Daily check-in 30/07/2005


Hi good morning, today is chest,shoulders and triceps, ab ripper and a Cathe cardio premix.Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Good morning Mariangeles and everyone to follow,

Last evening: PowerMax (whew..what a workout that one is and one of my favs)

Today: GymStyle Legs and StretchMax3 and CleanMax on schedule

Have a great weekend!
Good morning Mariangeles and Cathy.... great w/o's. Cathy I need to get PowerMax, it seems to be well liked on this forum.

Yesterday was HCXtreme #2. That is one grueling w/o. I tacked on BC core work premix.

Today is strength/endurance day for me. When I pulled taht BC DVD out for core yesterday, I noticed some good premixes on their for upper and lower body work. I am going to do the upper/lower body premix. I needed to add on abs and may do the core work from BC again or abs from ME - I like those.

Have a great Saturday everybody. I'm working today;( and tomorrow;( and Monday but the good news is I've taken Tuesday - Friday off. Going to start moving DD into her new apartment. My w/o's may suffer next week because of that but I'm sure I'll be getting exercise.

Carole - I hope DH did okay yesterday.
Hi again, Cathy and Jane and everyone who post later.Cathy and Jane your workouts sound awesome.I have just done chest, shoulders and triceps and ab ripper P90X.Later I will do cardio. Have a great Saturday everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Hello "Check In Saturday Readers"~

Gosh, I remember Power Max. It was a fun WO! I borrowed it from a fallen Cathe fan & friend. If only she could get back into "Cathe Mode"!

Today is a stretch day and optional leg segment. I may do a floor leg segment to warm up before stretching. Tomorrow is a rest day (I'm taking my DD to a swim meet in Buffalo)

Enjoy these summer weekends, they are dwindling in number!

AKA "Likes2bfit"
HI Guys! Happy Saturday!

Boy that PowerMax is popular lately huh? Think I'll do it tomorrow before I start the Aug.04 rotation Monday. A few of us that check in the "Summer check in" are doing it together if anyone would like to join us.

Today I'm going to do C&W's a walk and some lunges I think. I really want to work my arms too. I think they are getting ready to do something, but I'm not sure what. They're really getting some definition to them.:7 My lower body is huge but at least my upper body is starting to shape up! A little at a time right?

Have great workouts and a great day everyone!

Morning everyone!

I just got back from a great 4 mile run, through the woods and up the 358 stairs at the end! I think I'm on a bit of an endorphin high. There was a girl running behind me through the woods and I was determined she wasn't going to catch me, so I was practically sprinting! I think I may be a little competitive.}(

Today is Cleanmax, Gardenmax and later on, I'll do ME.

Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
Good morning ladies,

Had company last night so I spent most of the day cleaning. It was clean, but you want to put that extra polish and shine on! You ladies know what I mean. So I didn't get my workout in, so I will try doing MIS upperbody and abs, and KM legs drills again.

Hope everyone has a superb day!!

Good Morning ladies...

Well, I thew some ab/core work in at that last minute last night because I hadn't reached my goal of ab work 3x per week so I did the core only premix of bc. That's no joke! }(

Not quite sure of my work out plans for this weekend...Need to take a rest day tmrw for sure but may also rest today. I am starting the August 04 rotation on Monday so I want to be fresh and make sure that I am DOMS-FREE!:) It may be days (or WEEKS!) before I am doms-free AGAIN after I start this thing! LOL :p }( :p Plus, we are painting the kitchen today so a time may never emerge in my day where I can exercise anyway.

My body was very "rusty" when I got out of bed this morning. I guess it's from the Gaunlet yesterday. I had trouble walking to my coffee pot (the terror! :eek:) because everything hurt! As I walk around more it is subsiding some but I'm sure I'll have some remaining DOMS some where in this bod for the rest of the day.

Well, I'm off to make my 2nd cup of java before my little angel "calls" for me!:+

TTYL ladies!:)
Good Morning Beautiful Fitness Friends!

