits again and gain all the weight back. Being fit is not an easy thing! You have one up on most people though because you know what you NEED to do. I have recently found that what keeps me motivated is challenging myself. Trying to find out what I am capable of. I think we all go through periods with lack of motivation. And clean eating is the most difficult for me. It's a daily struggle to choose the fish over the pizza. Just find out what gets the fire going inside of you. What inspires you? Once you figure that out use it as a tool to help you when you are feeling weak. You can do it! We are all here for you!!! And congratulations on your 60 lb weight loss. That is a great accomplishment and something to be very proud of in itself!!!

Hi there,

Last night I did a 30 minute interval run. Felt very good.

Wendy - now *that's* devotion to exercise! Have a wonderful trip!

Phyllis - ah, the floating HRM is probably the reason you get such low numbers. It's probably missing some beats. I'm running outside, too. The neighbourhood we just moved into is terrific for outdoor running, unlike our previous one. I find running much more enjoyable if I go for distance, rather than for time (like on a treadmill).

Heather - oh, can I relate to you! My parents have been staying with us for 2 weeks (just left this morning), and whenever they're here, I eat like crap. I always start off really good, but by the end of their visits I'm always "treating" myself for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I just watched some of the home video we took, and am very disappointed with how I look. I too have resolved to get back on the wagon and do some good for myself. It's really tough though. Good luck to both of us!

Conni - have a great trip! I went to Cedar Point when I was a young kid, but I don't remember where the heck it is. All I remember is that is was a long drive from London, Ontario. And I had a lot of fun.

Gym Mom - LowMax is on my rotation for this week, and I'm really looking forward to it. It's fun!

Have a great day!

Thanks! Cedar Point is actually in Sandusky, Ohio, not too far from Toledo. We went last year for the first time in years and had a great time. They now have a great waterpark and a challenge park ( racing, etc.) as well. We stay at the Breakers Hotel right at the park, which is really cool, very victorian!

Can you tell I am excited???
Hey ladies,

Just finished a KPC premix which included w/u thru inter.drills+Combos 1&2+ high drills + cooldown. I will probably do P90 abs with dh tonight. Whew! I'm sweating big time!

You girls sound like you have some good workouts today!


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