Daily Check In 2/21/2005

Hi all- I've been MIA for a week or so but I've been working out. I am actually sticking to this program for a week now which for me is quite and accomplishment. I think the added incentive of going to CAcun in March is keeping me focused :D I also feel great!!

Did Gym Style legs last night and loved it!! Couldn't get all the way through but I almost made it! Idid make it through IMAX 3 the other day so I must be getting stronger. Of course I had to modify some of it :)

Anyway- I will be shoveling soon- snow again! At lest I'm off this week and don't have to worry about going to work and school.

Have a great day everyone!!

Good Mornning ladies!!

I hope that all of you have a great workout and a great day!!

Totally Hot Cardio, Christi Taylor:Hi/Lo workout:50 minutes
Slow& Heavy Series: Chest & Back and Triceps & Biceps
Core max #1 Tough premix

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+
Hi Carla, Marketa, Jean and Denise!

I personally hate mondays, but this one isn't bad as DH and I have the day off!:7 :7 :7

Last night I did Step and Intervals on an elevated step height for the first time! I did very well but I certainly did feel it more!!!

Today is CTX Power Circuit straight up. That's a good one.

No plans for the day...except my DH will have to shovel some snow UGH!

Take Care ladies!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi Carla, Marketa, Jean and Denise!

I personally hate mondays, but this one isn't bad as DH and I have the day off!:7 :7 :7

Last night I did Step and Intervals on an elevated step height for the first time! I did very well but I certainly did feel it more!!!

Today is CTX Power Circuit straight up. That's a good one.

No plans for the day...except my DH will have to shovel some snow UGH!

Take Care ladies!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Good morning everyone!

This morning I did IMAX3 and used the Mix'nMatch feature to put all of the Timesaver upper body weights together into one workout. I modified a lot of IMAX3 to stay within the "talk test" zone, but still worked very hard and got a great workout. Some of those intervals are quite challenging, but as a whole, I think the workout is her most fun interval workout.

Wendy, so you have President's Day off, huh? In Alberta we have "Family Day" today, which is a day off for some, but not everyone. We're the only Canadian province who has a holiday today. I think we might take the daughter and her friend to Chuck E Cheese for lunch. I've never actually been there before.

Ruth, I am so very, very sorry to hear about your mother. My MIL died from breast cancer at the awfully young age of 57, and now I worry about my daughter possibly inheriting the disease. I hope she does not suffer, and that you are able to give her comfort in her last days. And I encourage you to get your workouts in, to help deal with the stress of this situation, and hopefully prevent any kind of cancer in your own body. It's a healthy way of dealing with difficult times.

Have a good day,
Hi all, I have to say this!!! I levitated!!! I did the Kickmax low impact premix and the Coremax segment 1 on Sunday, and I levitated! I was so excited I was yelling "I did it!!!" Now, I will probably never do it again, but I did it Sunday!

Anyways, that was my big moment. Now, today was ME.

Have a great day!!
Hi all,

I did IMAX 3 on an 8" step. What a fun workout! So much accomplished in so little time...That surely should improve my biking speed when I finally am able to get back on it.
I also did my usual pikes and then coremax 2.

Good morning all,

I did Low Max this morning and got to say I LOVED:D :D :D it so much. I had so much fun doing this workout. Of course I had to pause it a few times b/c I never really viewed it b4 doing it--anyhoo I can't wait to do it again.

As for CoreMax, I will not try Levitating b/c the last time I tried it was the absolute last time. I injured my wrist and I think I have to have a doctor look at it, it's been killing me for a couple of weeks now...........dangx(. Hats off to all who can perform this:D :D :D.


