daily check-in 2-8-05

Hi everyone,
Today I'll probably do a Firm AWT. I'm dying over here. I didn't really know about Cathe last July and so I didn't preorder until December. And it is killing me, I want to know what everyone is talking about. Boo hoo! LOL! Anyway, I am so excited because I love the Body Blast series because of the music and I've read so far the the music for Hardcore is awesome so I'll be definitely doing those. It's funny how just the music can make a really hard workout go by quickly. Anyway, everybody have a good day!
It's a continuing process.....
WELL! ain't ya'll a bunch of busy bodies around here!!!!

thank you to all who asked how i was feling...i am so sick of talking about it and having no funny stories to tell lately, but i deeply appreciate everyone taking the time to ask! ya'll are awesome!

no headacje today, so i did RS and was still feeling spunky, so i did UB premix an abs of C/W, and LB premix of BF. this afternoon i am shopping}( and taking hellion to the groomer. i don't know what i was thinking naming her Bella! i should have named her Mischief!

Charlotte: my house is already clean thank you ! have fun! that's on my agenda for Thurs. i am going to shop for furniture today and carpet is next. after that i am going to pull up the carpet in the living room and put down tile, so i WILL need help cleaning then and your invited!!!!!:p

Haydee: how them pikes comming girl?

Sandra: your right. i should avoid hi/lo altogether, but i'm stubborn. i do love those premixes though!!!:D

Sandy: good job on 1/2 of Imax2 that's something. where you been?

Carole: any thoughts on gym style legs yet??????

hope you all have a great day and i'll ttys!!


I got to paint the foyer and livingroom in a few weeks. Gas glow warmer not working right from last year...got a better model, but old one caused soot residue on the walls. I tried wiping it off, but only makes it worse. Guess I will get a good arm workout. LOL
Glad you feel better, must be because your house is already clean!!:eek:
Sandra, I was worried about that a little bit too. I guess I'll just have to see how fatigued my muscles end up getting. I really like your suggestion of the SJP cardio premix with the SB Challenge. I think I'll definitely have to try that. Thanks.
Legs are fine Sandra:) No Bionic legs though. They were a little stiff getting out of bed today.

My son is fine too. He was limping yesterday but today only complained of a stiff leg. And when he got home from school he was OK again.

You're gonna think I'm a very bad mom, but when I saw him lying on the ground I went to him immediately. When I got to him he looked up with this big grin on his face. I asked him if he could get up. He tried (you should have seen it) and he then started laughing and said no, cause his school bag was somehow stuck between the bicycle and him. And I couldn't help myself but I had to laugh so hard I almost peed in my pants. It was so funny, my son trying to get up but couldn't. And you're not going to believe this, but I ran back into the house to get the camera and I took a picture.... Now he had friends over to do homework together and I purposely had that picture staring at them when they wanted to use my computer:) It sure made for a good few jokes. My son took it like a MAN. Although, he kept making jokes about "my pathetic attempts to workout with Cathe" and "my jelly fat pretending to be muscle". I took that like a MAN too, ofcourse :+

I sort of did the things the wrong way today: I first cleaned part of the house instead of working out first. Big mistake. Somehow things kept happening and I didn't get to working out. I was planning on working a body part per day for 30min for the rest of the week plus either running or the elliptical, guess I'll be doing two bodyparts tomorrow and I'll run and do the elliptical.

Hi all!

Tonight is Powerflex at my gym. Oh I am getting so jealous reading all those posts about the HC workouts}( !! I ordered mine in dribs and drabs starting in October so god only knows when I'll be receiving them, ughhx( x(

Sandra, I don't normally eat coconut shrimp as yes they are breaded and fried then rolled in coconut flakes....the ones my friend brought were just thrown in the oven for about 20 minutes but still they must have been pre fried or something!! But they were soooo good though}( }( !! Hmmm you should definitely try them as I think it would satisfy your preggo need for high fat goodies, lol!!!

Jes, hi! I've been quite busy at work these days but I'm still lurking though! Hey, by the way I think you owe me an email young lady:p :p Hope you are feeling better these days!

You all are putting in really awesome workouts this week, keep it up!!
Hi all,

I learned the hard way. I rarely put anything on the priority list first besides my workout. That's probably why I wouldn't earn a good housekeeping award for anything domestic. I did Low Max this morning and absolutely loved it. Its quite deceptive.

Hi all:

Today I had to be at work at 6 am again, and I learned last week that I can't leave my workout until I get home, because I'm too wiped to do it then and it doesn't happen. So I got up at 4 am and did PUB premix. I hardly even remember it, to be honest, I was still so sleepy. Ended up getting home at 4:45, and I'm just wrecked. But at least I didn't miss my workout :D :D

Tonight I'm going to bed at 8pm, I swear. Nice long, leisurely workout tomorrow. I'm not going in until 8!

Ciao tutti!

Wow! What an awesome mix of workouts happening today! Some old and some very new. My HC shipment was waiting for me when I got home from work. I was like a little kid on Christmas morning, unwrapping each and every DVD. They look so fantastic, I can't wait to dig in.

Today for me was KPC and abs from BodyMax. I like KPC more everytime I do it.

Fiddlefit: Yes, BC Core premix is a gem!

Til tomorrow,

Alot of excitement today:) :)

Unfortunately, I seem to be coming down with 'the terrible cold' that going around x( So I'm skipping my workout today and probably tomorrow...just to try to stear the thing away.

Have a great evening

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