daily check-in 2-8-05


what's up? it's after 8am and none of you early risers have done this yet???? ya'll must be busy watching your new dvds!!!:+

today for me is RS. i never got yesterday's workout done despite my "no ailments gonna stop me" speech. that's what i get for braggin i guess. x( i hope you all have a great day and a great workout and a big blast playing with your new toys.

Hi Jes,

I am here ready to check in, I am waiting for my Hardcore to ship from CK Sales, so it looks like it will be awhile.
Anyways, today was MIC, but I just did that one last week, so I did an old Kari Anderson vid, 2 The Max, lots of fun, and ab hits.

Have a great day!!
Good morning ladies!!

I just completed Imax 3. I put my thoughts in the Video/comments forum under "I am so impressed". This workout is KILLER!!! Later will be Stretch Max for sure!! Have a great day everybody!!

Jes- How are you feeling?? I hope you are doing well!

Conni- I hope you get your workouts soon!!

Hi Jes...thanks for starting...and yes I've been guilty reading all the posts about Hardcore!!

I am trying out Gym Style legs today and then a 6 mile run.

Have a good workout ladies....:)...Carole
Morning Everyone,

Today will be Imax1.

I received my UPS e-mail. I will be getting my DVD's on Thursday. I will have to spend the weekend with pre-viewing. :7

Have a great day!
Laurie Mac
Good Morning to all of you lovely ladies!

Tonight is my first attempt at the Body Blast series. I have chosen an L & G premix plus I will be doing biceps and abs from CTX Kickbox.

Had fun with Power Circuit last night. Only did this once before. Forgot how much leg work was in that one! I was worried that it might ruin tonight's work out plan by my legs are fine today so I'm good to go!:D

Hopefully I will have a more successful week than I did last week as far as my work outs go. I missed 3 days last week!!! x( ;( x(

I did something bad....really bad....I went and ordered the intensity series this morning.:eek: :eek: :eek: I just paid the credit card bill that had Body Blast and the HC preorder on it so I just said "what the heck!" and went for it! I'll be ready to kick some serious butt after this baby is born! That post-pregnancy weight don't stand a chance now!!! :D }( :D

I'm sure I will get the Intensity Series before I get the Hardcores...lol

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi Jes and everyone;

I also orderes my HCs' from cksales,but I'm busy with tomorrow's exam.
Anyway I did PS Back,CTX Back,Imax2 and AB and stretch from Cardio&Weights.

Aila, wow your comments about Imax 3-I really can't wait to try this one. As I have read in videofitness it's tough workout with good music.

Carole, the gym style workouts are the most for me-please let us know your comments.

Conni-I'm with you-waiting and waiting but I hope cksales'll receive HC today and maybe they'll ship today too.

Have a nice day with your HC DVDs.

Marketa Preisler

Well I was supposed to do Muscle Endurance and CTX Cardio yesterday and was not feeling good..so I am gonna do that tonight. My DVD's will be here today but they are being shipped to Mom's (so I will go get them tomorrow.) CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!! I am just going to do a differnet hardcore everyday till I have done them all then start a hardcore rotation on the 20th.

HAve a great day everybody
Good Morning to everyone!

Yucky rainy cold weather here in Illinois. Could've stayed in bed and slept today.

I did Muscle Endurance (1st time) last night. My biceps are going to be talking today. Don't you just love when Cathe's doing the crazy 8's in this and then says OK take it up halfway and hold - and she does this evil little laugh - like it isn't hurting already. Tonight will be a cardio of some sort. Probably IMAX 2 or MIC. I've tried to keep my rotations in the same Cathe "family" ex. body blast series, intensity series, ctx series. I'm not fond of IMAX2 or MIC.

I'm so jealous of all you that have received hardcore already. I didn't order mine until December so it's gonna be ahwile for mine to arrive.

Have a great day everyone!
Well I did PUB and CTX Back and a new workout called Kickbox Underground. Not too bad I broke a sweat and my heart rate got up some. Not as fast paced as taebo or as intense as Cathe but nice for a short kickboxing workout. Once I learn it better I am sure I can add some intensity of my own. :D

Glad to see everybody is enjoying their Hardcore workouts. I will get the one I ordered very late since I didn't pre-order til the end of Jan.:(

Have a great day!!:)
Morning all! I am so jealous of all you HC people out there. I have already been hinting to DH that I would like to order some of them, but since I just received a Body Blast DVD this weekend I may have to wait a little longer. My husband and I like to make bets whenever we play games (cards, trivial pursuit, etc.) and every time we make a bet mine is always if I win I get to buy a new Cathe DVD. He thinks it's funny that out of all the things I could bet for that is what I want the most.

This morning for me was Boot Camp. It's been awhile since I've done this one because it's not particularly one of my favorites, but it kicks butt and that's what I need.

