Daily Check In 2/21/2005

Bootcamp for me today. I did most of the workout with little modification... except those terminator stairmaster things, WOW! They are really hard to do on carpet. I will have to practice them in the kitchen (linoleum)... my kids are used to this. I practice pikes while they are eating dinner. LOL

Hope you are all enjoying the holiday!

>Your labor will be a breeze!!

Oh Denise, how I LOVE to hear those words!!! I realize nothing is guaranteed but if my labor will be *ANY* easier because I am exercising through my pregnancy than it is WEEEEELLLL worth it!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Ciao Tutti!

CTX: Step & Intervals and CoreMax #3 for me today.

I am sill waiting to get back down into my workout space so that I can try some of the new weight workouts.

Til tomorrow,

Hi all!
Today was SB and loved it! It was so much fun! Ever have one of those days where a workout just feels a million times tougher than normal?? SB is usually very challenging for me but never leaves me gasping for air and holding on to the furniture the way it did today:-( x( ! I was off from work today and thought I'd get in an extra long workout but unfortunately it didn't happen, grrrrrrrrx(

On a more cheerful note I am super proud of my mom.........after not exercising for more than a few months because of the "changes" she's been going through...she started again......with High Step challenge no less and completed the whole thing!! Before all these terrible things she's had to go through she used to try to get in several workouts a day, so I told her see she's still got it:7 :7 !!! She had lots of fun so I hope she'll get as addicted to Cathe as I have:7!!!

Ruth, I am very sorry to hear about your mom; please know you are in my thoughts and prayers and that we are all here for you.

Sandra, great workout....yes imax3 is loads of fun although i am still in learning mode!!

Haydee, yes lowmax is sooo much fun!! Hope your wrist heals quickly though!

Carole, hope you feel better soon!!

Marie, that is funny about practicing your pikes in the kitchen!!!

Tracy wow, imax3 on an 8inch step??? Are you wonder woman??!!!:D }(

Tytbody, welcome to the group!!! We're glad you joined us:D

Jes, great workout girl:7 :7 !! I'll be responding to your email shortly;-) !!

Have a great night!
well, it's 7:06 and i'm glad i did a workout today, b/c UPS still hasn't shown up. maybe tomorrow.x(

carole: i hope i get to do lowmax this week, but i think my first hc will be high step challenge

sandy: good job on SB! your mom sounds like a pro! good for her!
i'll be waiting for your email!

soon as i start bitchin'! they're here!


i'm off to watch! cross your fingers i can hear them!!!
>Wendy, so you have President's Day off, huh? In Alberta we
>have "Family Day" today, which is a day off for some, but not
>everyone. We're the only Canadian province who has a holiday
>today. I think we might take the daughter and her friend to
>Chuck E Cheese for lunch. I've never actually been there

Hi Sandra,

So did you get to experience Chuck E. Cheese today? I have never been either except to purchase something quickly and leave but I hear that it is quite the experience. Mixed reviews depending mostly on the personality (and the patience, lol) of the adult you ask. My mom goes there on occasion with my sister and her children. My mom loves it! I think she might have more fun than the kids! lol Let me know what you thought of it if you went...

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!



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