I am going to report I made a decision and purchased DVD #1 Basic and Body Fusion. (hand claps please) you don't know how I'm agonizing about this. I keep spening money trying to find my spot in fitness. I've bought some firm and someone suggested this more then one time, so, I've been up from a 16 hour shift, searching reading boards, and evaluting where I am. So, this seems to be the place. It was on the home page so you can't go wrong there. I also viewed the little clip and was satisfied over my scrambeled eggs and ham. ahh. Now.. do you think I can sleep now. LOL. I'm so excited. I feel like Tina Turner. See you all later. Glad to become a member of your team, family, what are we? :)
Hello Everyone,

Marketa, I will also be following Kathyrn's rotation so you have a partner. }(

So that means I will be doing GS BSB and CM Seg #1. Just a tad different.

Have a great day!

Laurie mac
Well with dh off from work today, it is a crazy day. I decided to do my weight workouts in reverse this week sooo I did PUB warmup and biceps today. I would have done some more biceps and cardio but we had to take a load from the house to our storage unit so that interfered with getting any more of my workout in. Soo I will have to make up for it tomorrow.:( :eek:

On top of that after I went 62 days with no period and had to go on provera to start it, I have now started again, :eek: only 12 days after I started using the provera. I am now wondering if the cycle that started on day 6 of the provera was really my cycle or if this is it now, sigh!! :+ :( Sometimes being a woman is just no fun.x(

Have a great day!!:D
welcome tytbody! glad you joined us! good decision!

haydee: i am supposed to get lm today! i can't wait. glad you like it!

Good job on the levitation! (i can't remember who said that!)

today i did RS and the 2nd combo form SB. then C/W abs and later i am going to do ME.

Annette: you are unhappy about no period? :eek:

good workouts everyone! for those of you who are off today, i hope you enjoy yourselves!

No, I am unhappy that I just had a period 12 days ago (or at least I think it was one) and now I am having another one. Before when I went 62 days with no cycle I was in perpetual PMS all the time and I was miserable so I took the provera to start me and now I am having 2 within 2 wks of one another, that is what I don't like.:7
Marketa...hope you and Laurie Mac have fun with the P90X rotation of Hardcore's. I loved P90X and Kathryn writes a good rotation. I will be looking forward to your posts!!

Jean...GS Legs is for sure one of my favorites! Your hamstrings might be talking to you tomorrow...:)

Denise...isn't that Coremax tough premix a killer!!

Sandra...good workout. I haven't tried Imax3 yet. Have a nice Family Day at Chuck E Cheese...

Conni...I am sooooooooo jealous you levitated!!! Good job!!!

Tracy...I would bet Imax3 will help you with your biking speed...pikes and Coremax2...wow!

Haydee...sorry about your wrist...:(...I hope it heals up soon.

Welcome tytbody and good luck with your purchases!

Annette...hope your cycle gets back to normal sometime soon...this can't be any fun at all...

Jes...you are doing Lowmax today?...I think this one is great with all the premixes..

Well my wonderful DH shared his cold with me...:(...so now I have the sore throat yukky feeling!!! I am sure also its from all the miles and a lowered immune system, but more fun to blame him x(

So I did the premix of Lowmax that is just the stepwork and no blasts. This afternoon I will try for Chest & Back from MuscleMax and the Triceps from GS Chest & Triceps.

Enjoy the day....:)...Carole

I am sorry that you are feeling yucky! getting sick just plain stinks!! The funny thing is that when you get sick, all you can think about is.."How can I exercise, and when can I exercise again?" LOLOLOLOLOL and if you happen to say this to a non-exerciser they look at you like your insane!!:eek: :eek::eek:

Yes, the Tough premix is great!!

The slow and heavy Chest& Back and Triceps & Biceps about killed me though!!! Seriously..I bet I will not be able to pick up anything when I get up tomorrow..LOL!!

:) ;-) :p :9 :7

Hey Girl!!

I think it is so great that your working out so regular!! Your labor will be a breeze!!

:) ;-) :p :9 :7 :+
LOL. Shall we buy you a rug my queen. ??? LOL congratulations. I know you're excited. Do it again. and again and again. Now that you know you can do it, your body will say, oh we know this and kick butt again.

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