I would like some opinions on the rotation that I will be doing for the next couple weeks. I'm trying to kick it up a notch. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

M - Step Blast, CTX biceps and triceps and abs in the evening
T - Boot Camp
W - IMAX 2, CTX Back and shoulders and abs in the evening
T - Step, Jump & Pump
F - Leaner Legs or PLB (can't decide which one), Chest and abs in the evening
S - ME followed by AllStep cardio only


Good Morning,
Today was Timesaver 5 a mix of legs. Then I did Express premix off ME. I love how you can make your own workouts! My legs are on fire! Have a great day
Hi Annette I see you have received the kickbox underground. The ck buyers have our orders in the Canada customs.Aila I have read your post about IMAX 3 and I can not wait to try it.Katie don't worry I am jealous too.Marketa good luck with your exam.Kimbra Yes I love the Cathe's laught. I think she is a little "sadistic".Jennifit enjoy your new workouts.Carole enjoy GSL and your run. Your legs are going to work hard today.;) Wendy I have missed a few days of workout. Yesterday I had a very bad day in my job, after I had problems with my computer and there were not a CK sales update. No exercise yesterday.Marketa I hope CK sales will ship the orders today too. Jes I hope you will feel better. Today is CTX upper body split. I hope. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Good morning!

Well, CK Sales' order has made it to Canada Customs, so hopefully it will get ushered through quickly, and will arrive here in Edmonton within the next 24 hours. Fingers crossed. I had a dream last night that my HC series arrived, and I was doing one this morning! I woke up to the reality of doing Step Blast combos 1&2 followed by SuperSets. This was a fun workout; I always love to do anything from the Body Blast series!

Katie - Isn't it amazing how the Challenge in SB really throws that workout into another dimension? It's a hoot! And the SB/SJP premixes are a *lot* of fun! There's a lot of weight work in your proposed rotation, with seemingly little time for muscle recovery. It looks like a tough week, but I'm just wondering if you might want to put a one-hour steady-state cardio in place of SJP, just to give your muscles a bit of recovery? Or do the SJP cardio premix followed by SB Challenge (that's a goody!). Just a suggestion :)

Jes - if your dread of hi/lo actually prevents you from doing your planned workout, then you should feel free to change things to whatever *will* motivate you. For example, so the SB/SJP premix that alternates SB combos with SJP weight segments. You get the same conditioning effect without the hi/lo. Or, do the SJP premix that alternates just the SJP step with the SJP weights, then throw the SB Challenge on at the end. That's a doozy. Just a suggestion :)

Dutchie - how is your son doing? No serious injury I hope?? And how is it possible to do BM AND LG in the same day?? Hast thou Carole's bionic legs?? How do your legs feel today?

Tammy - BC Core premix is a gem, isn't it? It's my favourite core work, in terms of effectiveness.

Sandy - Yup, half of IMAX2 is better than none at all! Glad you had such a good time at the Superbowl party! I've never had coconut shrimp. Can you describe it for me, please? Is it breaded and fried?

Wendymin! LOL!! You caved, did you? You won't regret it! The Intensity Series is a work of art. When you're ready to get serious about taking your fitness to the next level, you will be thrilled to have this. And Hardcore! So many workouts, so little time......(Ooooh, I'm having an endorphin rush just thinking about the lovely rotations that can be made with IS and HC!!!).

Kimbra - ME biceps are what makes that workout reknowned, I think. It's a great burn, isn't it? }(

I'm deliberately avoiding posts about the HC Series, because I want to be surprised, and I want to form my own opinion. I look forward to hearing what everyone else thinks, but only after I've actually got a sense of what they're talking about!

I put some perfume on this morning (sandlewood), and the smell is making me sick. Time to stop wearing perfumes. Oh, pregnancy is such an adventure......

Have a great day!
Good Morning - Well - I couldnt quite get out of bed this morning - so means I will have to double up tonight.... So tonight will be S&H Bi's & Tri's and I am thinking IMAX1.... Depends on how my day goes...

Have a wonderful day - Cant wait to get my hardcore tomorrow...

I have managed to justify the heck outta ordering all of Cathe's stuff is such short time....You see, I am leaving my job when I have my baby and hoping not to have to return to work until my kids (we plan to have 2) are both in school full time SO..this means that our income will be cut drastically, atleast for a couple of years until DH gets to the top rate in his union (he is an apprentice right now). That being said, a lot of things that we can afford NOW, will NOT be affordable once I am not working so I figure, buy 'em all up while we can afford to pay for 'em so I'll have enough new work outs to last me for YEARS once I leave my job! lol...Yes, I COULD ask for some for Christmas or B'days but hey...I'm impatient over here!:p

I have no intentions on getting the rest of the Hardcores any time soon though so maybe those can actually be a gift for a Christmas or a bday! lol :+

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hello! Today is MIC! Last night I did Body Max for first time! WoW! That workout is awesome! Long!!

Katie: I think your rotation looks great! Lots of cardio! I would add in yoga if you like to do that :)

Cannot wait to read all the stuff on the HardCore workouts!!!!!!!!! I ordered Kick Max, but I doubt I will see if for awhile!

Have a great day! :+

I am cleaning my house today, aren't you jealous? You know you want me to clean yours too! When I get done I think I will PUB since I just did Boot Camp yesterday.

Have a great workout, everyone!
Hey Jes how's it going.

Have not received my HC series as yet and won't be for a while as I placed my order on the last day x( , but that's ok b/c I have enough of Cathe to tie me over.

This morning for me was PUB and I enjoyed every bit of it as I have not done this w/o since last month.

I tried something different today, I went straight to biceps first b/c doing this after tri's are dangerous. I still had a little trouble completing biceps, but it was much better than before.

Have a good afternoon.

This morning was the upper body premix of HSTA and then the second half of Seasun Zieglers RSS. My husband is out of town for the next 5 days and I will be receiving the HC DVD'S on Friday. It works out well because I can spend Fri night previewing and not be harassed by him! Now if I can just get the children to stay in bed!

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