Daily check-in 27/02/2005


Hi good morning, no exercise today. I was wrong when I worked out yesterday. The pain is here again. Maybe I am crazy but I don't regret what I did because I enjoied my workout so much. I have to rest again.Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :) :)
Good morning ladies!

Mariángeles: I am sorry that you are still having pain, but happy that you enjoyed your workout! It is not fair when your brain want's to workout, but your body says NO!

Well I dragged my behind out of bed this morning at 3:45 am to workout before work..LOL

Today was:

Circuit Max: which is totally killer at 3 am!! LOLOL
Core max: premix #2. I really like the ab work on the ball with the 8lb medicine ball..wahoooooo!!

OH yeah! My hubby went to Barnes& Nobles yesterday and bought me the Oxygen Abs collector's edition, and brought it to me at work to read!! It is a great issue, it has so much information!! Wow!!

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+
Hi Mariángeles and Denise;

I'm so sorry to hear about your back's pain again. :( Please,take care and wait until you get improved completely. I know it's hard time without workouts but healthy back is very important for our life. I wish you'll feel better soonly.

Denise, you're very impressive-Circuit Max at 3.00 Am on Sunday :eek: I don't think I'll be able doing my workout so early. I hope you have enjoyed it and wish you great day.:)

I did Hard Body Yoga as I have a rest day today.

Have a nice Sunday;

Marketa Preisler

Thank you very much Marketa and Denise. I will not exercise again until I get improved completely. I promise. It's so difficult to me stay without exercise.Exercise is a part of my daily life, just like brushing my hair, washing my face & eating breakfast.My head says: you want to do it but my body says: you should't.Thank you again.

Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hello, Ladies.

Mariangeles- I am sorry to hear about your back. You sound like me. At least you snuck one workout in, but please be very careful.

Denise- I workout at 4 every morning too. It is the only time I have available. I feel revived when I am done, but when it's time to go to sleep for the night I am beyond ready! Good Job, Girlie!

Marketa- I love Yoga too. Very relaxing.Enjoy your rest day.

Today was cardio premix off BC and PUB. It is rainy and yucky here, so I think I am staying home from church today. My husband just got home from a 4 day fishing trip, so I have a ton of laundry to do,x( But he caught a lot of tuna!!!}(

Enjoy your day, Ladies!
Hi ladies:

Denise: you make me feel like a slacker that I don't get up until 4:45 to workout before work! But I have gotten up earlier to do it when I had to be to work earlier. I remember reading that you have 5 boys (that stuck with me!), so I know you must feel like I do that if you don't do it early, it ain't gonna happen!

Mari: I wasn't on the boards all week last week when we were on holiday, I was surprised to learn you, of all people, were suffering from an injury. May you have a speedy recovery. I know this waiting must be torture.

I just saw Cathe's HC rotations, and I plan to follow #3. I always take my off day on Friday, so I adjusted her schedule for Monday to really be my Saturday (yesterday). Fortunately I had done IMAX 3, just like on her rotation. I have never done one of her rotations before, because I never had all the DVDs before. I do have all the HC, and am looking forward to the challenge. It will be tough for me, because it looks like the workouts during the week (work days) are a tad longer than I'm used to.

Happy Sunday!
Ciao Tutti!

I'm planning on LowMax and the Tough Core Premix. I am so sore from HSC yesterday - OUCH!

Mariangeles: I'm sorry you are still bothered by back pain. I know how frustrating it is to want to workout and not be able to. Listen to your body.

Denise: I am in awe! I don't think I could walk to the bathroom at 3 AM, let alone do a Cathe workout. WOW!

Enjoy all your workouts ladies...

Hi all,
I have to get in the habit of posting here. I have no problem posting during the weekend but don't seem to be able to make it here during weekday evenings after I workout.

Yesterday: KickMax, Shoulder work from GymStyle Back, Shoulders and Biceps, and StretchMax #2.

Today: GymStyle Legs, Back work from from GymStyle Back.... coreMax1.
Mariángeles, I am sorry about the pain coming back. Resting does help..hope its better soon!

Denise...wow!!! 3:45....you have me beat easily. 5 is my normal time...

Marketa...is hard Body Yoga an advanced Yoga?

Carla...good workout. Rainy here too and I am doing a long run...

Foodie Sue...I've never done a Cathe rotation either. I'll definitely have to think about it!!

Cathy...how are you liking the band work in the Gym Styles?

Tammy...that tought core premix to me is VERY tough. I really am enjoying that DVD...

I am doing my last long run before my 50K race on March 12. 20 miles in the rain today! I am hoping when I cut back my running in the next 2 weeks I can try the Hardcores I have put off...:)...Carole
Good Morning to all.

Great work outs ladies!

Mariangeles, hope your back feels better fast!

Well, yesterday AGAIN, I did a whole bunch of nothing! GRRR!x(

Today is the day I am scheduled to begin a new rotation so my plan is to do Supersets...HOPEFULLY I actually get it done! lol

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Thank you very much Carla K, Foodie Sue, Tammy, Carole and Wendy.Carla ¡workout at 4 o clock¡. You are inspirating.Foodie Sue I am sure you will enjoy the march rotation. Cathe is so marvellous. She has given three diferent rotations.Tammy HSC is fun isn't it? . Carole thank you.Wendy enjoy your rotation.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Hello all,

I am a morning person, but 4:30 is as early as I can comfortably get up and workout.

Mariangeles, sorry your back is still bothering you. Mine is still tight. Mild cardio has helped me to be able to stretch it out a little. I can finally put my socks and shoes on without pain again.

Carole, have fun running in the rain :(. I hope that the weather is warm where you are.

I've never followed a predetermined rotation, but I have something loosely planned in my mind.

Today is GS legs, but I'll have to go light on those deadlifts and coremax 1.

Have a great day.

Good morning,

I have no workout to post, but just wanted to chime in to Mariángeles and say that I completely relate to how difficult it is to hold off exercising while your body heals. It's very hard. I tell myself that this is just a short period in what is going to be a lifetime of regular exercise. I hope you are able to give your back a lot of rest today, before having to go back to work tomorrow.

Foodie Sue - I was very excited to see that Cathe posted 3 rotations this month! If circumstances were different, I would do the third one, too. I'll be doing it down the road, for sure! Enjoy!

Carole - Enjoy your run today! 20 miles in the rain..........doesn't sound very pleasant.

Happy Sunday,
Hi Tracy I am glad to know you are better. The mild cardio is a great suggestion to do in the future.Thank you.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Carole: I love the Gym Style uppers and the band work. I feel that this is the most thorough comprehensive upper body workout that Cathe has put out. The band work on top of all the other exercises Cathe has is great for working peak contaction that I usually can't work with free weights. Can't say how much I love these.

Mariangeles- I didn't know you were injured. What happened?
Hope you recuperate soon.
Carole: I do love the CoreMax dvd. I use it almost everyday. Today was the first day that I used a premix. I thought the transitions were a little quick, but maybe after I have done the premixes on a regular basis, I will know what to expect.

Mariangeles: I did enjoy HSC, but I found it VERY challenging.

Just had to come to say...I DID MY WORK OUT! Phew! I feel sooo much better now...Supersets as planned. First time...modified several exercises and skipped a couple that I didn't know how to modify...still a good work out though. :)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!



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