Daily Check In 2/22/2005

i haven't done my workout yet. ya'll think it's too much. i just have to get cardio and strength in today. tomorrow is circuit training. i probably won't do all of MM, just a premix and i'm doing step only of Lm. is that better?

mariangles: i hope your back is better soon. did you hurt it doing Hardcore? i hope not! i noticed you didn't post yesterday and i was foing to pm you today, but here you are!

carole: how did you avoid your cold?

sandra: dd cracks me up!

red: that happens to me sometimes too. i plan one thing and another ends up happening.

Thank you very much Wendy.I think is amazing you can do the CTX workouts during your pregnancy.The CTX workouts are short but very intense.I have seen your picture trail and I want to say thank you for share with us your sonograms.A baby is a miracle.Do you know the sex of the baby ?

Thank you very much Jes. I think I have hurt my back using the hardcore workouts. I have exercised to much during the first week after receiving my hardcore workouts.I have not been carefully during the IMAX 3 jamps and I have stressed my back. I will be OK in a few days.I hope so.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)

Yes, we found out the sex of the baby at the 20 week sono. We are having a boy and we are naming him Joseph Howard. :D He is being proudly named after both of his grandfathers!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Stayfit, I hope your back feels better soon.

Wendy, my 3rd son is named Joseph, it is a good name and we don't allow any nicknames he is Joseph not Joe or Joey, so people are respecting our wishes and calling him Joseph.

I did PUB Triceps, then to make up for my lame workout yesterday I did CTX upper body split, triceps and biceps, then did MIS abs and stretch, then my new Enell Sports Bra arrived so I painstakenly put it on and did an 8 min. taebo to try it out. It is different:eek: . So it will take some getting used to. But when I did jumping jacks the jostling that I did do didn't hurt so that was a plus :) :D . I will have to try it out on a longer Cathe workout another day. Today just got away from me and I was finishing up very late for me.:+

Hope everybody has a great day!!:7
Okay details... Well, we got there Friday around 2:00 and went to the hotel. It is really beautiful and very clean (some of those casinos are real dumps). We then went to Mandalay Bay and had their buffet, which was actually quite disappointing. We then went out to a couple places and had some drinks and gambled a little bit. None of us were real big gamblers. Later that night we went to a brand new club at the top of Mandalay Bay. Wow, what a view!!! We stayed out until about 3:00 am.
Saturday we went to the dolphin exhibit and White Tiger exhibit and the Mirage and drank and gambled a little more. We then went to see Cirque du Soliel's "Zumanity". It was AMAZING!!! It makes me want to go see all of their shows. We then went to a comedy club at the Tropicana. We had a great time there as well. One of the other couples we were with wanted to go to House of Blues after that but DH and I decided to grab something to eat (mind you it's 12:30am by this time) and go to bed. I'm sure glad we didn't go with them because they didn't get back to the hotel until 6:00am. I'm getting too old for that.
Anyway, we had a great time, but there is still a lot of stuff I didn't get to see, so DH and I are going to go back some other time with just the two of us.

Thanks for the details, Katie! You are making me very envious! I was there once, for 4 days, and have been dying to go back. We saw "Mystere". Don't the Cirque shows make you actually want to run away and join the circus?? At the very least, they make you want to stay committed to your workouts!! You sound like you had a blast! Great to hear! How did you find your separation from DD? Were you too busy having fun to worry very much?

Jes - DD cracks me up, too! The other day she asked me if Cathe was a real person. "Good question," I thought. But I answered, "Yes, she is. But she lives really far away from us, so that's why I do her dvd workouts." So Paris asked me if we could go visit her, to which I replied that I would indeed love to go visit her some day and do a workout in her gym with her. Well, then Paris got all stressed out that we were going to move far away and she wouldn't live in this house anymore! So then I had to calm down my over-anxious four year old while simultaneously doing plie squats with a heavy barbell. Argh! Kids!

Wendymin - I think you're going to love the Body Blast weight workouts. They are so much fun, and a good level for the pregnant body. No, I didn't go down the hill with the kids. The other couple we were with have a 1 year old baby, so his mom and I plopped him in a toboggan and pulled him on a trail through the river valley. The poor husbands got the privilege of slogging all the sleds back up the hill after each run down! So, I suppose they deserved the hot chocolates more than anyone!

Marketa - I know what you mean about IMAX3! I previewed the workout very carefully and wrote a brief description of each interval blast and how many times she runs through them, so I could plan my modifications ahead of time. It's good to know that she only does one billion plie squats instead of two billion LOL!

I had my first ultrasound today and saw my 4cm baby! S/he was a wiggling ball with a big head and flailing arms and legs, with a heartbeat of 161 bpm. I figure with that heart rate s/he was practicing a Cathe workout! We were relieved to only see one baby in there!! I've been eating for three, I swear...

Good evening ladies!!

My heavens it must be IMAX 3 day!!!

Today was:

IMAX 3: I did use 4 risers through most of the workout with the exception of the blast where your jumping up in and out off the step, but my knees are hurting a bit..anyone else use 4 risers?

Slow and Heavy: Legs and shoulders, all I can say is Wahoooo my shoulders are a burning!! Protein shake to the rescue....Yeah!!!

Have a great evening!!

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+
Hi everyone,

Yesterday I did Lowmax ,what a great workout!!! ,a lot of fun!!
Today I went to gym and did step ( wasn't great,to easy)but after that
I did spinning,my legs were killing(shaking al the time)
Tomorrow definetly a rest day.

Mariángeles ,sorry to hear that you have backache, maybe your husband
can do a massage.

Katie , I'm glad you had a nice time in Las Vegas,I know you had,because
I went there last summer ,it was great.

A lot of you did Imax 3 ,I didn't do it yet ,first Imax 2

Be careful when you are doing the workouts

Ciao tutti!

I'm a late poster today. Great workouts all around ladies!

Today for me was KPC. Tomorrow I finally get to try one of the new hardcore weight dvd's, as I just got done moving back into my workout space. I'll have to take some pics and posts them.

Til tomorrow,

i did lowmax step only and it was so fun! great cuing! i am proud to say that i didn't mess up once. ha!

needless to say, mm did not get done

Thank you Anja.I would love it but I am not married. A massage will be great. Thank you.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)

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