Today is my off day. Tomorrow I start July '03 Rotation with my own rotation added on because I workout in the evening also during the week.

I am trying to decide what to do today. I want to do something fun with my boys. It is their last weekend before school starts. I just don't know what. Maybe skating. That was fun and great cardio! I need to clean my house, but I will have plenty of time when they start school.

Enjoy this lovely Saturday!
Good morning ladies...

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers for my DH. The surgery went well but he never comes out of the anesthesia very good or quick! But this morning he is doing quite well. He had some veins stripped from his leg. He had been having alot of pain...I am hoping for a speedy recovery...:)

Yesterday ended up being a rest day as we were at the hospital til about 4:30!

Today I'll do freestyle legwork, abs, cardio of some sort and some upper body...

Have a great Saturday...:)...Carole
{Struggling through the thick Nighquil induced fog...} Achoooo
Good morning everyone. I'm guessing this will be day three of canceled workouts for me.
Cold 3 points, Desi 0. Normally I would be totally p'ed that I falling behind in my rotation, but I just can't muster up that kind of energy right now. <Sigh>
Some great workouts going on. For me today will be some kind of cardio. Probably on my elliptical since I live in Fl. and didnt get up early enough to do a run. Too hot/humid for me.

Everyone have a great weekend!
Good Morning Fit Ladies!

I slept in this morning. My son called me from Italy...he is having a great time. I miss him so much. He'll be back in two weeks.

Today I am heading out for a 3 mile run, then back for GS C&T Push-ups only (all 72!!!}( }( }( - I love doing push-ups) and then the floorwork only from GS Legs.

DH and I are on vacation this week. We are going to take it easy. Hopefully we will make it up to Saratoga Racetrack one day for a day w/the ponies and we are taking our youngest son to Boston later in the week for some sightseeing and a Red Sox game.

Mariangeles: As always, awesome workouts!

Cathy: I like SM#3 the best...that band really elongates the muscles.

Jane: HCX#2 and then BC core...WOW! You have some rocking workouts happening lately.

Judy: Enjoy your stretch today and your rest day tomorrow.

Kali: Yup! A little at a time....

Shelley: LOL! I get a little competitive w/other runners too!

Kim: Now that your house is all shiny, enjoy your workout!

Wendy: Have a great weekend!

Carla: Enjoy your weekend, too.

Carole: Glad everything went well w/your DH and I hope he has a speedy recovery!

Enjoy your day...hello to all that follow!

Mornin' all!

I did ME this morning - I think I'll be feeling it tomorrow! :) I haven't done that one for a looooong time, and I forgot how much it kicks @ss! ;)

On Monday, I'm starting Cathe's Fat Loss rotaton from March... I'm not very good at sticking to rotations, so we'll see how it goes.

Well, gotta go take the kitties to the vet. Have a great day everyone! :D
Good Morning Fitness Friends,

As usual there some awesome workouts going on, I did HSTA I am very sweaty, what an awesome workout. I have to work today, but I am feeling great! I want to wish everyone of you a very happy and fun weekend.

Ladies, You Rock!
Hello everyone,

Today will be a cathe cardio and right now I am leaning toward lowmax or imax2. Later I will do PLB and some ab work. I have plans with friends for the evening so I have to get all my workouts and errands in before I go.

I am anioxly waiting to wee what kind of rotation cathe puts out for august. The reason I hesitate to do a rotation is that I work out 2-2 1/2 hours a day and the rotations don't usually require that much time. So if Id o one and do add ons to get my exercise time to where I want it dioes it have negative effects on the rotation?

My back is completely out!! So no workout for me today, other than trying to help dh put in new windows into our old house!!:eek: :D

Have a great day!!:)
Hi everybody!

I am sitting here ready to exercise, I just ate so I wanted to wait a couple minutes before I attack IMAX 1. I am really looking forward to this workout.

I hope you all have a great workout or rest day
Kristine :)
Just did upperbody of MIS. Now I remember why I love that workout so. I was burning in the chest big time! Now all I have to do is MIS abs and KM leg drills.


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